Clashes between Israelis and Palestinians during Land Day protests

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In World news

A Palestinian protester uses a slingshot to hurl stones at Israeli security officers during clashes at a demonstration marking Land Day, at Qalandiya checkpoint, near the West Bank city of Ramallah. Land Day commemorates the deaths of six Arab Israelis at the hands of Israeli forces during protests against land confiscation in 1976.  

Land Day protests

A young boy laughs while wearing a National League for Democracy (NLD)  sticker on his face, during campaigning ahead of parliamentary by-elections at Mingalar Taungnyunt township in Yangon, Myanmar 

Myanmar prepares for election

Pope Benedict XVI in Cuba 

Pope Benedict XVI in Cuba


The Falkland Islands today

A Molotov cocktail is thrown during a protest by student protesters against the Indonesian government's plans to raise fuel prices, in Jakarta. Protesters rallied across Indonesia against a government proposal to increase fuel prices by a third. 

Clashes in Indonesia


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