Classroom debate over Obama goes viral; teacher suspended

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Related: Teacher Yells At Student: Criminal Offense to Criticize Obama

David Whisenant
May 22, 2012

The teacher at the center of a controversy over a classroom video has now been suspended with pay, according to the Rowan Salisbury School System.

Tonya Dixon-Neely teaches Social Studies at North Rowan High.  She is heard on the video telling a student that he could get arrested for being critical of President Obama, and that people were arrested for being critical of President Bush.

“Effective today, Tanya Dixon-Neely has been suspended with pay while a thorough investigation is being conducted,” school officials told WBTV when asked about Dixon-Neely’s status.

The link to the video first showed up at WBTV on Tuesday of last week.

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18 Responses to “Classroom debate over Obama goes viral; teacher suspended”

  1. In Other Words, You Should Be Able To Criticize A N!gger, Especially The N!gger In Chief.

    Look At This N!gger:



    billp Reply:
    May 22nd, 2012 at 5:53 am

    I thought technically he wasn’t NIC until war was declared. We are at least 2 or 3 days away from that.

    warzonepartizan1502 Reply:
    May 22nd, 2012 at 7:45 am

    Really dude? There are more whites that should hang than blacks. Help wake them from their slumber and stop being manipulated by the race hustlers. Stupid racism just palys into the hands of the Sharptons and jacksons of the world.

  2. Control the words, control the ability to form thought. At least that’s what good o’l Saul and his intellectual useless eaters think.

    So the teacher gets money for not working, where can I get that job?

    I’d like to know the names of the people who were arrested for bad mouthing Bush. Everyone on TV during his administration had not one good word for him, and he probably didn’t deserve one BUT I would defend their ability to say so.

    Were they people like the provocateurs from the DOJ calling for Zimmerman to be linched WITH A BOUNTY? WHY HAS THERE BEEN NO ARRESTS?

    After a thorough investigation the school will: BAN CELLPHONES, duh! No recordings, no problems.

    Saul Alinski would be proud, @QuantumMonkeyButt

  3. from, not to 😛

  4. I expected the sounds and tone of her nlgger accent to show impaired reasoning and low intelligence AND I was not disappointed. You go girl, tell that motherfukker how it’s done, biatch!
    Aint amerikkan education great!! It just needs more cash , dont you know. The percentage of amerikkan nlggers, black ones white ones, who get paid for what passes for a job in this shit hole called amerikka, is beyong the pale. Just like their idol, the blue lipped nlgger in the whitehouse, they both think they are doing a wonderful, admirable job! Fuck the nlgger in the NC classroom and fukk the nlgger in the whitehouse.
    Equality is Slavery. Debt is Wealth. Travel is Privelege. Slavery is Freedom.

  5. suspended with pay, OUCH!!!! Vacation time. Poor dear.

  6. The only reason she got suspended was because she got caught. This will be perceived by the school system as a problem with recording devices at school…..let’s clarify that, in the hands of the students of course.

  7. Don’t you have to have at least a 4 year degree in order to teach?

  8. Home school you kids and eliminate this propaganda machine from your life, expect of course, funding it via property taxes.

  9. I am glad she got suspended, but with pay?! Please. They should fire her butt outright for tromping all over citizens rights. She will probably just go draw a welfare check and food stamps.

  10. Schools only teach our kids how to be good slaves, its funny how we have a black president. And the students are fighting to be free with the argument I heard from the teacher and the students. The teacher is black judging from her voice and words. Brainwashed retard teachers teaching our kids how to be good slaves.

    billp Reply:
    May 22nd, 2012 at 6:50 am

    I guess now I understand how we wound up with an illegal alien Manchurian Candidate for president.

  11. She’ll be re-educated and released back into the School.

  12. Our public schools have been nothing but socialist indoctrination centers ruled by bullies and drugs for decades. That’s why we have what we have in the White House and Congress, and why we are headed for even worse. For every black racist like this that gets caught, and like Brer Rabbit gets thrown into the briar patch, there are 10 thousand more indoctrinating our children. And we’re paying for it a thousand ways. When hell breaks loose, Lord help those caught in the way. Enough is enough. Period.

  13. The School systems in the WEST have been turned into Marxist/Communist social engineering factories which indoctrinate students in politically correct group-think and those thinking independently of the group-think are to be ridiculed and scorned. There has been a gradual assault on Western Culture perpetrated by the internationalist/globalist bicephalous monster of Fabian Socialism and Zionism-Bolshevism.

    Multiculturalism is instituted from the top down as an elitist ruling class tool used to play one or more racial or ethnic groups against another. The ensuing cultural melee serves the political designs, economic goals and power needs of elitist rulers and their sponsors. This technique was developed by Marxist ideologues who used multiculturalism in Russia to divide and conquer resistance to the institution of a communist state.

    Multiculturalism is being used as a hammer to forge the compliant people who will compose the obedient states of the New World Order. As a weapon of post modern political warfare multiculturalism has few equals, which, thus explains its use currently against all of Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Deliberate fragmentation of these nations and the resultant loss of national identity and purpose into politically disharmonious units, serves as a stepping stone to world government. And who will compose that world government? A ruling class consisting of an “economic hierarchy” that replaces the philosophy of the nineteenth century “natural hierarchy.” A force that views countries and the people that live in them first as economic targets to be exploited, and second as military targets to be defeated if they resist.

    Those who sponsor multiculturalism are properly called multiculturalists and generally will be found to be those people with the least amount of personal culture appertaining to them. As a dying tree drops its leaves and is attacked by fungus and worms of decay, so to is a nation set upon by multiculturalists. The dominate culture is attacked from all sides. [ what and who has been the dominate culture in the WEST?] This is not so much a product of maliciousness as necessity. [ it can be malicious though] By vilifying, leveling, and weakening the dominant culture, an environment is created for social, political, and economic turmoil which produces change that will benefit the sponsors of a multiculturalist state. If the government and news media relentlessly pursue issues of race, gender, and diversity in preference to the real issues that need to be addressed, there will be an increasing division of society along the same lines. Which is exactly what the sponsors of multiculturalism want.

    There’s a video on youtube titled…A Conversation About Race….if you type this into the search engine of your choice look for this video, look for the full length one, it’s 58 mins and 53 secs long. It’s worth watching. It’s a film by Craig Bodeker and he goes around asking different people about what their definition of racism is and how often they see it in their daily lives and shows how confused some people are about ‘racism’ and he reveals some double standards.

  14. Mein Fuhrer won’t waste time having people arrested, he’ll just get them “whacked” …

  15. Fire the bitch.

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