Clay Is Becoming The Alternative To Fluoride-Ridden Toothpaste

Why is clay becoming the number 1 alternative to conventional toothpaste?
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Clay-based toothpaste’s are becoming the number one healthy alternative to fluoride ridden conventional toothpastes, and the cost of making is just pennies. reports:

First of you want to get a fine mesh edible clay. You don’t want an abrasive clay. I recommend this product as it has everything you want in a great medicinal clay.

It is fine mesh, soft, and non-abrasive. It is also super absorbent of toxins due to the clay’s large surface area. To make a toothpaste out of this beautiful clay, mix clay and coconut oil in a bowl to make a paste.

Any consistency will do the trick. Don’t get caught up with measurements. Just make a pasty mix. Play with it. Drop some tea tree essential oil in the clay and you’ve got a world-class toothpaste you can feel good about swallowing.


The tea tree essential oil has been proven in dentistry to be good for fighting cavities. The oil in the mixture helps to remove stains that can be removed by an oil based toothpaste. The clay bonds with bad bacteria, toxins, and bacterial microfilms that protect bad bacteria.

At the end of your vigorous brushing sessions, swallow the mixture and allow the clay slurry to clean house in your beautiful body.

On those days when you want some whitening, add some powdered activated charcoal to it. Brush the front teeth to remove stains. Charcoal can be a bit abrasive. So, just brush the teeth which are visible when you smile. Swallow this paste and feel good knowing the charcoal will bond with yucky things you want to remove from your system.

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