Clintonville residents shaken once again by mysterious booms

Clintonville, Wisconsin – Residents are shaken by booms once again in a small Wisconsin city where a small earthquake was recorded last week. Clintonville police say they received 65 calls Tuesday night between 10:35 and 11:40 from residents who experienced the booming. The city has been relatively quiet lately after the booms awakened residents for several days early last week.

The U.S. Geological Survey said a 1.5-magnitude earthquake struck March 20 in Clintonville, a town of about 4,600 people about 40 miles west of Green Bay.

City administrator Lisa Kuss says she has again contacted the Geological Survey about the latest booms.

Geologists say earthquakes can generate seismic energy that moves through rock at thousands of miles per hour, producing a sonic boom when the waves come to the surface.

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