Credit Rating Agency: Italy Poses Largest Threat to Eurozone

Press TV
January 10, 2012

A credit rating agency has announced that the struggling Italian economy poses the greatest threat to Europe’s financial crisis.

According to Fitch Ratings’ head of sovereign ratings David Riley, Italy is at the “front line” of Europe’s debt crisis, as its massive borrowing plan could lead to a potentially dangerous situation.

“The future of the euro will be decided at the gates of Rome,” Riley added.

The rating agency has also pointed out that Italy’s credit rating could be downgraded by the end of January and that the third-largest eurozone economy would possibly have to leave the euro bloc this year.

Riley also warned that the 17 eurozone countries would have to raise two trillion euros in 2012 in order to overcome the economic crisis despite their massive debts.

Italy, as well as nations such as Spain, Belgium, Slovenia, Cyprus, and Ireland have been put on a credit watch by Fitch.

Italian Prime Minster Monti has warned that the country would “collapse” like Greece without the new austerity measures, saying the package would also help solve the eurozone debt crisis.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Italy’s debt, totaling around 1.9 trillion euros, is at 120 percent of its Gross Domestic Product.

The government has said it will meet its target of balancing the budget by 2013 but has warned the Italian economy will slip back into recession next year.

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3 Responses to “Credit Rating Agency: Italy Poses Largest Threat to Eurozone”

  1. Nationalize our banking systems

    Can I visit the web to have other information I hasten to send you the links so that you make your profit without getting tired. I will say no more. I only ask you to pay attention to the contents of the article AgoraVox that gives voice to two Nobel Prize for Economics (Maurice Allais and Paul Krugman) that thinking is conveyed in counter discourse generally, which would tend to prove that the press and our policies do echo proposals that reinforce … .. in their duplicity. I ask you to note that when people decide on a constituent to open another way, refuses to pay a bankruptcy that does not belong, it is possible

  2. As incredible as it sounds, a democratic and anti-capitalist revolution takes place in Iceland right now, and no one speaks, no media relays information, you will not find hardly any trace of “Google” briefly, the blackout … “

  3. The people that conceived of the Euro probably have hedged their investments contingent with a collapse and failure of that currency. Don’t lose any sleep over Italy. We got our own fish to fry.

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