An Engineered Doomsday

The New York Times
January 10, 2012

Scientists have long worried that an influenza virus that has ravaged poultry and wild birds in Asia might evolve to pose a threat to humans. Now scientists financed by the National Institutes of Health have shown in a laboratory how that could happen. In the process they created a virus that could kill tens or hundreds of millions of people if it escaped confinement or was stolen by terrorists.

We nearly always champion unfettered scientific research and open publication of the results. In this case it looks like the research should never have been undertaken because the potential harm is so catastrophic and the potential benefits from studying the virus so speculative.

Unless the scientific community and health officials can provide more persuasive justifications than they have so far, the new virus, which is in the Netherlands, ought to be destroyed. Barring that, it should be put in a few government-controlled laboratories with the highest containment rating, known as biosafety level 4. That is how the United States and Russia contain samples of smallpox, which poses nowhere near the same danger of global devastation.

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56 Responses to “An Engineered Doomsday”

  1. Well something wierd is going on. I have never been sick, I catch a cold and it’s gone in a day or two, I have always been a carrier but never get any illness going around. During the last two years I have been sick at least 7 times. It started with a sudden heart attack that can’t be explained other than stress, then I got hit with H1N1 and I had no idea what it was, after 7 days of getting sicker and sicker every day, I finally went to the ER. They gave me meds to help me feel better but said it was too late to treat, I would have to wait it out. It took a couple of months to get over. In the course of six months a gall stone the size of my gallbladder formed and I ended up having emergency surgery to have the gallbladder taken out, along with 3 other stones that were blocking the duct. They have no idea how a stone that size could grow so fast. About a week before I went in for that I formed a cough, deep barking cough. While in the hospital they said it was emphasyma, I doubt it. They did no tests, just said so, but here we are six months after and I still have the cough, nothing touches it. A cold on top of that hit me about three weeks ago. In this time I’ve had strep throat twice, and got hit with some crud that was going around with an ear infection.
    For someone who has spent 51 years of their life as healthy as they come, all this hit pretty damn hard, and there is no reason for it physically. Something is going on and I can tell you I really don’t like it!! Now they have a super virus!?!?!?! WTF!!??? I don’t know about you all, but is anyone else getting sick more often with things they’ve never had before???

  2. In late August of 1957, my Mom took my sister and me to get shots. On September 1, we got some horrific stomach flu. My mom, brother and dad didn’t get it at all — neither did my grandmother. My dad NEVER got sick — not even a cold. He probably never had shots either. On top of that, he was a very unhealthy eater and smoker. Go figure.

  3. Something no one has considered.

    This new killer virus could be used as a valuable trading comodity among the powers that be. Think about it, we could trade it with Iran in exchange for them shutting down their nuclear program and who knows, maybe the Chinese might want it to lower their own population. Who knows, it might even prove to be a valuable bargaining item with the Taliban

    And if we should use it on our enemies, or if the elite chose to use it on us here in America, it can always be blamed on someone else, now that methods of, “how to make it,” have been published.

    We could otherwise maintain an eternal, “locking of the horns,” with Iran by bargaining without such a virus, but that would require maintaining a very delicate balance and they would probably need some “CONTRA PERKS” to keep going on and on. So far, giving them “Contra Perks” has worked well and perhaps all’s they need are a few more of our drones to maintain the perfect, “Dooms Day” scenario, which is actually the most profitable for both sides.

    One thing for sure, the controllers need both the US and Iran, fully manicured and prone to war, as justification to shape and sculpt all aspects of global politics. Lets face it, the NDAA bill and inflation of military budgets could not thrive as it does without Iran and giving them a drone or two – oops, to help fan the fire is pretty sneeky smart when you think about it.

    Once the elite have a real working vaccine for this virus, they will use it to conquer the world with a mass extinction of the masses, leaving everything their greedy hearts desire. Hopefully they will inbreed to the point they go insane.

  4. David Rosen – Eugenics in America
    December 27, 2011

    On December 10, 2011, the New York Times ran a front-page article exposing the painful legacy of one of America’s hidden social crimes, forced sterilization. The article examines how the policy played out in one state, North Carolina, and the on-going effort to address the suffering of the approximately 3,000 still-living victims of the state’s eugenics program.

    The program was in effect for over four decades, from 1933 to 1977, and some 7,600 people suffered sterilization at the hands of the state.

    In 2002, and after decades of grassroots organizing, NC’s Governor Bev Purdue issued a formal apology to those who had been victims of the program. The Times article focuses on the current campaign to offer compensation (i.e., reparations) to the still-living victims so as to bring this ugly phase of state history to an end.

    Today, the notion of race purification is associated with Nazi Germany. However, the theory of race improvement was originally put forth in 1893 by the noted British scientist Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, as the science of “eugenics.”

    Galton argued: “Eugenics is the study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations, whether physically or mentally.” From the turn-of-the-20th century until the late-70s, eugenics found a welcoming home in the good-old U.S. of A.

    Eugenics is an ideology of the Gilded Age and its aftermath. This was a period when the American elite championed a belief in Social Darwinism, a self-serving misreading of Darwin’s biological “survival of the fittest” hypothesis onto social relations, hierarchy. They believed that biology was destiny and that the white race sat atop the thrown of human evolution, civilization.

    Not surprisingly, many of the Gilded Age elite also believed that those least “developed” were doomed by heredity to be not merely biological inferior but socially unfit. Eugenics was espoused as the science of breeding (Galton wanted it to be a religion), of race improvement for the betterment of civilization.

    An estimated 60,000 people were sterilized as biologically inferior humans in the seven decades that eugenics was in vogue in the U.S. Steven Jay Gould noted: “Sterilization could be imposed upon those judged insane, idiotic, imbecilic, or moronic, and upon convicted rapists or criminals when recommended by a board of experts.” He fails to mention the feeble-minded, the promiscuous woman and the homosexual. Sterilization was most often imposed on youths, the poor, women and African-Americans.


  5. When Bush was telling us we had to invade Iraq, he said, “Saddam Hussein has the most deadly bio-weapons ever devised by man.” He was right.. we sold them to him. If the innocuous U.S. Dept. of Commerce can sell bio-weapons to a puppet dictator like Hussein, then what are the odds this virus will stay where it belongs? Zero. Zip.

    From wiki:

    On May 25, 1994, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee released a report in which it was stated that “pathogenic (meaning ‘disease producing’), toxigenic (meaning ‘poisonous’), and other biological research materials were exported to Iraq pursuant to application and licensing by the U.S. Department of Commerce.” It added: “These exported biological materials were not attenuated or weakened and were capable of reproduction.”

    The report then detailed 70 shipments (including Bacillus anthracis) from the United States to Iraqi government agencies over three years, concluding “It was later learned that these microorganisms exported by the United States were identical to those the UN inspectors found and recovered from the Iraqi biological warfare program.”

    Donald Riegle, Chairman of the Senate committee that authored the Riegle Report, said:

    U.N. inspectors had identified many United States manufactured items that had been exported from the United States to Iraq under licenses issued by the Department of Commerce, and [established] that these items were used to further Iraq’s chemical and nuclear weapons development and its missile delivery system development programs. … The executive branch of our government approved 771 different export licenses for sale of dual-use technology to Iraq. I think that is a devastating record.

  6. Bear with me, I get to the virus eventually.

    When we consider the evolution of our society as the number of people increases along with the technology to control them, one can project the likely scenario forward. The relatively few people that inhabit the upper echelons of government and the corporate world have been able to direct the flow of society through various techniques, the primary of which is war and conflict. As human population has increased, and societies have advanced, this technique has become problematic. Although still used regularly, modern society finds it increasingly of limited use.

    Another primary technique of control was requred. The technique to overtake war as the preferred means of control is the financial system. Although highly effective, this system also has certain ingrained limitations and adverse effects. As we have witnessed over the past several decades, the ongoing evolution of this sytem into ever higher orders of control has also led to the increased possibility of irregularities caused from without and corruption caused from within. The financial system, as we have all witnessed, has grown unstable.

    The underlaying instability of the financial sytem is directly related to greed and unbalance. The greed and unbalance is directly related to resource limitations (real or perceived). Resource limitations are directly related to the number of people requiring those resources. As demand grows, instability grows.

    The world, day by day, has become highly unpredictable, both in terms of our daily lives, the lives of our institutions, our infrastructures, our relations, our goals, and our environment. Change is good, but too much change can be dangerous. And so, as we have witnessed over recent history, controling powers have resorted to finessing and refining their repertoire of techniques of control. They have expanded their toolchest and desire for control has increased dramatically. This is occuring even as the situation becomes increasingly chaotic. To the point that the controlers feed the change that feeds the chaos that feeds the controlers.

    And so, how will this end? Not well, in either of the two possible scenarios that I forsee as inevitable.

    The first, total control. A global police state tyranny. Everyone here has a pretty good idea what this will look like. The question is how stable will it be….will it last?

    The second? The “panic button” scenario. As chaos mounts, and if the scenario above fails, and it very likely will, the power elite hit the panic button before it’s too late (for them, their dreams of a more perfect society, and the environment to sustain it). The release of a deadly strain of virus into the population and a quick and vast die-off. A massive reduction in underlaying pressure of human population on earthly resources and the resulting greed and choas. The perfect point at which to institute a truly new world order. Year Zero for those who are “lucky” enough to survive. The vast dead giving up their future for the few living. And considering human behaviour, how long will it take before the same problems recur?

    So. Unless there is a dramatic breakthrough in human relations and behaviour, I’m planning on a pretty bleak future. Depending on the speed of deterioration, I’ll likely be one of the prisoners (not like I’m not already) or the victim of massive murder.

    • Well done. Thanks.

      Here’s what the global elite are leaving out of their equation, and ironically it’s the same thing Hitler, with all his adeptness at planning, forgot… When you become highly proficient at killing masses of people in a very short time, the rotting human carcasses become highly problematic. I have a hard time imagining what they see as the end game. They may think wiping the slate clean will produce some sort of utopia, but all they will rule over is a planet littered with death, void of life, joy, culture, art and love.

    • Raven,

      The end game is Year Zero. A new society made up of “premium stock” and all the remaining earthly resources to be enjoyed by millions instead of billions. In essence, a “reboot” of civilization. Of course, there will be the human mess to clean up first, but the thing about all those deaths is that nature takes care of the dead quite well.

      The thing is this, it’s all in the timing. These people aren’t stupid and I believe they’d do this more out of a belief in it’s necessity than an outright desire to kill billions. Either way, it won’t matter. They will allow society, culture and science to advance as it has, propelled by all, benefitting as much as they can from all our work, continuing to refine their methods of control, even as conditions worsen….right up until we near the point of no return, where they believe the risks of continuing on are outweighed by the risks of pulling the pin. No doubt, there is much risk either way…but they will have planned things out well in advance. The criteria for their actions will be in place. But nothing is guarranteed. No plan is infallable. There is always the unknown element. They are still unsure. Premeditated murder requires the right mindset, plans and conditions to arrive. And this is why they wait.

      • Yes, timing is everything, I agree. Rarely do I see your level of critical thinking on a forum. At the risk of sounding Ickesh, I believe that “unknown element” they are so unsure about is hovering around us as we speak. Peace.

    • “risks of continuing on are outweighed by the risks of pulling the pin.”

      should read…”risks of pulling the pin are outweighed by the risks of continuing on.”

  7. Why talk about the Devil’s business when Jesus is far more rewarding to share! Come with me to better thoughts! See Activated dot org

  8. the scientists who developed this are at risk of kidnapping and torture by islamo fascists

    • What a stupid comment. You must be an ISRAELI ART STUDENT HIGH ON HIS OWN SUPPLY OF ECSTASY

  9. There is enough BAD in the world without creating more BAD!

    But these people are all on power trips and think they are GOD! Probably don’t even believe in GOD since they themselves are GOD.

    • The Devil who inspires these discoveries is called the destroyer in the Bible! So hideous is the Devil that no one will survive his onslaught! Anyone worshiping the devil is a fool! –e

      Try Jesus for an instant inoculation against all evil today!

  10. A little off target BUT
    Ruling Leaves Dioxin Cleanup Out of Monsanto Trial

  11. I never take thier shots. Live on the thoery garlic fights vampires. Wards mosquitos too. Knowledge is power, just keeping up to date with all thier crap is beyond depressing. Just don’t take anything for granted as really never should.


    • We will get ‘em when the time is right. There’s a lot more of us. DVD’s are a more potent weapon than rifles for now. Meanwhile, it doesn’t hurt to make sure your are geared up and ready to go.

      The Intelligence Report with Mark Koernke is Information to prepare you for the coming GLOBALIST war against the Free Men and Women
      of America at h ttp: // home. comcast. net/~intelrptadmin /ArchivePage.html

    • The research being done on this and many other virus’s is to measure the effects on the timing of the life of the antidote. The neutralizer must be made for individual and distinguishable hosts.
      You can work out the rest yourself.

  13. It takes massive intelligence to carry out designing one of these viruses in a lab, what in the heck are they thinking? That somehow terrorists might pull off what they did in a high tech lab. We give them way too much credit.

  14. They probably already have some really scary shit right on Plum Island that if released could wipe out half of the northeast

    • Moved it to Kansas City

      • Expanded it to Kansas. I read they now maintain both. Their crap never goes away. It just gets bigger and more ominous as they weaponize everything they touch.

  15. Is it not just a matter of time before a mad scientist do the unthinkable? Is it not a matter of time before someone or somebody nuke a major city? Is it all not just a “matter of time?” before we all go extinct? – while we focus so much on each other, we can’t even focus on ourselves. Humanity was meant for destruction. Another fail species – created by E.T not god….

    • For now, God holds it all in check! I agree with the odds of disaster happening that will be of the man made type, with 7bil ppl on the planet, it would seem that its inevitable.

  16. The NWO has openly stated that it wants to reduce the world population to 500 million. Obviously, they are developing these germs to kill people. (Colloidal silver will kill most if not all of them. Remember that. 10-12 ppm.) And, of course, the scientists who are developing these diseases think that they should be among the 500 million while you die. Notice how the perpetrators of mass murder never think that they should be the ones to die? Whether it be the Holocaust or abortion or euthanasia or this, none of them would ever volunteer to be among those who get killed.

  17. The word is Endeavor, but few were paying attention.

  18. The elite had to cap off the natural hot springs of arkansas for their own use. The elite probably detox on a regular basis!

  19. I’ve done research in Biochemistry and Microbial genetics years and years ago. Never would my mentor dr.s have said, hmmm, what’s an interesting avenue of research: let’s try to make a virus that’s more deadly to humans. That’s not research, that’s weaponisation, not the purview of civilian research, that’s military. That the media can discuss this while blurring the lines of understanding between science in the public interest and death is the most scary part for me to see.

    • At the same time I did do research on E.Coli antibiotic resistance, not realising at the time, why would you want to give one of the best vectors, resistance to medications? They said, as a way to tell if their plasmids were integrated into the cells, I now suspect something far worse.

      If there becomes superbugs of E.Coli type that just happens to hit the news, they’ve been doing research on that at least since 1980s.

      • Actually that research started way before the 1980′s. The polio vaccine had live cancer virus in it!

        • I’ve read that the polio vaccine may have also contained the primate form of A.I.D.S. because they used primate blood to produce the vaccine and that’s how it was transferred to humans.

      • In a scientific report released a few months back, it was stated that E. Coli germinated in space was up to 700 more potent than that greated down here.

  20. Very fitting. Did anyone watched Contagium? Well, hollywood has always mimic the wishes of those in power.

    The pot bellies, sissy nellies won’t release this as a weapon of depopulation unless is 110% safe for them. And that is really REALLY hard to accomplish with our current grade of technology. Even when considering that our current technology is 10, 20, 30 years behind the technologies they (the nellies) may and should and probably have.

    I think they might keep that as a bargain ship for some more WTF moment. I see the depopulation coming to us this way:

    A) First control. Absolute undeniable control of the peoples, societies and it’s mechanisms. (almost there) THIS IS KEY! This is way he haven’t moved yet from this fase. We are still in this fase.

    B) After the nellies have the control, they might depopulate us via a ton of methods and using a ton of “products” readily available today. No need for a fancy super resistant ultra mega powerful virus that may get out of hand and make the 12 monkeys go out into the the light. Take meningitis for exemple, or bubonic plague, or even smallpox. All that can wipe us all out if patient lacks the proper treatment.

    When considering these depopulation methods, you ALL forget that many plagues wiped large percentages of the human population throughout the history. The black plague alone wiped 2/3 of Europe.

    Now let’s sum up some things. The NWO is not a new thing, it is a centuries old ideal. These ideals are basically the same, they haven’t evolved much since Nathan Mayer’s time. What changed are the tools (as usual within human history). This ideal have really come into fruition in the 20th century. Now if the 19 century was the Rothschild’s century, what have we to say about the 20th? READ ME NOW! All the medical discoveries trough out the 20th century were either funded by the very same people we think want to proscribe us or hijacked by them. Either way, today they control the entire health industry.

    We all know that vaccines today are an vague idea of what they were. They indeed helped to eradicate some fierce diseases. But for what end? Remember? The NWO was not created yesterday, and they control the medicine we use for a long long time. Are you following me?

    No, we don’t need a super resistant deadly unknown virus. What “we” need is some chickenpox, smallpox, some bubonic plague without the proper care. And the rest goes down all naturally.

    Make no mistake, they already have the bug that will wipe millions. And you know that bug! All they wait is to the control to be extent to it’s maximum, so the effectiveness of the disease can be maximized without anyone or any group or any nation getting in they way and aid the plagued ones.

    That’s what I think about the subject.

    BTW, Sorry for the long post.


    • Peoples who watch the tv shows and movies that portray all the nwo tactics are so brainwashed that they think that only happens in the movies or on tv. The global elite sure was counting on that brainwashing of peoples to think that what they do on tv and movies cannot be done in reality. So much for that !!!!!!!!!! Too many of us know the truth!

    • You will no doubt contract it when your placed into the FEMA camps for your protection like the Japanese were. Christians, Jews, conservatives start getting murdered outright and wholesale, government steps in and rounds them up for their protection. While in holding, a disease breaks out millions die, Opps! We are so sorry about that. We had good intentions though!

      • Yes, remember the blankets given to comfort Natives in North America…it was smallpox then, delivered silently as “humanitarian aid”…nothing changes but the tools used to deliver evil.

  21. NYT actually thinks it will be safe in govt hands.

  22. I think these Joseph Mengele’s should get justice

    feathers , tar, and lamp posts come to mind, dunno why

  23. In the future, it is imperative that any such experiments be rigorously analyzed for potential dangers – preferably through an international review mechanism, but also by governmental funding agencies – before they are undertaken, not after the fact as is happening in this case.

    Is this guy serious? What freaking world is he living in that he thinks the government is going to tell the public what new and destructive virus they’re working on, much less care about what we think in regards to safety? After all, they are engineering these bio-weapons to kill us, not save the country from some enemy invader.

  24. Many people don’t realize and I almost fell over the other night on TheNational they featured a story that the flu started as one entity. HN virus each of the number behind it is each time in a lab the virus has been manipulated by science. H1N1 is once on each divide. H2N1 Twice on one divide and once on the other. The only way for this variation to occur is via scientific intervention. Scary.

    • Thanks for the lesson on the scaling system. I always wondered what the numbers meant. Good post.

    • Thnaks for that info , T !

    • It is worse than scary, especially now that we know that drones are small enough nanochips that can be inserted in insects and birds etc. I hope that the global elite illuminati have moles within them to make sure they do not miss out on experiencing their own demise by their own hands!

  25. This is all part of the Zombie Apocalypse they keep pushing with images and shows everywhere. Just think, by the time they unleash some kind of virus on everyone, almost everyone will be trying to kill others who are sick “just to survive the apocalypse”. Another planned out scenario. Create the problem, show how they should react (media, tv, movies), then offer the solution (kill everyone you can)?

    • That’s actually a very astute observation.

      Initiate widespread predictive programming, that persuades the masses that ‘Zombies’ are not only plausible, but could very well become a reality. Then further the programming to include how to deal with said Zombies, as in the use of various implements to kill them, and that such killing is fully justified.

      Release a virus that sickens people to the point where they wonder around drooling and out of their minds, meanwhile scaring the shit out of the common citizen. If the virus doesn’t kill the person, his neighbor will surely finish him off.


      Disgusting and evil, but still, brilliant.

      • zombies arent real dipshit

        • You just proved yourself wrong. Thanks for playing.

    • Just remember to keep your cardio up and always and I repeat always double tap a zombie.

      • LMFAO! heavy on the game play there bibles?

  26. The same countries who are buddies in this stuff are also the same countries who are involved in the illuminati!

    • Those leaders of those same countries are the Global Elite NWO illuminati!

  27. Sick warped eugenics and mutations of all varieties are already known by all truth tellers! This truth will continue to be told!

    • It is not the common peoples; but the greedy tyrants of these countries who are harming and killing and altering every species , including humans.

      • So while the leaders of these countries all have pacts and agreements and investments in the NWO ; they are also the same leaders of those countries who are the warmongers. So many common peoples know those truths that all that the NWO tries to keep hidden and sweep under the rug is exposed to all who know the truth.

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