Creepy ‘One Voice’ Occupy Protesters Heckle Ron Paul

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Congressman responds by pointing out he’s been condemning the 1% for decades

Steve Watson
November 22, 2011

A gaggle of ‘occupy’ sympathizers interrupted a question and answer session at a Ron Paul town hall gathering in Keene, New Hampshire Monday, proceeding to heckle the congressman in the form of a strange collective chant.

Taking hold of the microphone at the gathering, a man near the center of the audience stood up and declared “mic check”, before reeling off a pre-prepared speech, each line of which was collectively repeated by a group of so called 99 percenters.

“We are the 99 percent. We will be heard,” said the man. “There are criminals on Wall Street who walk free. There are protesters in jail. There is something wrong with this system.” he concluded.

The man then sat down and the commotion died down as Paul came back to his podium and asked the protesters “Do you feel better?”. The rest of the audience then broke into applause as the lead protester stood up and gestured to Paul, wagging his finger and throwing his arms out to his sides.

The Congressman responded to the protesters by stating that he has been part of the 99% for a long time and has consistently rallied against the bailouts handed to Wall Street special interests.

Watch the video:

It is not exactly clear whether the ‘occupy’ sympathizers were taking issue with Ron Paul’s campaign or simply using the event to get publicity. Some did appear to be shouting “Obama” during the exchange, however.

For these people to heckle Paul, a man who has never taken any donations from Wall Street banks, and endorse Obama, whose 2008 campaign was financed almost exclusively by the likes of Goldman Sachs displays a frightening lack of awareness.

The incident once again raises questions over who is attempting to direct sections of the protests and for what political agenda.

Furthermore, antagonizing Ron Paul’s supporters, a sizeable and hugely energetic grass roots political force, will get these particular protesters nowhere. In reality many of the protesters at occupy events across the nation are Paul supporters and advocate going after the real financial criminals in Washington and within the Federal Reserve.

Ron Paul’s full speech at Keene State College can be viewed below:

Meanwhile, in related news, Ron Paul continues to surge in the early voting states.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
  • Creepy One Voice Occupy Protesters Heckle Ron Paul

New polls out of New Hampshire and Iowa indicate that Paul is on course to challenge former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney for first place in the primaries.

A Suffolk/7News poll of likely New Hampshire Republican primary voters found Paul tied in second place at 14 percent with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Romney was placed in first place with 41 percent of the votes.

In the latest New Hampshire Journal poll, Paul remains a top three candidate with 16%, while Romney and Gingrich received 29% and 27% respectively.

“While others may rise and fall quickly, Congressman Paul’s support is steady and rising,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

In Iowa, a Iowa State University/Gazette/ KCRG poll found Paul within reach of first place at 20.4%, just over 4% behind Herman Cain and within the margin of error.

“These numbers are a confirmation of Congressman Paul’s principled message,” said Jesse Benton. “The American people are ready for real change in the way things are done in Washington, and Ron Paul is the only candidate who will fundamentally change the status quo, by offering serious cuts in spending, bringing our troops home, and restoring our economy to bring prosperity back to America.”

These latest polls dovetail with surveys published last week indicating that Paul was statistically tied for first place in Iowa and a strong second place in New Hampshire.


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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49 Responses to “Creepy ‘One Voice’ Occupy Protesters Heckle Ron Paul”

  1. Just shows the ignorance of the OWS crowd. To interrupt Paul while taking questions to spout some garbage when Paul single handedly has been against Wall Street corruption for decades. Why are these OWS clowns not interrupting Cain, Romney or Gingrich? Because they are morons and one of them actual cheers Obama just to add the icing on the cake of stupidity. Maybe they drank too much fluoride or ate lead paint chips when they were kids.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 1:01 pm


    November 22nd, 2011 at 2:36 pm


    November 22nd, 2011 at 2:41 pm

    Ironically, at the local Philadelphia occupy city hall, there is a whole tent dedicated to strictly Ron Paul, not too shabby of a showing there of people spreading the message. Ironic, but indicative of the pointlessly divided politic that they would choose Ron Paul, probably the number 1 favored republican among democrats, to protest.

    Read a book!
    (Read a book!)

    Aidan Monaghan Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 2:57 pm

    U.S. “Occupy” activities have become overrated. While the first week was good for raising awareness, subsequent weeks have been associated with bad hygiene and unclear objectives. Why are there seemingly no “Occupy K Street” or “Occupy Pennsylvania Avenue” crowds? Occupying parks will not change the world.

    Again, one should ask themselves if these protests are just the product of deep pocketed foundations and ideologically mislead followers. Few if any are usually self motivated enough to protest anything this long, much less economic policy.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 4:13 pm

    The OWS protestors know that there is something wrong but seem to lack the intellect or the mental clarity to understand and identify the problem and they are protesting because they are feeling the pinch*.There are unclear objectives because everyone has toi think the protest is about themselves and their agenda so they use it as a platform as they are apparently too stupid to realise that if you focus on the cause of the problem rather than the symptoms then that will go a long way to solving the majority of problems.

    The repetition thing is very weird where they just repeat what is said as they sound like morons.In this instance they acted like juveniles with no idea about innappropriate behaviour which was obvious when the overweight retard in the video started waving his arms around when he got some attention.

    I daresay if there wasnt such a large sector of the public that are so stupid and retarded then a lot more progress would have been made by now.

    “There is something wrong with this system”

    That was very observant and its corporate fascism and corruption that is what is wrong with the system so cut the shit and get to the point as its isnt difficult to work out for yourself.

    This makes them sound like helpless victims who are clueless as in “why is this happening ????” which is exactly what the system wants and in fact they are helpless victims which is exactly what the system wants which is the exact reason for the chemical and intellectual dumbing down of society.

    *Feeling the pinch is enough to motivate the unmotivated to the point that it forces the lazy and stupid to take an interest in politics and current events.Its always the same thing as people dont protest about anything that doesnt hurt them in the pocket.Starvation is another way to motivate the unmotivated.

    what OWS has acheived is to demonstrate to everyone that they live under a corporate fascist regime and they can no longer say that you or i are “conspiracy theorists” as its all happening.Being shot at with rubber bullets etc has a certain amount of shock value which should snap them out of their ignorance and complacency hopefully.

    Its overt tyranny time so have fun.

    Nimadan Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 5:33 pm

    “Ironic, but indicative of the pointlessly divided politic that they would choose Ron Paul, probably the number 1 favored republican among democrats, to protest.”

    Nothing ironic about it; in fact completely deliberate on both the Democrap political and Globalist control levels. Ron Paul is the only GOP candidate who is not under globalist control, and he is the only one who can speak to some of the DP base. Both DP political hacks and the globalist power brokers have reason to want him suppressed.

    ickybiker Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 1:52 pm

    Yea you know, I wonder about that soft kill stuff too. Their brains are fried.

    I was “chemically pacified” by my mother back in the 60′s with “dexidrene” which I think is basically the same thing they use today under the name “ridlin”. Fluoridated water, vaccines…..the whole shot.

    My point is that it took me 45 years to fight off the effects, and I still have to read things two or three times to “get it” sometimes. It CAN be overcome, but it takes an open mind and a lot of work. The latter can be accomplished by anyone. The former requires the ability to entertain alternative views from your own.

    Some of these people are morally challenged, some are just ignorant, but some have been chemically enslaved through no fault of their own.

    Right or wrong, criminality is being exposed all the way down to the street cop. it will only get bigger until the indictments start to flow. When we see Paulson, Bernanke, Geitner, and the rest of those clowns do the perp walk, thing will change.

    JoeSquanch420 Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    iv been taking that dexidrine for 10 years , but havent used it in almost two weeks, holy crap that is powerful stuff

    ickybiker Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 3:10 pm

    Stay off it if you have a choice Joe, it will cook your brain. It’s actually designed to make the person who takes it complacent and docile, “one with the cube” so to speak.

    Stick with the 420 if you need a release….it has many health benefits, and will free your mind.

    Vic Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 2:05 pm

    Now before we know if the OWS crowd involved weren”t infiltrators to that movement, i am not sure they were true OWS people??? like the tea party infiltrators???? discrediting these movements is a must to the establishment.

    but it is possible idiots who are ignorant about a movement act out in stupid ways …….thus discrediting the movement? in the end both (the infiltrators or and the idiots serve the cause of the establishment, they both discredit the cause.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 4:02 pm


    ExYUamericano Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 2:18 pm

    ows are nothing more than sheep panicing.. but not sure why…

    AandO Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 5:21 pm

    Pretty much sums up the way I see it as well

  2. Ron Paul or bust.

    streetcourt Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 12:29 pm

    “These numbers are a confirmation of Congressman Paul’s principled message,” said Jesse Benton. “The American people are ready for real change in the way things are done in Washington, and Ron Paul is the only candidate who will fundamentally change the status quo, by offering serious cuts in spending, and restoring our economy to bring prosperity back to America.”

    The illusions live on and concept of a savor is the greatest illusions of ALL.
    A changing of the guard is really no change at all merely the continuing of the great delusion!

    ” bringing our troops home” our troops, another illusion these are the corporation’s and banker’s troops!

    dhsn Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Therefore we should offer our throats up to the vampires.
    Like heck. YOU be a sheep, lemming, a host for the parasites.

    Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
    All men die. Few men truly live.
    Live free or die.

    I may see you where no snowball stands a chance, why do you go there a slave?

  3. It shows that the OWS crowd are HARDCORE MARXIST STOOGES.

  4. OWS
    Anxiety Displacement Neurosis

  5. It shows just how stupid they really are , bunch of Obama brown shirt trouble makers . Most of the little bastards live in nice homes and have money .

  6. Oh I bet the blood sucking Media will be all over this one!!!! You can bet it was a stunt to try and demonize Ron Paul..they have nothing to demonize him on so they are making stuff up now….
    It’s the republicans…no it’s the democrats, no it’s the Easter bunny….no it’s Alex Jones…..
    NO….. it’s Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, City, JP Morgan, AIG and all the other SCUMBAGS… Corporations…oil companies…’s everywhere….WAKE UP

  7. What an embarrassment. This just tells me that the Occupy movement has no clue as to what their gripe is. That goddamned mindless cult-like chanting is beginning to get on my nerves, too. If any of those coffeehouse douche bags had a clue, they would be parked in one of the various Federal Reserve offices, or better yet, in front of the WHITE HOUSE.

    dncholas Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 2:37 pm


    RageAgainstTHEM Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 3:05 pm

    Likewise, I caught a clip on msnbc earlier of OWS interupting an Obama speech. They were quickily drowned out by the crowd that clapped and yelled in unison OBAMA OBAMA!!

    Now if that isn’t a paradox, I don’t know what is.

  8. 99%=Obamanation. Absolute moronic scum, know nothing assholes. When you consider that most of these protesters are going to vote for the president that gave the OK to beat them, it’s easy to figure out that they are sadomasochistic fools. Ron Paul is a good man, unlike his corporate owned colleagues. Go Ron Paul.

  9. Childish rants from OWS. These people at OWS do not respect there elders. This country has fallen into a bunch of spoiled brats and OWS, shows there true colors. No respect.

  10. Looking at the picture of their hands looks is forming a triangle it’s a symbol of the nwo, they are desperate trying anything to beat ron paul, which is impossible given fair chances he has already won 2012 …

    kat Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 1:28 pm

    I kinda thought the same myself about this Triangle , NWO CRAP ! . Ron Paul 2012 !

    dhsn Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    We have a quorum.

    Master Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    I would advise folks to try binaural beats (brainwave entrainment) it possibly may help against mind control devices as in this picture.
    It artifically changes brainwave frequencies to enable you to relax,study ect I found it quite interesting. You create two different tones with a change of pitch, set first tone left ear other right ear. Anyways it’s just fyi folks …

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 2:10 pm



  11. Although I agree that Ron Paul is the best choice we have for president, I however feel that if we wait for elections A YEAR AWAY from now, RP will be useless, except maybe for rebuild/restoration.
    If something isn’t done between now and then that starts to make a difference, it will be to late, even for RP.
    We need to get these fucking criminals out of their positions of power NOW..not in a year from now, after elections.
    Another thing..If we don’t do anything between now and then, an executive order to postpone elections might get implemented, or, when the elections come, and we have done nothing to oust these criminals, the elections will certainly be fixed, and those waiting to elect RP will have waited for nothing, because the election will be ‘rigged’.

    In any event, I hope that RP is the one elected when the voting does come. These ‘hecklers’ mean absolutely nothing, if RP stays the course. They are only making themselves bigger degenerate assholes.
    Blessed Be to all
    (TROOPS; AWOL if you have to, but get your asses home. Your families need you here. If not, just watch them die slowly from 4000+ miles away..while you are doing the bidding of the ones that killed them)

  12. OWS what a bunch of damn fools!

  13. Seems to me the OWS people are barking up a lot of the wrong trees and not at the ‘root’ of the problems.

    They should be thankful that Ron Paul is not like the MSM candidates.

    BR549 Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 3:15 pm

    “They should be thankful that Ron Paul is not like the MSM candidates.”

    The problem is that they can’t tell the difference. All they can think about is how much they are getting screwed. Even if Jesus himself showed up, and he happened to be wearing a tie and standing behind a podium, these morons would still be out for blood. Nothing has changed in 2011 years.

    There is a reason the church continually makes reference to “sheep”, “flocks”, and “shepherds”, and it isn’t because there was a strong ovine population at the time of Christ. It’s because the majority of those in OWS can’t see the light of day.

    Ron Paul may not be the solution to our entire problem, but he is the closest thing to any kind of solution at the moment. These idiots couldn’t even heckle him on issues that were relevant to him. Massive fail! Doh!

  14. I’ve heard quite a few of those creepy protester speeches that get repeated by the everyone on youtube… including the recent cop spraying students with capsicum spray….

    I don’t understand why “Occupy” protesters would be heckling Ron Paul. If they are, They obviously haven’t done their homework on the man, and have decided that just because he wears a nice suit he must be with the banks. Idiots.

  15. Why are they making that aleister crowleyn/illuminati sign? (hands folded into a pyramid)

  16. I presume by them doing the pyramid shape with their hands that they are insinuating Ron Paul is illuminati. Weird.

  17. @Wiggins, taken at face value, it means they are involved in occultism, hexes, curses, psychic control and all corruption are worked through this emblem. This one is a symbol of the orders(Illuminati)
    This one is the basis of the New World Order for fucks sake!

    Taken at face value, it looks like mockery of those against the illuminated ones, but if thats the case, it also means being controlled by them quite directly. Like mind controlled,

    This is weird, especially because that particular gesture, is very different then what we’ve seen from any kind of protesters.

  18. Get out of OWS. Lets Soros and his provocateur cronies have it. It means nothing to recovering US constitution and Bill of Rights from Atramental. Ron Paul has solid voter support. That’s not going to change.

  19. IF Ron Paul got the nom. you know the media are going to link him to Alex Jones and this site and if/when that happens Ron Paul is done. The Obama we get re-elected.

    Even if half of what Alex talks about is true NO BODY will believe it.


    you believers can convince people with PROVABLE FACTS and NOT HYPOTHETICAL INNUENDO sound bits that when two different people hear you get two different interpretations.

    It’s time to step up. If you believe in Ron Paul then you HAVE TO PROVE the things Alex talks about.

    You CAN NOT tell people “look it up”.

    Can anyone do that?

  20. I believe we are fucked, and all hope is gone. And I am an optimist really

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 4:04 pm



  21. Secret recording of Donald Rumsfeld talking how great it would be to have a terror attack:

    youtube dot com/watch?v=0GlzLVP_T9w

    TrueInfo Reply:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 4:45 pm

    ahh see that is what I mean. You hear him say how great it would be for another attack. I hear him say that people see less of a threat the longer we go without an attack and the only way people will change that perception is if we indeed have another attack. to me he is stating a fact of human nature.

  22. And just to think that the news media wants to insist this man is unelectable ? Lets you know just how retarded the news media really is !

  23. You see, we aren’t the only ones who see’s the New World Order being developed, China does too; and they don’t tax their people, so why is our government taxing us ? They know we’re a bunch of war dogs, and so does the rest of the world.

  24. who are these cult zombies? they show their hand don’t they?
    last year I was at a Anti Obama care rally at Capitol Hill, Further down the Mall was a “immigration reform” rally,, 20,000 illegals were bused in,at least 300 buses took them straight there. free food, a stage for entertainment. Somebody spent many millions for that rent a crowd, Scary shit.
    Wish I was there, There is a big story behind these creeps.

  25. Maybe they should of been listening and learning. I support the protest 100% but a little common sense would go along way.

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