Curling Up In a Ball to Avoid Police Violence May Be Considered “Active Resistance”

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Justifying the Use of MORE FORCE, Including Baton Strikes

Washington’s Blog
November 21, 2011

In a Police State Like Modern America, Even Peaceful Resistance Is Considered Violence and Cause for Even More Brutality

As I’ve repeatedly documented, passive resistance is considered “violence” and aggression in today’s militarized police state.

For example, protesters peacefully linking arms is considered “violence” by the UC Berkeley police. And failing to get on the ground is grounds to beat a peaceful war hero so bad that his spleen is ruptured (and then denying him medical treatment for 18 hours).

Of course pregnant women, old ladiesjudgeslegal observers (and see this), reportersveterans andskinny students are all scary and violent enemies who need to be beaten into submission.

And as AP reports today – in relation to the pepper spraying of peaceful UC Davis students:

Charles J. Kelly, a former Baltimore Police Department lieutenant who wrote the department’s use of force guidelines, said … After reviewing the video [of the pepper spraying of UC Davis students] he observed at least two cases of “active resistance” from protesters. In one instance, a woman pulls her arm back from an officer. In the second instance, a protester curls into a ball. Each of those actions could have warranted more force, including baton strikes and pressure-point techniques.

“What I’m looking at is fairly standard police procedure,” Kelly said.

So in today’s “standard” police state procedure, curling into a ball to avoid violence from police is considered “active resistance” which warrants more force, including baton strikes?

The real problem, of course, is that the criminal class that defrauded our country out of prosperity is now sending in the mercenaries to keep the peasants in line. See thisthis and this.

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51 Responses to “Curling Up In a Ball to Avoid Police Violence May Be Considered “Active Resistance””

  1. I can see the guns coming out soon, Americans can sure take some unjustified punishment before they react.

    Willfull Endangerment Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 6:18 am

    I think there will be students/protesters shot, and guns will be found later hidden in the bushes…

    emus Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 10:23 am

    when the Europeans claim that Jews control their lives it sounds to me like a whore complaining about rough sex. Jews and Iranians are just pawns in the game. elites want people to be religious so they can continue with their dirty game of dividing and conquering. does everyone still believe that myth about the prophet Noah when he took all kinds of animals onto a boat? phony white people would say yes I know. election is near and the jerks(whites) would elect the same criminals like themselves and later claim that they are not responsible for what government does. every time I speak to a white woman about politics I get the impression that she is just a lying, gold digging, promiscuous witch. they are just as shrewd as a white male. they often talk about the so called founding fathers. those founding fathers ought to be called rapists, murderers, and slave owners. Jews controlling the world is just a myth like so many other myths about them created by white man like Mel Gibson that Jews are responsible for all the wars. white people want these wars and later pass all the blames on to Jews. It’s so easy to do without having to admit that they are racist by nature and they don’t have any guilt feeling. Jews at least work for what they want. white people just take things away from people by military means. they are the true parasites. look how much land the white people stole and wiped off the native population in America, New Zealand, Australia, south Africa etc. they continued stealing and robbing India for 200 years. Jews took only a tiny little land in Palestine and didn’t really wipe Palestinians off completely. for that I can forgive the Jews since they need a home as well. I would just beg them to treat Palestinians with more dignity and grant them equal rights. Jews should be allowed to live in any Muslim country they would like. but, white people are like poisonous snakes. they can never be trusted. they are born without a sense of guilt. these small minded crooks have never done anything for humanity.

    Jasher the Giant Killer Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 11:22 am

    I believe that myth about Noah and the ark. Its up on Mt Ararat as we speak.

    JoeSquanch420 Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 12:07 pm

    EMUS is a tool, your a fuckin troll. quit copy and pasting ur stupid hand_dart comments

    Qwibqwib Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 1:24 pm

    Emus is a troll. Don’t feed the troll.

    Jasher the Giant Killer Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 1:30 pm

    I figured it was a troll.

    the sage Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 6:52 am

    …and when they react….then the stormtroopers will be ready for them…according to plan.

    wallyduke Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 1:16 pm

    durt da durr!!!

    ickybiker Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 6:54 am

    As one commenter to the first linked article Noted:

    “When a person, being without fault, is in a place where he has a right to be, is violently assaulted, he may, without retreating, repel by force, and if, in the reasonable exercise of his right of self defense, his assailant is killed, he is justified.” Runyan v. State, 57 Ind. 80; Miller v. State, 74 Ind. 1.

    And also:

    “Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer’s life if necessary.” Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306. This premise was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case: John Bad Elk v. U.S., 177 U.S. 529.

    These brainwashed thugs really need to stop drinking the koolaide…their lives, and ours depend on it.

    the sage Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 8:08 am

    You can cite that case law to the doctor as he is pulling the lead slugs out of your chest with some tweezers.

    wallyduke Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 1:11 pm

    unfortunately you wont be able to cite it to any of your fluoride lobotomized companions in the fema camp you and everyone without the common sense to defend themselves usher in. Of course you can always reminisce of the grandiose wisdom you imparted to us pitiful beleaguered PP readers.

    Qwibqwib Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    When one of us dies, ten more will step in to take his place. Individuals are meaningless. Join us…

    Seal Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 1:10 pm

    I’m with you IckyBiker…we have rights…that one calls himself “sage” is just stinkweed…that ain’t no tumbleweed either…

    LibertyHound Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 7:44 am

    When people are repeatedly treated as guilty of something they didn’t do, it is inevitable that they will just go ahead and do it anyway! What is the difference?

    When pigs treat people as violent for being peaceful then blowing pigs heads off will be considered the same thing.

    Why not pass a law that cops aren’t humans, which they prove is true, and then killing them will be a non-issue.

    Odysseus Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 8:25 am

    It’s getting to the point where we are going to need militias and armed neighbors to defend the public from these tyrants. Why would the military support the police? In Washington state the police are killing soldiers from Fort Lewis routinely.

    Captain Ron Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 8:33 am

    Next time instead of “balling up”

    Try “NUTTING UP”!!!

    Startover Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 11:06 am

    California Cops often charge the protestor with: “Impersonating a Pinata”

  2. They are murderers at heart. Children of Satan, doing his works because they are evil.
    These police officers will all have their part in the lake of fire that burns with brimstone.
    Justice WILL be meted out by a holy God.
    Count on it.

    Willfull Endangerment Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 6:15 am


    Sam_Wheat Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 6:33 am

    God WILL punish these oinkers.

    All it takes is one person who’s had enough, who’s been brutalized enough, who’s family members have been beaten to death.

    One chosen by God to lead, just as in the case of Gideon.

    “Apres moi, le dulge.”

    Captain Ron Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 7:08 am

    “All it takes is one person who’s had enough, who’s been brutalized enough, who’s family members have been beaten to death. One chosen by “god” to lead, just as in the case of Gideon.”

    Really is that all it takes??? LMAO!

    Once again… complete nonsensical, delicate, whimsical, unadulterated, ignorant, unabashed, analized, debilitated, decrepit, effete, enervated, exhausted, faint, feeble, flaccid commentary there sammy boy…

    Why not just “ghost” yerself buckethead…

    JoeSquanch420 Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 12:10 pm

    sam _ Queef. i bet u got that million $ u prayed to god for too, eh?

    wallyduke Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 1:13 pm

    James_4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

  3. Some people will justified anything, including attacking someone when their back is turned or curled up into a ball, once again the police have shown the world what cowards they are.

  4. Those idiots in the police must be feeling the pressure, to come up with that garbage. Keep it up OWS the police are starting to crack and want to go home and put there feet up.

  5. they dont announce “you’re under arrest” when theyre grabbing on ya either,
    so who’s really guilty of assault? anything after that moment IS self defense.

    this government is A-OK with “pre-emptive strikes” on other nations,
    but theyed be shitting bricks if protestors dared use the same reasoning against heavily armed thugs with riot gear wearing bulletproof vests who use those weapons against the people!

    point blank shooting people with rubber bullets = attempted murder.
    busting someones splleen denying medical attention = attempted murder.
    pepper spray down someones throat = biochemical weapon attempted murder.
    throwing a granade at peoples heads = attempted murder.
    -but we’re supposed to bow down “yes massah I be good toby” ?!!

    THERE ARENT ANY GOOD COPS! if there were such a thing theyed arrest the bad,
    instead of standing by being accomplices to attempted murders.
    theyed be arresting judges for aiding criminals in uniform too.
    look what IS happening, because there ARENT any good cops!

    Vic Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 7:39 am

    and those who thought they were serving there community have been fooled by the masters?
    They now realise the pay check is all about serving the NWO.

  6. If curling up like a fetus is active resistance, then it is time for the citizenry to stand up and take action. If you’re going to beat anyway, might as well land a few blows yourself.
    Go to your local hardware store and purchase a good stong shovel with a wooden handle, cut the handle off at about two feet. Wrap the smaller end with bicyble handle self adhesive tape and secure ends with plastic electrical tape. Now you’ve got your own “Night Stick”. Use it only as a last defense. If the cops pull their guns, then you must realize you are in a war zone, and must take action to secure your personal safety.
    The current morons we would like to think of as our policing forces, who’s obligation it is to secure our safety, are not the old guard, but new young inexperienced jerks, who join the “Force” because of a twisted sense of idenity. These plastic face guarded morons deserve no more respect, than they dish out to the populace they are sworn to protect.
    AND FOR YOU COPS – When you finally push the citizenry to the point of “Critical Mass”, you had better take cover because by placing yourselves out front, you become the bulls eye on the proverbial target. No army or policing force has won a war against Guerlla style warfare. Not the USA, Russia, nor any other country who try and squash an uprising against tyranny. It is time for you to wake up and realize that your joking about beating citizens is considered by us to be the height of insanity. So, choose your side carefully, for it may be the last fatefull decision you make !!!

    rootboy Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 7:38 am


  7. A .45-70 round through the face of cop is not violence, its justified resistance.

  8. Curling Up In a Ball to Avoid Police Violence May Be Considered “Active Resistance”

    But listening to the Alex Jones show will never be defined as “Active Resistance”.

    Move along everyone… nothing’s going to happen here. Leave Wall street… go home and listen to the Alex Jones show. Be couch potatos….become over wieght, irrational and rant like Alex Jones.

    Move along now….

    the sage Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 8:10 am

    How long and how many cigs will I need to smoke to get that Alex Jones rasp in my voice?
    ‘Cuz the chicks dig it.

    Captain Ron Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 8:36 am

    That and the infowars “camo” hat…

    the sage Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 8:43 am

    And my “Fuck the Jews” T’shirt.
    Very popular when I hang out down by the local synagogue…and the local bank.

    ALEA Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 10:27 am

    If Alex eats eFoods, his body is a great example of why you shouldn’t.

  9. When the American people eventually wake up they KNOW AND REMEMBER these men that BEAT and KILLED their fellow citizens for money and power and the approval of their HANDLERS!!!!!! The protestors should identify the animals responsible and Let them know we know where they live , go to work,gotoschool etc!!!! Lets have a conversation OFF DUTY when you dont have your taser and machine gun and billy club and mace. Would you like to see your wife and children maced beaten dragged and abused??????/ The AMERIKAN Mayors and POLICE have declared WAR on CITIZENS for Protesting and declaring their beliefs. The government does not want us to speak.

  10. Wow Expert advice for Passive Resistance to Bear Attacks, is now considered to be “Active Resistance” to Pig Attacks!!!

    It seems that the average Grizzly Bear has a higher IQ than Police Goons do. In a worst case scenario, and you don’t have your Bear/Pig Spray the experts advice folks to “curl up” and allow themselves to be rag dolled until the bear loses interest:

    “However, if the bear continues charging or you don’t have the brawn to stand your ground…

    COLLAPSE TO THE EARTH. Lay on your belly. Cover your head with your arms and hands. Your pack will protect your back.

    Unlike common thought, the grizzly bear isn’t just going to sniff you. It won’t be a full on grizzly bear attack like he’s hunting you for food, but the bear will claw and/or bite you.

    Don’t scream, don’t flail, lie perfectly still and wait for the bear attack to end. Soon enough, the grizzly bear will leave you and continue on its way once it realizes you’re not a threat.

    Unfortunately the North American domesticated Riot Gear clad Swine becomes more aggressive when it’s victim’s choose the standard Bear defense position, and tend to take out their frustrations on those showing no resistance.

    Maybe instead of chanting:

    “The whole world is watching!”

    Protesters should try singing to calm the savage swine:

    “I’m proud to be an American
    where at least I know I’m free,
    And I won’t forget the men who died
    who gave that right to me,
    And I gladly stand up next to you
    and defend her still today,
    ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land
    God Bless the U.S.A.”

  11. soon, very soon now, the 2nd american revolution will start.

    The NWO has tried it’s dammed best to condition us to bow your head and take it. At school, At the airport, at the train station, at the football game, ect. ect. ect. It is all for your very own safety!

    It did not work!!!!!

    There are still way too many people in this country that know right from wrong, know how and will defend themselves, and are not the cows sheep that Europe is. They are filled with and are being blindly led to their own doom all while singing songs.

    AMERICANS have ALWAYS had their own guns, they have always had to protect themselves from evil, and they damn well know that FREEDOM isnt free. the last 2-3 generations that are here now make up most of the occupier crowd while the PRE-COMPUTER or PRE-DIGITAL people know we are being set-up for extermination.

    Once all the useless fools are killed in the 1st waves of violence, the NWO puppets will realize to late that they made the fatal mistake of judging the entire United States by the actions of it’s (haha) LEADERS.

    They look at barry Obummer the pole-smoker and his shemale wookie of a wife and think all americans are like them!


  12. Wait to we have another KENT STATE! The cops will regret what they have started!

    wildcat Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 11:25 am

    It’s happening all the time – people are being tazed to death (Canada/USA), shot for no reason except for being in London (Jean Charles de Menezes) .

    Qwibqwib Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    Nope, not like Kent state. It does not matter what happens in Canada or the UK. When innocent, peaceful American protestors are shot and killed with live bullets by riot cops, things will change in a heartbeat.

  13. That is real funny. BUt on the serious side it’s great to see some humor from such a serious event.

  14. they also charge them with impersonating a taco

  15. During the cold wars many Russian soldiers/police ended up alcoholics and there was a good amount of suicide because their mind couldn’t handle all the things they did. The police here in America are going through the same thing at the moment they also have a high rate of alcoholism. In the army we have to do constant briefings over suicide because the rate is so high. This was because the soldiers couldn’t live with the horrible things they did overseas.

    Unfortunately Americans can’t wait around for the police to kill themselves off, so something needs to be done.

    There was once a time when you could go on strike at a business for better treatment, and actually get it. NOW, the bankers already have all the money and holding signs isn’t going to change their mind. Their only getting angrier and since the police are in their back pocket, it’s all just fun and games to them.

    We as Americans have to much stuff and no social connection to each other, that’s why the bankers will continue to win. It’s when all our: playstations stop working, our tv’s won’t come on, and all our luxuries fail us that Americans will finally talk to their neighbors and stand up to injustice.

    BUT, by that time we will have already lost.

  16. They keep updating to a newer version of the field officer’s training manual … I call it the kangaroo court training manuel.

  17. That would be ugly….no face left.

  18. Hold-Each-Other 2nd ranks Cameras Rolling, 3rd ranks loose take retaliatory positions for arms thus removing any teargas canister rubber bullet or other noxious devices projectiles such as to cause severe injury to those equally as devastating flesh; thus that removal desisting must! 4th ranks continue too in supporting those seriously-brave in the front-lines fellow-patriotics, citizens insistant upon their freedom!! Provide for those even a.military-surplus army rain ponchos, in colder climes wool shirt or coats a clean fresh water 6 pack, also some wool socks, hot pockets hot tea coffee w honey dry milk. Toques mitts even various foods from donut shop to homemade good sandwiches…clean good drinks distilled water. Un-fluoridated most-important! Even bread made in cities will have the fluoridated-water thus fluoride toxicity within. Warm clothe feed stand with eh?

    Hold onto each other physically mentally spiritually, E Pluribus Unum…(of one come many) in booths tents warming each other in the streets!

    4TH Ranks, richer bitchers, cough-up some good volunteer distributors goody kits. Cast Thy bread upon the waters…after many-days it shall return to you again.

  19. Let me simplify:

    IF THE PIGS bring out the clubs trying to say or mesmerize we resist if we block their billy-club-blows;
    THEN IS TIME to bring out the NANCHAKS! Tie em with thread to your hair pony tail;let a few hairs go off yer head or neck for to smash PIGS helmet flak-jacket, give him great-dizziness…

    Of COURSE Jessi v. they are doing-much as Dr.David Ike outlines to you,…some of us have SEEN THE LIGHT! and that light is as beryl-stone…

    Seal Reply:
    November 21st, 2011 at 5:24 pm

    Of Course Jessi Ventura:addendum to airing-show-streaming;I gotta hear-it 4 or 5 times in 24hr to hear it all…learning learning always learning…(Tribute to Benny Hill).

    Jessi V. Your Open Invitation prior left open your opportunity to squaw-wrestle or just mindful pantomimes of days gone past for this kung-fu kowboy…Nonetheless;I would share with you my fragile humanness in wonders at or of such displays as ours 11/2002 vision mentioned sight-ing to share verbally from horses mouth, so to speak.. additional circumstances under extended cerebral issues however the primary-witness a solidly functioning A student.Any prize-fighter in the real-world;NOT the movies knows shit happens. So does miracles. More blessed are they whom have not seen such miracles yet believes…Ask Alex or Crew, for directions…

  20. police are the scum of the earth

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