Cybersecurity Bill Authors Defend Legislation Against ‘Privacy Disaster’ Claims

Gerry Smith
April 12, 2012

Authors of a cybersecurity bill sought to rebut criticisms on Tuesday from civil liberties groups who say the legislation does not protect consumers from having their private data shared with the government.

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA, sponsored by Reps. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.), seeks to give businesses and the federal government legal protection to share cyber threats with each other in an effort to thwart hackers.

Currently, they do not share that data because the information is classified and companies fear violating anti-trust law.

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One Response to “Cybersecurity Bill Authors Defend Legislation Against ‘Privacy Disaster’ Claims”

  1. Share all the information you want. You have no threat of “hacking,” in a sense of incapacitating the functionality of computers or the internet. You only have the threat of people who know what you’ve done and want to stop you from doing it in the future. What’s “hacking?” The statement that Goldman Sachs money is built on the 9/11 Dead? That the Gitmo prisoners are all scapegoats and covers, tortured for show? That all media, alternative and corporate controlled, is run by government agents, trying to wrap up everyone in their tangled web of a mess to avoid their own activities from being discovered? Is that “hacking?”

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