Democrats Push for Constitutional Amendment to Roll Back First Amendment

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Kurt Nimmo
April 20, 2012

Democrats Push for Constitutional Amendment to Roll Back First Amendment McGoverns BenefactorRep. Jim McGovern (right) wants to limit the First Amendment.

Nancy Pelosi’s tirade against the First Amendment coincides with an effort by Free Speech for People to push a “People’s Rights Amendment” it wants added to the Constitution. The amendment reads as follows:

Section 1. We the people who ordain and establish this Constitution intend the rights protected by this Constitution to be the rights of natural persons.

Section 2. People, person, or persons as used in this Constitution does not include corporations, limited liability companies or other corporate entities established by the laws of any state, the United States, or any foreign state, and such corporate entities are subject to such regulation as the people, through their elected state and federal representatives, deem reasonable and are otherwise consistent with the powers of Congress and the States under this Constitution.

Section 3. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit the people’s rights of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, free exercise of religion, and such other rights of the people, which rights are inalienable.

As the Volokh Conspiracy blog notes, this proposed amendment might be used to shut down the political speech of people and organizations the government wants to silence. Eugene Volokh writes today that

…just as Congress could therefore ban the speech of nonmedia business corporations, it could ban publications by corporate-run newspapers and magazines — which I think includes nearly all such newspapers and magazines in the country (and for good reason, since organizing a major publications as a partnership or sole proprietorship would make it much harder for it to get investors and to operate). Nor does this proposal leave room for the possibility, in my view dubious, that the Free Press Clause would protect newspapers organized by corporations but not other corporations that want to use mass communications technology. Section 3 makes clear that the preservation of the “freedom of the press” applies only to “the people,” and section 2 expressly provides that corporations aren’t protected as “the people.”

Rep. Jim McGovern of Massachusetts, the original sponsor of the amendment, confirmed this on Wednesday.

“My ‘People’s Rights Amendment’ is simple and straightforward,” he told the Congressional Summit on Overturning Citizens United. “It would make clear that all corporate entities — for-profit and non-profit alike — are not people with constitutional rights. It treats all corporations, including incorporated unions and non-profits, in the same way: as artificial creatures of the state that we the people govern, not the other way around.”

If you think this amendment will only be used to shut down large corporations during national elections, think again. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have waged a relentless battle against the First Amendment for years.

In 2008, Pelosi and senator Richard Durbin expressed a desire to limit the constitutional rights of broadcasters. Pelosi told John Gizzi of Human Events she supports the doctrine and the Democrats would deal with it after the election.

The following year, Democrat senator Debbie Stabenow said she would call for McCarthy-like hearings in Washington to have the government impose “balance” in talk radio.

Democrats were defeated in 2011, however, when the FCC formally voted to repeal the language that implemented the Fairness Doctrine from the Federal Register.

Earlier this year, Democrats, including Obama, went after talk show host Rush Limbaugh for insensitive comments he made about Sandra Fluke, who told congressional Democrats that contraception should be paid for in health plans. The Soros operation Media Matters spent $100,000 dollars on radio advertisements in an effort to get Limbaugh thrown off the air. A Daily Caller exposé posted in January revealed that Media Matters works closely with the White House.

Although several advertisers dropped his show and Limbaugh apologized for the comments, his radio show remains on the air. Limbaugh’s show is the most popular talk radio broadcast in the country with an estimated 15 million plus listeners per week.

Having failed to reanimate the Fairness Doctrine and motivate a boycott against Limbaugh, Democrats have set their sights on the Constitution.

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25 Responses to “Democrats Push for Constitutional Amendment to Roll Back First Amendment”

  1. I am not so opposed to the language as represented…but I have a better suggestion:

    Amendment XXVIII

    No individual, group nor individual within a group, inclusive of all citizens, branches of government, agencies, corporations, boards, counsels, panels, jurors or arbitrators, is exempt nor may be exempted from compliance with any of the provisions of this document.

    To Be Known as the “Justice For All” Amendment” or “Rule Of Law” Amendment

    We know that we can do better than what is taking place at this time…it’s time that we had options.

    hammerhead Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 1:07 pm

    WE DO HAVE OPTIONS – be sure to vote in november

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 1:40 pm

    It’s all rigged

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 2:30 pm


    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 2:42 pm

    100% correct SDM

    BR549 Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 3:27 pm

    Actually, it seems that McCarthy was right all along trying to chase down all these Communists. The thing was, though, that those Communists weren’t so much a problem in the general population as they were becoming a growing problem within the branches of government that had become corrupted by the Rockefellers, Fords, and that whole gaggle of inbred social malcontents that wanted to reduce the American workforce into a mindless work pool. It’s OK that we made them incredibly wealthy, but then, as the population became capable of figuring out how corrupt they were in getting there, they then want to squash anyone’s ability to push them out of their cushy little nests.

    Contrast the above social dysfunction with some compassionate business owner who takes care of the people working under him, to the point where all his employees enjoy working for him, work hard for him, and only wish to show the same level of respect for him as he does of them. Nothing dog-eat-dog about that; THAT is true social evolution.

    Communism is just one more vehicle for elitists to use to keep themselves at the top at the expense of all those at the bottom. Nothing intelligent about that; just a lot of cunning and deceit. It’s actually resembles CANCER more than anything else.

    Carol Ann Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 3:09 pm

    Rich Riggs USA
    We have been usurped for over 100 years by the same people who took down Czarist Russia.

    As a starting point look to the Spanish American War and don’t be too stunned if has some very striking similarities to the Iraq conflict: controlled media, false flag, international banking funding, occupation army and maintenance, eerily similar civilian and military causality counts.

    Look to the tax exempt Foundations. Check Norman Dodd House of Representatives un-American Activities hopefully still on utube. Dodd states that through an unbiased researcher they learned that those taxpayer funded foundations were pushing WWI extension, conversion of American lifestyle to blend with the SOVIET UNION model. And they were dedicated to take over the American educational system. Christian principles and essentially anything that would conflict with that model was to be destroyed. This is actually stated in the minutes of meetings. Check Carnegie Foundation (1908) so called Endowment for International Peace and relationship to Wilson and ACTUAL extension of the war. Check ELIHU ROOT and his relationship to the international banking cartel. The Council of Foreign Relations which would have a profound influence on LAW, MEDICINE, BUSINESS, MEDIA, and POLITICS is a direct outgrowth of this thinking. Same people same agenda. But like every agenda they push only the apex knows the TRUE agenda. The lower level only think its fraternal, “good” or a means of career advancement. True, the Republican and Democrat Parties are essential pushing the same agenda. There are a flood of CFR members in government, education and defense high positions.

    The Constitution and Bill of Rights does NOT need changing. Our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, Executive, Legislative and Judiciary alike, JUST NEEDS TO FOLLOW THEM. Our Founding Documents are more than adequate to ensure LIBERTY and HUMAN RIGHTS. And we need to return to the MORALITY on which they are based. “Because we have no government, armed with power, capable of contending with human passions, unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge and licentiousness would break the strongest cords of our Constitution, as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams

  2. established by the laws of any state,

    why are these buttheads atacking states rights at every turn ?
    why does michigan have all the ( alot ) socialist senators _Debbie Stabenow and carl levin ?

    this proposal has more holes than swiss cheese ! the is one of the most outright attacks on the constitution since ndaa .
    the obama administration has got to end in november , the united states is already just a shell of what it was only three years ago . THIS IS NOT ITALY UNDER MUSSOLINI !
    ADD IN a few drones , spying cars and street lamps tsa dhs fema cia fbi WHATEVER …..and all the attacks on the internet WTF? WHERE ARE WE HEADING PEOPLE ?

    hammerhead Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 1:23 pm

    lets not forget the IRS trying to limit travel ? bullshit!

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 1:44 pm

    The criminal government syndicate wants you stuck in your Region/Sector/Grid

    Makes it easier to track you 24/7…. and “Operation Roundup” go smoothly.

    Carol Ann Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 2:31 pm


    Look to the tax exempt Foundations. Check Norman Dodd House of Representatives un-American Activities hopefully still on utube. Dodd states that through an unbiased researcher they learned that those taxpayer funded foundations were pushing WWI extension, conversion of American lifestyle to blend with the SOVIET UNION model. And they were dedicated to take over the American educational system. Christian principles and essentially anything that would conflict with that model was to be destroyed. This is actually stated in the minutes of meetings. Check Carnegie Foundation (1908) so called Endowment for International Peace and relationship to Wilson and ACTUAL extension of the war. Check ELIHU ROOT and his relationship to the international banking cartel. The Council of Foreign Relations which would have a profound influence on LAW, MEDICINE, BUSINESS, MEDIA, and POLITICS is a direct outgrowth of this thinking. Same people same agenda. But like every agenda they push only the apex knows the TRUE agenda. The lower level only think its fraternal, “good” or a means of career advancement. True, the Republican and Democrat Parties are essential pushing the same agenda. There are a flood of CFR members in government, education and defense high positions.

  3. Pelosi is a subversive radical too ! Who and what American in their right mind would listen to her ?

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 1:46 pm

    Pelosi is a mental patient….she belongs in an asylum…or San Francisco

    HIGH BRASS Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    She belongs in Hell!!!

    Carol Ann Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 3:23 pm

    She’s not clear on the solution. Must rid the Nation of the FEDERAL RESERVE i.e. international banking cartel and their agents. It’s like weeding. Must extract the ROOT or you’ll be out in the garden fighting them forever. And they’ll spread….and spread….like the FEDERAL UNCONSTITIONAL BLOATED LAW SPEWING bunglers in Washington DC. They’ve become like the weeds themselves. Rather than acting in their true role of EFFICIENT, EFFECTIVE gardener-protectors of the Nation and its Constitution, they’re smashing the vegetables and letting the weeds grow wild.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    CA…”she’s not clear on the solution”

    You are giving Pelosi way too much credit…She is clearly mentally ill and needs help.

    Carol Ann Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 3:51 pm

    Well, now we see what the workings of this Congressional environment can do to a person. If there is the least bit of confusion in a person’s mind, can you imagine what the 800 page minute by minute spewings and hourly new laws plus pompous, convoluted executive orders can do. Literally, it can push a poor soul off the cliff. Adding her name to my “urgent prayer” list now.

  4. Well…you can say goodbye to Prison Planet

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    April 20th, 2012 at 2:31 pm



  5. Oh geesh. One of the terrible 3 tyrants of congress and the administration: Pelosi, Reid and Obama. They say a female who can perform the necromancy ritual is one of the fiercest predators on earth, because she violates her maternal responsibilities by doing so. Little Bit’s certainly got the look!
    Here’s what this occult cohort looks like in additive sums, 1st, 2nd and recombinant derivatives:

    72 92 62


    The important numbers here are 13, 1 and 11. 7 is a consequence of an error on the part of the sociopath who engineered this cohort and is therefore not featured in this analysis.
    This little occult analysis confirms that Pelosi, Reid and Obama are a 1st derivative Mormon legislative sedition entity (13) and empowered with the hand of death (1). You think I’m kidding. Thomas Monson perped Natalee Holloway and it wouldn’t surprise me if she ended up a BDSM toy for one of Pelosi’s sacrifice parties overseas.

    Welcome to the macabre world of the neo politician whose preoccupation with pedantic pedomorphism has lofted DRACo legislation in the US what purpose of FEMA, The PATRIOT Act, DHA/TSA and S.1867.1021 is to resource their need for a human Barbie collection for use in necromancy, the child sacrifice debauchery ritual and outright ritual human sacrifice.
    Wait ’till you hear what’s going on with Mac Donald’s (nuggets manufactured from pureed human fetus and human remains mixed with mechanically separated waste products from farm animals)!

  6. Windbags after windbags… sigh, yes it does get old real fast.

  7. A slow and steady infiltration of our entire system has taken place. This is not the United States of America anymore – she’s there waiting for her REAL citizens – the people who really LOVE this country to pick yourselves up by the bootstraps and Fight the brave fight for our country and what it actually stands for. It does not stand for anything this administration professes. Why we got stuck with the world’s biggest asswipes – is beyond me but it has happened and now we need to get rid of the rotten apples that are poisoning the rest of us – on all levels – every day – every minute. I do believe that the women in our gov’t are 1000 times worse then the men however. They seem to go over the cliff with their insane ideas and proposals. Off with their Heads.

  8. Let me get this straight, so in another words, if you don’t talk real sweet, and nice, with a gay dialect, you’re not allowed to speak ? What a joke.

  9. Better idea- give everyone elected to office handicapped placard- to park free anywhere.
    They are unable, or unwilling to hear voter’s wishes. They can’t see how angry we are,
    and they forgot they need us to be re-elected, unless they throw out the Constitution.
    They have cognitive difficulties. Check their medications.

  10. Need to build Gallows….end of the line…………………….

    The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday FUK CASTRO……I wish we had killed his ass with Operation 40….almost did…….should have finished the job…If Nixion had stayed we would have…..

    Want to frustrate Big SIS and Brother??
    Enhanced Drivers License-Secure Shields.
    E-Passports and Smart Credit Card Data Safe Sleeves
    BLOCK Brothers….Scanners…….out there all day–every day–
    Not Conspiracy-Just Fact

    GSA 201Approved.
    CELL-LOCK tm/ Anti Cell Radiation/Signal Blocking EMF bags. 0- 5 ghz… rated at 90dbs signal strength “GET OFF THE GRID” Block that TRACKING Chip!
    more info at…..

    “A rebel adventurer, the likes of which, in previous days, made America great.”


    Hey there voter!
    Do you remember that on Inauguration Day (Jan 20) 2009, the National Average price for a gallon of gasoline was about $ 1.78?

    The American Police State
    Martial law is on the horizon. Newly erected FEMA camps sprinkle the American landscape. A 45 billion dollar illegal spy program monitors our daily movement and every digital transaction we make. Cameras record our day-to-day activities while facial recognition technology scan and detect – all in the name of fighting a faceless enemy who can never be caught. Welcome to the AMERICAN POLICE STATE.

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