Detained Aussie lawyer Taylor phones home

Libyan authorities have allowed Australian lawyer Melinda Taylor to speak to her husband and young daughter for the first since she was detained earlier this month.

Foreign Minister Bob Carr says Ms Taylor was permitted to call her home in The Hague shortly after a visit by Australia’s ambassador David Ritchie overnight.

Senator Carr called it a positive development.

“We find it encouraging but it stops short of being the news we want, and the family wants, which is her release,” he told reporters in Canberra.

The government is continuing to press for her quick release, Senator Carr said.

“I hope we haven’t got that much longer to wait.”

Ms Taylor, who works for the International Criminal Court, was detained in the Libyan city of Zintan on June 7 while representing Seif al-Islam, the son of former dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

She was detained after she was found allegedly carrying documents for Seif that were judged a threat to national security.

Mr Ritchie told Senator Carr that Ms Taylor was in good spirits, was being looked after and was keen for some reading material.

Senator Carr subsequently spoke to Ms Taylor’s Brisbane-based parents John and Janelle, who were relieved to hear she was finally allowed a phone call.

Mr and Mrs Taylor have pleaded with Libya to release their daughter in time for her toddler’s third birthday in July.

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