Did Europeans move to Africa to weather out ice ages? New DNA study suggests people moved between continents before recorded history

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UK Daily Mail
March 27, 2012

People moved between Africa and Europe long before recorded history – and the migrations might have been driven by Europeans moving south to ‘weather’ ice ages.

The genetic traces of long-forgotten migrations from Africa to Europe live on in Europeans today.

A third of the genetic traces of sub-Saharan lineages in today’s Europe come from prehistory.

Researchers think that Europeans ‘pushed south’ by glaciers might have met with populations from sub-Saharan Africa.

People moved between the continents as early as 11,000 years ago.

Geneticists used mitochondrial DNA to look for the traces of ancient migrations.

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One Response to “Did Europeans move to Africa to weather out ice ages? New DNA study suggests people moved between continents before recorded history”

  1. we’ve been told by Darwinists that the continents divided many years ago.
    However, the Bible account states fairly clearly that right after whatever happened at Babel,
    there lived a man called “Peleg”, which means roughly, “division” — the earth was divided in his time.

    I don’t know if that is simply a reference to migration due to brain alteration or loss of speech,
    or if something far more cataclysmic and physical happened on earth to cause “The scattering”.

    Mitochrondrial DNA might very well show that whites combined with africans as early as Solomon and Sheba’s day, and probably way before that happened too. I touched on this briefly in recent articles about Sheba and “Xwoman/mammoth hunter mutant woman” from africa, whose DNA is found in the mitochondria of modern humans it would seem.

    we are very fragile creatures and so many years of living apart and breeding apart has weakened the human gene pool… there will be a rough period of wild genes followed by a homogenization and bloom of culture, in my opinion — unless technology and bad politics kill the dream of “god has created of one blood all peoples to inhabit the earth” 🙁

    i believe in mixed race marriage, i believe it’s healthy and good, as long as culture isn’t totally destroyed.

    it’s time and energy that limit us, we exist in time and to waste it is to waste ourselves.
    it’s hard to learn multiculturalism in a melting pot because what really happens is the dominant empire enforces its will rather than allowing the cultures to truly mix.

    imagine nordic egalitarianism with arabic craftsmanship and german creativity…
    multiculturalism should have worked,

    it used to work in Port Said,
    just read about Rudyard Kipling and the great souls.

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