DNC Executive Director: ‘It’s Constitutional. Bitches.’

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Tommy Christopher
Thursday, June 28, 2012

In the minutes following the announcement of theSupreme Court’s decision to uphold President Obama‘s Affordable Care Act, Democratic National Committee Executive Director Patrick Gaspardchanneled comedy legend Dave Chappelle in summing up the feelings of many Obama supporters, tweeting “It’s constitutional. Bitches.”

While this is the second-best result that liberals could have hoped for, history will record this as the weirdest of opposite days.

Expect lots of feigned outrage from conservatives over Gaspard’s tweet, (he later took a deep breath and tweeted “I let my scotus excitement get the better of me. In all seriousness, this is an important moment in improving the lives of all Americans.”)but the real outrage here is that Democrats everywhere will be celebrating, and Republicans will be rending their garments, over the Supreme Court’s rescue of the most conservative, least compassionate portion of the Affordable Care Act, one which Barack Obama hated so much, he campaigned vigorously against it, and which he only included in the law because there was no way to pass it with something good like Medicare for all.

The Democratic reaction is somewhat understandable, in that this decision is miles better than if the SCOTUS had decided to strike down the entire law. A better result would have been to strike down the mandate, while leaving the preexisting conditions clause in place, which could have forced Congress to pass something like Medicare for all.

Full story here.

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