Does 9/11 Truth Have A Chance?

“In America Respect for Truth is Dead”

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
September 12, 2011

In the US on September 11, 2011, the tenth anniversary of 9/11, politicians and their presstitute media presented Americans with “A Day of Remembrance,” a propaganda exercise that hardened the 9/11 lies into dogma. Meanwhile, in Toronto, Canada, at Ryerson University the four-day International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001, came to a close at 5pm.

During the four days of hearings, distinguished scientists and scholars and professional architects and engineers presented the results of years of their independent research into all aspects of 9/11 to a distinguished panel consisting of the honorary president of the Italian Supreme Court who was an investigative judge who presided over terrorism cases and three distinguished scholars of high renown and judgment. The distinguished panel’s task is to produce a report with their judgment of the evidence presented by the expert witnesses.

The Toronto Hearings were streamed live over the Internet. I was able to watch many of the presentations over the four days. I was impressed that the extremely high level of intelligence and scientific competence of the witnesses was matched by a high level of integrity, a quality rare in US politics and totally absent in the American media.

As I stressed in my recent interview about 9/11 with James Corbett and Global Research, I am a reporter, not an independent researcher into 9/11. I pay attention when the fact-based community finds problems with the official propaganda. Perhaps this reflects my age. My generation was raised to believe in evidence and the scientific method. George Orwell and other writers warned us of the consequence of succumbing to government propaganda as a result of disinterest in the truth or government manipulation of one’s patriotism.

My ability to serve as a reporter of scientific evidence is enhanced by my having a Bachelor of Science from Georgia Tech, a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia, and post-graduate education at the University of California, Berkeley, and Oxford University, where my professor was the distinguished physical chemist and philosopher, Michael Polanyi. In the 1960s, I was appointed Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, in order to provide together with Polanyi to the science students at Berkeley a course in Polanyi’s unique contributions to knowledge. Polanyi’s illness prevented the course from happening and condemned me to being a mere economist.

This does not mean that I am infallible or that my reporting is correct. If my reporting stimulates you, go to the presentations, which I believe will continue to be available online, and if not, some edited CD will be available. Try

As one whose own contributions to economics, now belatedly recognized, are “outside the box,” I am responsive to those who can escape peer pressure in order to advance truth. Here are some of the important things I learned from the Toronto Hearings.

The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, a government agency) reports on the twin towers and building 7 are fraudulent. Witnesses at the Toronto Hearings proved that building 7 was a standard controlled demolition and that incendiaries and explosives brought down the twin towers. There is no doubt whatsoever about this. Anyone who declares the contrary has no scientific basis upon which to stand. Those who defend the official story believe in miracles that defy the laws of physics.

A nano-chemist from the University of Copenhagen, who together with a scientific team spent 18 months investigating the chemical and physical properties of dust from the towers, found evidence of nano-termite in the dust and quantities of particles not naturally formed by office or normal building fires that indicate another explosive was also present.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

These findings explain the extreme high temperatures that produced the molten steel for which indisputable evidence exists. In the orchestrated cover-up, NIST denies that molten steel is present as its presence is inconsistent with the low temperatures that NIST acknowledges building fires can produce.

Physicist David Chandler proved beyond all doubt that building 7 fell over its visible part (other buildings obscure the bottom floors) at free fall speed, an unambiguous indication that explosives had removed all supporting columns simultaneously.There is no possibility whatsoever according to the laws of physics that building 7 fell for the reasons NIST provides. The NIST account is a total denial of known laws of physics.

Many other powerful points were made at the conference that I will not report, at least not at this time, because the revelation of malevolence is so powerful that most readers will find it a challenge to their emotional and mental strength.

Psychologists explained that there are two kinds of authority to which people submit. One is to the authority of people in high positions in the government. The belief that “our government wouldn’t lie to us” is pervasive, especially among patriots. The other source of authority is experts. However, to believe experts a person has to be educated and open-minded and to trust scientific, professional, and scholarly integrity.

In recent years in America, scientific and scholarly authority has come into disrepute among Christian evangelicals who object to evolution and among anti-intellectual Tea Party adherents who object to “elitists,” that is, objection to knowledge-based persons whose knowledge does not support Tea Party emotions.

In other words, qualified, knowledgeable people who tell people what they do not want to hear are dismissed as “the enemy.” Much of the American population is set up to believe government propaganda. Without an independent media, which the US no longer has, people are taught that only “conspiracy kooks” challenge the government’s story. Even on the Internet, this is a main theme on and on, two sites that protest America’s wars but accept the 9/11 propaganda that justifies the wars.

This is the reason that I think that the US is moving into an era where the emotional needs of the population produced by government propaganda overwhelms science, evidence, and facts. It means the abolition of accountable government and the rule of law, because protection from terrorists is more important.

The fact-based world in which “we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead” is being displaced by dogma. Anyone who doubts “our government” is an anti-American, Muslim-loving, pinko-liberal commie, who should be arrested and waterboarded until the culprit confesses that he is a terrorist.

The event of 9/11 is now outside the realm of fact, science, and evidence. It is a dogma that justifies the Bush/Cheney/Obama war crimes against Muslims and their countries.

Obama regime appointee Cass Sunstein, a Chicago and Harvard Law School professor, thinks the 9/11 movement, for challenging the official “truth”, should be infiltrated by US intelligence agents in order to shut down the fact-based doubters of government propaganda.

When a law professor at our two most prestigious law schools wants to suppress scientific evidence that challenges government veracity, we know that in America respect for truth is dead.

The notion that a country in which truth is dead is a “light unto the world” is an absurdity.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously an editor for the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds,” details why America is disintegrating.

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117 Responses to “Does 9/11 Truth Have A Chance?”

  1. So right, Dr. Roberts! As Eric Blair, aka George Orwell, said, “Political language (propaganda)… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind”.

    Most of the “American” people have been so heavily programmed, indoctrinated, conditioned and acclimated (brainwashing) to believe lies (false and/or distracting “education” and propaganda) that listening to experts that speak against any of that brainwashing, and educating oneself about the real facts and truth, no matter how much they contradict the “official story(ies)”, are anathema.

    In my sharing real truth(s) with my “fellow-’Americans’”, really only a bare fraction of that and/or those truths because their attention span is just a few seconds long, unless what you’re saying is only what they want to hear, braindead and meaningless stuff and nothingness that dominate their every waking minute as their programming also designed, and because they usually interrupt you before you can finish any concrete fact, I find that in just a few seconds of hearing the truth they immediately decide that I’m a “conspiracy nutcase”, and perhaps a traitor to the U.S. government.

    It is so unsafe, and literally dangerous, to speak to the majority of people and to try and share the truth with them, because they would as soon report you to “Homeland (In)Security” as look at you. For example, I told this guy at the barbershop where I get my hair cut that I was visited, as one of the millions of innocent people who have been, by “Homeland (In)Security” as a result of false allegations never proven, but which all of those innocent people are presumed guilty of, and he sarcastically said, “I can see that”. In other words, he was saying he could see why they visited me, and he was assuming, as most ignorant “Americans” do, that I was guiltly and/or that I deserved it.

    Most “Americans” don’t even comprehend, let alone understand, presumption of innocence anymore, and thus presumption of guilt is widespread; and trying to explain to them why presumption of innocence is so exceedingly important is lost on them and just goes in one ear and out the other. They can’t exercise critical thinking. Everything has to remain shallow, mundane and “entertaining”; and everything that doesn’t remain so is immediately suspect to them, makes them uncomfortable, and makes them reject you right off the bat.

    There is no presumption of innocence, or presumption of being well-meaning, or anything of the sort. There is nothing but unrighteous judgment(s), presumption of guilt, and condemnation. This is how it must have been in Germany, pre-1933, as Nazism was rising to power. Universal condemnation of all those who did not automatically, arbitrarily and blindly love “their (so-called) savior” of the moment, and/or that government which “could (supposedly) do no wrong”.

    Anything that makes brainwashed “Americans”, which is the vast majority of “Americans”, feel falsely “safe”, is “wonderful”. But everything else that points out any of their false assumptions, their preferred, mindless entertainments, and that shows them the truth about anything, let alone the condition of their own minds due to the propagandizing and brainwashing, is as George Orwell further said, “…what they don’t want to hear”. And all that the latter will elicit is condemnation, false reproof, and very possibly being informed on to the government for not conforming to that government, its edicts, and/or its unspoken expectations of all so-called “patriotic citizens”.

    As a result of all this, to quote another thing here that George Orwell, aka Eric Blair, said, “We have sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent (people)”; therefore, the obvious in this case is that we are all in extreme danger if we fulfill our duty(ies) of speaking the truth to the unintelligent, to the uneducated, to the falsely “nationalistic”, and to those who need the truth more than anyone else, and more than ever.

    But we can’t fail to at least try; so, unless we choose to be traitorous cowards, cowardly traitors and/or cowards and traitors, and complicit in all of the crimes against True Liberty and Freedom, and against humanity as a whole, we MUST put our life and liberty on the line in these, to quote one more thing that George Orwell said, “…times of universal deceit [by the government(s) and other powers-that-be]…”, and tell the propagandized and brainwashed “the truth…” that is “a revolutionary act”, a potential revolution for waking them up and saving all of us from total global subjugation and enslavement.

    Wherefore, there is no temporally greater, and/or more noble, cause and responsibility, and for which to honorably lay our lives down; because, as God’s Word(s) say(s), “It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God, and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]…”: “…No greater love has any (person) than to lay down their life for their (fellow-humankind)…”! [John 15:13; etc.; emphasis, clarification(s) and/or paraphrasing added by me.]

  2. My main focal point is the “Ptech” connection to 9/11 and all of the insider trading that went on. There was a small handful of us on the Prison PlanetForum that delved into this arcane topic until we were ran off because of shills and trolls starting constant infights with us.

    I totally recommend looking up on a search engine…

    Corbett Report Anti_Illuminati

    …and listen to that interview while reading that transcript on Corbett’s website. (Corbett is a semi-regular guest on Alexs show.)

    That interview is the most hardcore info on 9/11 and false flags you have ever seen. You better get your seatbelt on for this one!!!

  3. I’ll share with you the truth. Unfortunately the government misinformation organization is doing everything to suppress it.

    This is the real story that the media is not and cannot report on. Here’s what Obama, Osama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret.blogspot it will lead you to answers about 9/11 that you’ve never heard or seen anywhere online.

  4. 911 Truth has a fighting chance.

    Look at the facts:

    WTC 7, obviously a controlled demolition job was never mentioned in the 911 Commission Report. This glaring omission of WTC building 7′s total collapse would be unheard of – in even the most elementary of scientific investigations of structural failures, UNLESS there was a motive and reason to prevent the public at large from knowing such informaton. Why would the government / planners of 911 not want the public to know the truth about WTC building 7? The answer is that once the people learned about building 7′s collapse, the connection between United Airlines Flight 93 and World Trade Center building 7 would then become apparent – along with Silverstein’s incredible statement that he authorized the NYPD to ‘pull’ building 7 the day of. Folks it takes WEEKS to prepare a skyscraper for controlled demolition. The 911 Commission Report is a complete ‘whitewash’ prepared by a supposedly ‘blue ribbon’ panel of honest trustworthy bureaucrats, yet IGNORES entirely the most important piece of foul-play evidence available to date that would have immediately opened a worldwide investigation as to: a) WHY that 47 story steel tower collapsed without being hit by a jet, b) U.S. insider trading, and knowledge of the 911 event in advance. None of this has been properly investigated to a 2nd grade level of competence.

    UA FLIGHT 93 – The plane that missed its target. United Airlines Flight 93 was in all probability, headed for World Trade Center building 7 but was instead shot down by the U.S. military near the area Shankville, PA. Evidence of a shootdown is very clear in the available NBC network video taken by helicopter which followed an 8 mile trail of luggage to the crash site. The Boeing 757 had been shot at during flight in an attempt to crash the plane, since authorities knew at that point that other hijacked jets had hit the Trade Center and Pentagon. As the 757 jet was hit, the explosion blew part of the fuselage open and luggage fell out along the path of the jet until it crashed. Sheriffs in the Shankville area, as well as the mayor were told to shut up and not release any details such as the fact that UA flight 93 actually crashed miles away and not at the memorial site as sold to the public. World Trade Center building 7 meanwhile, collapsed later that day around 5:20PM in Manhattan NY with little coverage of the event here on the West Coast.

    The Pentagon. The Boeing 767 utilizes either General Electric CF6-80, Pratt Whitney JT9D, Pratt Whitney PW4000 or Rolls-Royce RB211-524 high bypass ratio turbofans. The size of these engines are about 8 feet in diameter. There are easy to locate in wreckage – plus the titanium forgings inside the engine WILL NOT BURN. BTW: The melting point of titanium is 3034 degees F, well above combustion temperatures and fuel fires. No engines of this size were ever found in the Pentagon wreckage. No seats, no luggage, no fuselage were found – this according to CNN’s Jamie McIntyre on 911. Over 80 videotapes were immediately confiscated by the Feds at places like Hotels, gas stations and shops near the Pentagon area. The public has not seen any of these tapes to date. WHY? Certainly the government should have no problem releasing any of these tapes because it would prove their theory while disproving the others. What is to hide if 911 happened as advertised?

    The quarter mile high (1450 ft.) twin WTC towers fell STRAIGHT DOWN at near freefall speed (32 ft/sec/sec) – as did WTC building 7. Not in 10 MILLION YEARS would two towers of that height fall straight down UNLESS there was controlled demolition charges involved. The NYC firefighters all saw and heard the flashes and explosions detonating prior to their collapse. They also saw the liquid steel flowing as if they were in a foundry. Thermate cutting charges account for the corporate media’s limited reports about molten metal at the basement level of the WTC towers for over 8 weeks.

    The corrupt corporate media machinery continues to facilitate the ongoing coverup and slander of scientists who speak out. There is a deplorable lack of scientific curiousity by Americans in general and this educational problem allowed for the 911 coverup to happen without much question. People have been conditioned by their television sets and print media to be ashamed to ask questions challenging 911 and the government. Imagine this in America today – a nation of sheep afraid to challenge information and ask questions – that is the scary part.

  5. the debate tonight is proof that america is not willing to accept the truth of why we were hit, or even entertain the suggestion we have elements in our government that allowed it to happen though they had prior knowledge, when ron paul pointed this out the republican t party crowd was horrified and screamed nooooooooooo. lol lol they are all sheeple, the presstitutes have them all mezmerized brainwashed.

  6. The 9/11 truth movement has been a huge success. 10 years ago the vast majority of people would laugh at us “truthers.” Now, a huge portion of the public has become aware of things like building 7. There are serious discussions and debates about it everywhere on the internet where the opposing side respects our views and is willing to listen to our opinions.

  7. Whether or not it has a chance is irrelevant.Just as Thomas Jefferson once said “when injustice becomes law,resistance becomes duty” and it is your duty as a TRUE American to resist tyranny,even if it costs you your life! You owe it to your fellow Americans(even the apathetic ones)and you owe it to all those who fought,bled and died to build this nation!

  8. “Taliban seek probe into 9/11 attacks
    by Javed Hamim Kakar”

    ” September 10, 2011

    KABUL (PAN): On the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the United States, the Taliban reiterated on Saturday their demand for an independent and impartial investigation into the incident.”.

    ” The US invaded Afghanistan a month later, blaming the Al Qaeda and Taliban for the assaults on the centres of its military and economic might. Ten years on, the war in the impoverished Central Asian continues.

    Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman, said the movement had long been seeking a neutral probe into the incident. “But the US and its allies are responding to our logical demand with airstrikes and attacks.”

    The killing of tens of thousands of innocent Afghans on the pretext of avenging the 9/11 attacks would be a perpetual question mark over Western democracy, Mujahid said in a statement.

    He urged the countries involved in the conflict to mount pressure on the US not to plunder Afghanistan’s natural resources under the garb of the war on terrorism.”.

    • the above from


  9. Can’t get enough of PCR!

  10. 9-11 truth as it is presented to us today is delusional; here are the facts:

    1.) Islamic terrorists really did attack our buildings… I get tired of hearing that they had nothing to do with 9-11.
    2.) George Bush and Dick Cheney had nothing to do with this, though some within the CIA probably had knowledge and may have worked to bring this event to pass.
    3.) There were other parties that were aiding the terrorists – such as whoever was responsible for commissioning the change in print plates at the FED back in 1994 to depict this event.
    4.) This plot to bring down these buildings merged with terrorist aspirations.

    Main point – yes, it appears it is as you say, there is some sort of conspiracy – unfortunately you’ve mixed all this other garbage in with “9-11 truth” that totally discredits the movement and shows it for what it really is. The ChiComs are going to use this against you, get ready. Alex Jones may make a good communist after all is said and done.

    In the meantime, you’ve made a lot of waves nauseating people with your pessimistic smoke – congratulations…

    • 1. Independent, or CIA backed like the ones Zbiggy B got to fight the Russians?
      2. Really? I guess those no bid Halliburton contracts had nothing to do with it either?
      3. Don’t forget the Pensacola Naval Air Base in FL.
      4. Really? The top two stated goals of Al Qaeda are A. Convert or die.(Didn’t hear the hijackers yell that on the radio… strange) and B. for us to stay out of Persia. Those aspirations merged with an unrelated, unprovoked, attack that accomplish neither goal and incite us to invade Persia?

      I think it more likely a foreign agency/organization(with inside help) made it look like islamics, and word was spread that these operatives were using it as a way into the buildings to get at classified data etc. and there was a contingency plan to push a button and bring them down, and it took hours to get authorization and do it for each one. Just a loose theory though.

    • Thanks for waking up the truth movement to the true truth.All this time we were doing 360s instead of 180s only to find out that we were going in circles this whole time and thanks to you, find out that the true truth was the truth from the very beginning.Now that you’ve presented the true truth to the truthers,the truth movement can now fight the lying truthers with the true truth and wake people up the truther truth as a lie,truthfully.

      • NATAS I truthly beleive, that you beleive, and that you beleive the truth shall set you free? and thats the truth! How long must we suffer the lies?

    • You don’t establish a fact merely by designating information as “a fact”. These are only opinions-until you reference your sources of information, after which people will be in a position to assess the credibility of your points.

  11. I found this posted on cbs site……(CBS News) On only this can the world agree: On Sept. 11, 2001, two planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan. A short time later, both fell.

    Nearly every other detail of the terrorist attacks – from the reasons the towers fell to the actual number of planes hijacked to the blame for the events – on that day has been incredibly fertile ground for the production of alternating theories about what actually happened.

    On this ground, a loosely-knit group with the semi-official title of “truthers” has been born, and their theories – or conspiracies, depending on your bent – range from the barely plausible to the laughable. Thanks in no small part to the then-burgeoning Internet, their ideas began to spread within minutes of the attacks, and have gained a permanent hold in the lore of 9/11, much like the assassination of JFK can’t be spoken about without conjuring up thoughts of the Grassy Knoll.

    It is impossible to quantify the number of people who subscribe to truther theories, but at least one poll taken five years after the attacks revealed that as many as one out of three Americans believed the U.S. government was either behind the attacks, or knew about them in advance and purposefully did nothing. That the truthers have gained sounding boards with popular athletes, celebrities, and at least one former governor, is a testament to their durability.

    The widely-accepted (and here greatly summarized) account of what led up to and happened on 9/11 is as follows: Al Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden, helped recruit, inspire, train, and bankroll 19 hijackers to take over four U.S. domestic flights and crash them into high-value targets in New York City and Washington, D.C., as part of their ever-expanding holy war. They managed to just barely slip past all intelligence and security services largely because of poor inter-agency communication. Two hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers, one hit the Pentagon, and the fourth – which crashed in a field in rural Pennsylvania after passengers attacked their hijackers – was possibly intended for the U.S. Capitol building. The Twin Towers came down because jet fuel ignited incredibly hot fires inside that weakened their supports enough for their eventual collapse. Nearly 3,000 people died in New York and D.C.

    To the truthers, that account is utter nonsense. While there is no one theory uniting them, it can generally be said they believe the U.S. government and/or the Jews and/or anyone other than unhinged terrorists orchestrated the events of 9/11 in order to further their own dark and secretive agenda.

    No matter how much evidence is presented here and elsewhere, it’s unlikely to dissuade most, if any, truthers, the psychological reasons for which will be explored in a bit.

    In the meantime, let’s take a look at five of the more popular truther theories, along with some brief rebuttals.

    Complete coverage of 9/11: Ten Years Later

    Someone or something other than al Qaeda orchestrated the events of 9/11

    Osama bin Laden publicly gloated about and repeatedly referred to al Qaeda’s “success” on September 11, 2001. In an audiotape released on May 23, 2006, bin Laden stated, “I was responsible for entrusting the 19 brothers … with those raids…”

    Of course, that is not enough proof for many. The most popular alternating theory in America is that 9/11 happened – either on purpose or by passive allowance – because the Bush administration was itching to go to war in the Middle East. Any official government denial would, of course, not be enough for truthers, so perhaps the words of one of the world’s biggest skeptics would help. Noam Chomsky, the infamous “libertarian socialist” who had no fond feelings for George W. Bush nor America’s global ambitions, thought truther theories to be utter nonsense, and not just because the science of their theories doesn’t add up.

    “(The Bush administration) would have had to have been insane to try anything like that,” Chomsky said. “If they had, it almost certainly would have leaked.”

    Israel’s spy agency knew about the attacks, and got 4,000 Jews out of there

    The blame-the-Jews theory is very popular in the Middle East. In a 2008 poll conducted in Egypt, as many as 43 percent of Egyptians thought Israel was somehow behind the 9/11 attacks. Among the most persistent post-9/11 rumors was that 4,000 Jews did not show up for work that September morning at the World Trade Center because Mossad, Israel’s spy agency, warned them against it.

    Although an exact tally doesn’t exist, the consensus is that anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the victims of the 9/11 attacks – up to 450 people – were Jewish religiously or had Judaism as their primary cultural affiliation. The U.S. Census has generally put the percentage of Americans who are Jewish at a maximum of 2 percent in recent years. It would be nonsensical of the Jews to leave hundreds behind as martyrs to cover their trail. Even if they had, it’s not as if Israel has been made any “safer” by 9/11.

    The Twin Towers collapsed because of a controlled explosion

    This theory generally gets explained via a question: How could an airplane possibly bring down a building as large as the World Trade Center without explosives?

    Perhaps it’s best to let engineers answer this one. Popular Mechanics magazine writes: “Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn’t need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strength–and that required exposure to much less heat. But jet fuel wasn’t the only thing burning, notes Forman Williams, a professor of engineering at the University of California, San Diego, and one of seven structural engineers and fire experts that PM consulted. He says that while the jet fuel was the catalyst for the WTC fires, the resulting inferno was intensified by the combustible material inside the buildings, including rugs, curtains, furniture and paper… pockets of fire hit 1832°F.”

    A missile, and not a plane, hit the Pentagon

    There are two main reasons this theory exists: One, the high security levels required at and near the Pentagon limited outside reporting from the disaster site; Two, all the public really saw were some small-ish holes in the building itself.

    Never mind the fact that hundreds of thousands of people live near the Pentagon and therefore at least a few of them would have seen an airborne missile, or the jet that fired it, this is another one best explained by an engineer.

    Popular Mechanics magazine writes: “Why wasn’t the hole as wide as a 757′s 124-ft.-10-in. wingspan? A crashing jet doesn’t punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building, says (Pentagon inspection) team member Mete Sozen, a professor of structural engineering at Purdue University. In this case, one wing hit the ground; the other was sheared off by the force of the impact with the Pentagon’s load-bearing columns, explains Sozen, who specializes in the behavior of concrete buildings. What was left of the plane flowed into the structure in a state closer to a liquid than a solid mass.”

    Flight 93 was shot down by a missile over Pennsylvania

    This is among the most shameful and disrespectful of truther theories, because of the numerous family members who talked to their loved ones on board shortly before passengers stormed the cockpit and the plane went down. To further debunk this theory, audiotapes revealed that the military didn’t even know the plane had been hijacked until several minutes after the plane crashed.

    What’s motivating truthers?

    The theories listed above and the brief attempts at debunking them are just small samples of the incredibly large amount of work that’s been put into the fertile ground on which truthers play. The very fact that there are so many theories and people who believe in them raises another question: Amid so much evidence to the contrary, and so much visible heartbreak from victims’ family members probably made worse by wallowing in conspiracy theories, why believe in them?

    The most immediate and obvious answer is greed. Books and DVD movies by 9/11 truthers have sold millions of copies worldwide.

    There are deeper reasons for their existence though. Tragedy is most often the result of a randomly cruel world. That, however, doesn’t let people who were victimized by or who are afraid of tragedy blame someone or something.

    In an article for Psychology Today, Ilan Shrira wrote: “Conspiracy theories help us cope with distressing events and make sense out of them. Conspiracies assure us that bad things don’t just happen randomly. Conspiracies tell us that someone out there is accountable, however unwittingly or secretly or incomprehensibly, so it’s possible to stop these people and punish them and in due course let everyone else re-establish control over their own lives. Conspiracies also remind us that we shouldn’t blame ourselves for our predicaments; it’s not our fault, it’s them! In these ways, believing in conspiracies serves many of the same self-protective functions as scapegoating.”

    By grasping at straws, and laying the blame on anything other than senseless, random violence – the very hallmark of al Qaeda’s crusade – truthers are trying to make order where there is none, and in the end, the only people they want to make feel better are themselves.

    • That is disrespectful to intelligent people the world over and the author is an accomplice to mass murder aiding in the cover-up. An 8 mile debris field and it’s disrespectful to question how a crash can do that and not start in mid-air? The world isn’t randomly cruel, even Cheyney and Barrack Osamba don’t inflict cruel and unusual punishment at random. They do it to all who pose threats, don’t submit, piss them off, etc. I think if it were about greed many of those films would not be FREE online. That person is as low as a child raping, crap throwing, unamerican, anti-government, pro-tyrrany, presstitute can get.

  12. Does 9/11 Truth have a chance?


    • Your darned tootin’…!

      PRAY like your life depends upon it. It does.

  13. We don’t need the Government to be convicted. That will never happen anyway. What we need is the majority of the people in our country, both republican and democrat, to learn the truth. If we all learn the truth, then we can act in unison and be rid of the tyranny.

  14. I had forewarned about the “10-year effect,’ -the precedent established under the Warren Commission actions, since around 2006.

    Not one of the WTC witnessing ‘participants’ which I have named has challenged my claims, simply because the issue of 9/11 can NEVER be discussed in a court of Law. This was the dictum behind the JFK killing. NEVER would it [common law-and-order] be considered admissible to hold an actual ‘trial.’

    So, Yes. ’911Truth’ is ‘doomed’ since the earliest utterances from the first battalions, called “Truth Now!, Let’s Roll,” etc…


  15. On the democracy now radio hosted by Emmy Goodman, I heard a Jewish guy explaining 911 and how some Muslim extremist were responsible for it. he was trying to sound so nice by saying stuff like ” oh it’s not the religion of Islam or Muslims to blame but few extremists who doesn’t represent Muslims”. these people think they are so clever and they can just blame the wrong people by sounding nice and rational but maintaining their poisonous intentions. these smooth talking criminals are worse than people who just deny truth about 911. I noticed that majority of white people just pretend to have not heard about building 7 or claim to have heard about it for the first time even though they are the ones who uses most of the apple computers with high speed internet. People of British descent such as Canadians, Americans, Australians seem to be very cannibalistic and war like. they supported the kkk, lynching, segregation, ethnic cleansing of the native Americans, dropping atomic bombs on unarmed civilians, genocide in Vietnam and plenty of other heinous acts. why would it be any different today? can we expect any humanity from white people? no one has to tell them that media is lying because they know media is lying. common, don’t they know bin laden’s death was a hoax? they just listen to it for entertainment and to learn how to be politically correct. all the hate filled talks on the radio entertains white folks. all of these doesn’t bother me a whole lot. what bothers me is when I see the very criminal politicians who are probably part of true 911 conspiracy get to be in the memorial services for the victims. the very murderers appear on TV and claim to be our leaders. they step on the fallen body of the poor people they murdered and shed crocodile tears. but people ain’t no different. they have no sense of guilt what so ever. in exchange of the fallen body of their brothers they are more than happy to receive a big payout. they don’t mind being a fake hero.

  16. TechCrunch collaboration pays curtain meme advertising for Twitter to topples dictators ,HuffPo. The news is that important, it’ll find me! Facebook community reporting the notion of the public and we need a Nate Silver digital circulation strategy.

    #twittermakesyoustupid, Arianna Clay Shirky CNN leaves it there This Week in Review algorithms crowdfunding in the slot.

  17. 9/11 WAS DEFINATELY AN INSIDE JOB! I stayed awake for a day and a half Video taping
    all the good stuff from many TV channels after the first plane went in. (1) The first plane
    went into the floors occupied by the world’s largest Bond Trading Company called
    Cantor Fitzgerald (spelling?). A news reporter said it had peaked sales of 50 TRILLION
    Dollars!, and with that kind of money, they could own the world! (2) That Company is
    the one that most North American Insurance Companies invested in. (3) A lady on a
    street nearby who worked in the towers was interviewed by a reporter moments after
    the first plane went in, cried and said she had received an anonymous phone call the
    night before telling her to NOT go into work the next day! (4) Another lady said she
    worked untill 3 A.M., pressed the wrong elevator button for the underground parking
    areas, and when the door opened, she witnessed military looking personnel affixing
    black boxes to the concrete support columns. She was quickly escorted out and told
    to keep her mouth shut! (5) Another person (cleaner?) witnessed many skids of GOLD
    and SILVER bars being removed from the underground Vaults and loaded into blacked
    -out windowed rail cars. (6) The Subway rail tracks down in that area were closed off
    to the public (also around 3 A.M.) for “Maintenance Work”. IRONIC? QUESTIONS:
    (1) Where did the Gold and Silver go to? (2) Is this evidence that the Secret Military
    Industrial Complex was contracted to do the job? (3) How come thousands of people
    did NOT go to work in those buildings THAT PARTICULAR DAY? Were they all warned
    and if so, by WHO? (4) Who owned the Twin Towers and Building 7? (5) How much
    insurance money were “they” paid? (6) Who was their Insurance Company(s)?
    (7) Who paid for the “Quick Cleanup” and hauling away of “Crime Scene Evidence”?
    (8) Were there “adjustments” made to the insurance policies before the 9/11 date”?
    NOTES of INTEREST: (1) Have you seen Death Bed Confession of Otto Skorzeny? He
    was Hitlers bodyguard, came to USA under “Operation Paperclip”, and tells that Bush
    SR. was born in Germany under name of George H. Scherff, Jr.! It seems the Bush
    family have a history of grabbing Gold! (2) I heard or read (Bible?) that there was
    LAND”. Since the Holy land is at the northern part of Africa, and if you look North
    AND West, would you not be looking at NORTH AMERICA? (USA CANADA). (3)
    A large number of Hitler’s scientists, Biologists, etc. immigrated (transferred) to USA
    at the end of WW2. (4) Where is all the Gold and Silver that Hitler’s gang stole from
    the Egyptian Pyramids, the countries they invaded, etc.? (5) Is there a connection with
    the German Nazis and the Registration of the name “Federal Reserve Bank”? (6) If
    so, would that not explain how the Federal Reserve Bank had so much in “starting
    capital / assets”? (7) Is that why a “Military Industrial Complex” was created? (8) Is
    this all part of what the Bible means about a FOURTH REICH? My Webster Dictionary
    defines Reich as “Germany or the German government; specif., the German FASCIST
    state under the Nazis from 1933 to 1945 (Third Reich). I HOPE the “perps” involved in
    the 9/11 job are caught and imprisoned! If anyone out there has real good information
    to help solve the 9/11 murderous plot, please help out an excellent investigative
    journalist Ross Baker at , and also “Info Warrior” Alex Jones at . U.S.A. is supposed to be the “LAND OF THE FREE” and NOT “The land
    of Slaves”! Help stop tyranny and terrorism by those on the “inside”! GET INVOLVED
    AND DO YOUR DUTY! Thank-you! (db from Ontario, Canada)

    • For the Bible reference Google Gog and Magog.

    • spelling? No A in definitely

  18. I once had a promising young man’s attention, he had a dogtag with the american flag on it. He was a volunteer fireman, his daddy was a soldier, he was going into the national guard, he was all american patriot to the end.

    So I asked him about his dogtag, he says his uncle gave it to him, his uncle works at the pentagon, his uncle was there the day of 911, his uncle was his hero.

    I told him 911 was an inside job, he scoffed and got offended. He told me his uncle picked up ane parts.

    I asked him, why won’t they release any video of the impact? They have multiple dozens of videos of it, they are all confiscated and classified.

    He said, because they don’t have to. I said why wouldn’t they? He said because they don’t have to.

    This is the enemy, not just stupidity, but a desire to not ‘kill’ who they are and what they believe. This boy will never listen, he will always be a usefull idiot, and if you give him a uniform and an order, he will feel fullfilled and righteous.

    He almost died in a car accident. I secretly enjoyed seeing and hearing about him having to reconstruct his spine and neck with months and years of therapy. He willl never be the same and I say GOOD! That makkes us about even, I feel I (and we here) still suffer more than him in the end.

    • ‘I don’t have to’ is another way of pleading the fifth, it automatically says you would incriminate yourself by complying. God bless the guy that crashed into him. Hopefully Perry or Janet and Dave Rothchild will be accidently water boarded and dumped in the ocean by some navy seals retarded as that kid. “Did you dump John Yoo in the hudson river soldier?” “I DON’T HAVE TO SAY… coutie-head”

  19. No system will last for long, with a foundation made of lies. It’s that simple, even the rich know they can’t last long without the rule of law. The rich who lost money in the lawless banks have sued so now the government is worried about that. A pile of lies, the camel and the straw. You can bet these lies are used to keep blackmailing the insiders one way are the other. How long can people stand being blackmail with those big egos in Congress and Wallstreet. Yes the rich egos can’t stand the pressure, No rule of law no safe money for the rich folks. Then you always got the guy who want’s to be first , before the hammer comes down. The truth will come out but the union will be falling apart at the same time.

    • Surprised they lasted this long. They do hi-tech ways of control though.

    • WELL,…it’s LASTED 120 MONTHS! I’d say that is critical!…many many more should have been screaming yesterday!

      • 120? Did you take a 40 year nap just before JFK was shot broad daylight?

    come judgement day! “THEY” can run, but they cannot hide, even in the other Dimensions!

    • If your god thinks he’s god, he’s going to be brought to his knee’s. If Christians god were actually god, there would be no suffering. Because Christians god and his holy bible are fiction, they and their god will pay for all the suffering of this world. Christianity is the biggest pagan religion perhaps in the history of this world. They are wrong and they refuse to admit it. Their god wants to destroy all of us because he cannot see his own true self. He’s not god, just a righteous blind man of arrogance and ignorance.

      With that being said, Christians, Jews and the US military are responsible for allowing 9/11 to happen. Those who have wielded the power are responsible for allowing evil to happen. The world will soon be over and a new world will begin. Not all of us will be in the new world, many do not deserve it. This world throughout history has been a cataclysmic failure.

      • It’s interesting how you are able to form an absolute proclamation on a subject you know nothing about.It may be that you lean on your own understanding(human understanding)which is flawed and finitely senseless.To suggest that God is responsible for the suffering that man inflicts upon himself is to admonish all of mankind of any guilt for his wrongdoings.Are we to believe the World Trade Center was an act of God? Perhaps you believe that God created robots without freewill to embrace or rebuke the evil they perpetrate or resist? To proclaim that the Bible is fictitious with no proof simply because you say so places you within the same misguided cell as those whom the elitists refer to as “sheeple”. Your statements that “God want’s to destroy all of us” and “God will pay for all of the suffering of this world” is indisputable proof that not only do you know nothing about God,but you are at war with yourself as you attempt to deny your very creator in an attempt to stifle your inner demons.Only by giving it up to God can you win that battle.Regardless,before you pass from this earth,you WILL know the truth and weather you accept or deny it will be of your own freewill.

      • HEY, YOU whom knows it all…why don’t you go peddle your papers elsewhere!!!???

        YOU are obviously NO GOOD here!

        God-Less infidel!

        • I know everything. If your mom was god, what would you do? Perhaps you should pick up a copy of Thor tomorrow. He knows my mother. Somebody had to teach me everything. Christians should get to know the Greek goddesses.

        • Let’s Ragnarok, Loki!

    • I for one welcome our new reptilian overlords.

      • Yes, as they rip your head off and begin to eat your brain. Imbecile. I guess they will starve on yours.

        • Ah, irony! Pearls before swine…Oink oink!

        • Best LOL retort of 2011.

  21. 911 Truth is very alive and thriving. Dr. Roberts has it very fairly worded. The investigations are so damning, so conclusive that they are irrefutable proof of a massive criminal conspiracy. Not only was it nanothermite, the central explosives were Class 3 mini nukes at the base of the tower and laced throughout both towers and they precisely correlate with seismographic readings that can determine a series of nuclear explosions. Moreover, the fortress built Building 7 was brought down in the same way. There are also background radio isotope readings that cross correlate with this. No other explosive would be capable of pulverizing steel to dust and turning granite into a molten mass.

    So now we have conclusive evidence and I do not care if anyone wants to challenge the mini nukes, there is astounding evidence that they were used extensively. It was public knowledge when WTC1 and 2 were built that there were mini nukes at the base to bring the buildings down in the event of some need, as in demolition. The information became classified in the 90′s. Subsequently, agents both domestic and foreign worked to create the perfect pulverization of the towers into pyroclastic plumes of nuclear dust loaded with nanothermite.

    The inquiries now open the door to not another investigation but to widespread prosecutions of the dimensions this nation has never experienced. The Command and Control of the military of the United States was tossed over to Cheney at the helm. Of course, there were many discussions within the White House about how to play out the scene, Rice, Rumsfeld, the entire PNAC list of criminal filth. There was one in particular who was staring like the airhead he is while we were having breakfast at a certain very popular restaurant on Embassy Row. They had it ready to go and preplanned it in the 90′s. They wanted a cause to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and engage in the current war mode that is never ending.

    You haul War Criminals before tribunals and place them on trial, confront them with the evidence and then decide the appropriate punishment. Death would be too good for these war goons. They should be serially executed after being found guilty in a special series of ultra high voltage electric chairs.

    There will never be any redemption for these murderers, both domestic and foreign dual citizens.

    • ooo. If we can’t find things to fit we will invent them! The government used diamond cables being pulled by unicorns to make the towers fall!

      • If you operate at the level of an incoherent idiot, just keep you mind in that glaze of denials and lies. You live to deny truth, go to hell.

        • I live not to be schizophrenic. Keep chasing those black helicopters.

        • You live in a world of fantasy and denial. In mental health, it is very well known that those who make false accusations are the very ones suffering from a disorder. Go suck dirt you evil shizoid clown. Return to your dystopia.

      • Idiot. Black helicopters? Seriously? Video of them on youtube, public news stories of them crashing during ‘exercises’ and you think you’re making anyone other than yourself look like a delusional fruitcake by telling people to chase them? Your head is attatched to your neck because it doesn’t belong up your ass. Your foot belongs on the ground, not in your mouth. Why don’t you swig some soda with mercury contaminated corn syrup? Can’t give you brain damage seeing as you haven’t got one.

      • chemnate I have a PATENT ON the @ unicorn Vrs. the truth dot come on!

  22. You ever wonder if whoever knocked down the towers and no. 7, came up with something called
    “9-11 Truth” composed of experts that don’t get anywhere to divert the attention away from them?

    • Wow, your a genius. Wait, actually your just ANOTHER of the endless stream of fucking idiots patting yourself on the back cause you thought of something so intelligent. Congratulations, I will inform Governor Ventura immediately of your important findings.

      Fuckin jerkoff retarded punk. If I had a fucking nickel for every smart ass shit for brains mother fucker who points the finger at everyone but themselves i’d be a billionaire.

      • *you’re a

    • They have,it’s called the false truth movement and a couple of their diversions are to claim that no planes hit the towers,actors are portraying victim’s family members and elitists are reptiles.Snake can hide in rabbit holes as well.

  23. As Rumsfeld would say, this is an unknown we don’t know we don’t know. A quick reading of the salient facts reveals torque factors influencing the rolling overload.

  24. Umm. 9/11 truth does not have a chance because they real truth is already out there.

    • If the truth is out there, the let’s go get it!

    • really? watch MOSSAD CAUGHT IN VAN ON 9-11 “FILLED WITH EXPLOSIVES” GW BRIDGE…..everyone listen and watch if you want the truth…if not….keep shilling.. physics is for sale to the zionists.

  25. Here’s a thought for everyone. The WORLD trade centers and the pentagon were the targets of the attacks. If I was thinking of global institutions in america those would be the first to come to mind. This is far fetched I know but what if we have it wrong and our government was actually trying to start a war on globalism…?

    Just an idea that I thought I might entertain, the true hidden motives behind this whole thing could be mind blowing

    Any thoughts?

    • Sure I will entertain that thought. So the government is really seeking the true patriots, gonna put them in camps, train them, then unlease them back out so as to create a civil war against the globalists. hmm sounds like a good movie. But you never know, I guess anything is possible.

    • No to most people they are symbols of American power.

  26. Thank-you to everybody involved with the Toronto Hearings and thank-you Paul Craig Roberts. Keep working hard. Everybody keep working hard. Progress is being made and nothing, NOTHING will stop the truth from getting out and justice being served.

  27. “When a law professor at our two most prestigious law schools wants to suppress scientific evidence that challenges government veracity, we know that in America respect for truth is dead.” While you might look hard for rigorous respect for truth in the US nowadays, Dr. Roberts is not warranted in deducing that because he finds grave fault with the attitude of one academic, “in America respect for truth is dead.” If he thinks there ever was a time when all university professors were motivated by a disinterested search for truth, he is deluded.

    • Damn it bobklink, not only did you read the artical you seem to have a independant opionion that is void of a self induced sense of understanding! Calling it hearings would make one think we should expect some sorte of JUDGEMENT!

      • Did YOU read the article? Dr. Roberts says that a panel, including a reputable Italian judge, will be rendering a judgment.

  28. Dimitri Khalezov explains 911. Emergency Nuclear Controlled Demolition Scheme.

    • Yes Khalezov has been 100 percent spot on in putting together the series of events. Every thinking American should listen to his interview with Gordon Duff and Kevin Barrett. That would sure wake people up.

  29. I don’t think it really matters if 9/11 was exposed as an inside job… the messes would just shrug their shoulders and make excuses to preserve the familiar paradigm. Perhaps one day a passing alien will look out of his circular window, and wonder at the skeletal remanence of long destroyed cities and stagnant oceans thick with industrial detritus. Perhaps he will wonder how it came to be that, radiation taints the winds and all the plants defecate like animals and animals photosynthesize like plants. He will wonder why? But the human will now never be told.

    • *…human story will never be told…

    • my sentiments exactly!
      “I don’t think it really matters if 9/11 was exposed as an inside job… the messes would just shrug their shoulders and make excuses to preserve the familiar paradigm.”
      I hate the fact I sometimes think so negative of the majority, but I can’t SHAKE it! The truth hurts……

      • Yeah I mean if you realize the truth about 9/11, but don’t realize the truth about most people not wanting the truth about it, then you’re not dealing with the full truth. You’re only dealing with partial truth and partial wishful thinking. The reality is that we’re called ‘twoofers’ and hated. It’s classic kill the messenger and it might always be that way! And we’re outnumbered so speaking the truth could be potentially dangerous. So-called sheeple aren’t always passive, sometimes they can become *violent* if you challenge their world view enough. Worldwide I don’t think most people want the truth either. Look at how many people adhere to religions and take them literally.

  30. The truth is hated.

    • That’s the truth.

    • By assholes …

    • NO THE TRUTH IS ridiculed because it is FEARED

      • And hated as a result

  31. The Emperor Has No Clothes:
    A look at the Official 911 Story

    Childhood is filled with many stories that serve, as allegory’s to aid us on our path to and through adulthood. The boy who cried wolf, The Gingerbread man, and such are there to reveal small truths that should help us become better and more aware adults. One that has always stood out with me was the Emperor’s New Clothes.
    To me the Root lesson of the Story of that misguided Emperor has always illustrated how those with the authority can be profoundly wrong, and sycophants and blind followers will support the lie for their own gain or perceived best interests. They will ignore facts before them to preserve their piece of mind, so their part and place in this illusionary world remains secure.
    The well-crafted stories of the events of 911 do not stand up before genuine investigation. If they did, these questions would be answered.

    1. How did a 47-story building (World Trade Center Building 7), which was not hit by any aircraft, and suffered only some minor fire damage collapse on the evening of Sept. 11 2001 into it’s own footprint ant near freefall speed?

    2. How did a well trained and highly skill military air-defense system fail so completely on that day to defend not only New York, but also its very heart, The Pentagon? ( Look into Operation Northern Vigilance, Global Guardian, and Vigilant Guardian )

    3. Were there preexisting plans that reflected the policies enacted after the events of Sept. 11 2001? (look into Project for the New American Century )

    4. How did military grade Nanothermite get into the dust of the world trade center?

    5. Did Larry A. Silverstein have foreknowledge of Building 7s collapse? ( Look into Larry A. Silverstein’s comments about “Pull It” a demolition term referring the controlled demolition of a building )

    6. Why, if the events of 9/11/2001 occurred as we are being told they occurred, was not drastic new engineering measures enacted to insure another 47 story or greater structure from collapsing from small office fires?

    If none of this matters, if everything is as it is told to us, then the questions are simply that, questions, and pose no threat whatsoever. The most they would do is consume a small amount of time and resources to refute. But, if they reveal more, they become a foundation for a revelation of enormous proportions. It would be a historical unveiling of epic scale that will rewrite modern history. So, ask your self, could that be why the questions, and the questioners are so ridiculed? Could it be that the questions cannot be answered because to do so would shatter a lie so large that it has consumed the world, and stolen a decade?
    September the 11th is a day that should not be for just mourning, for I will mourn for the lives lost on that day; but it should be a day that people begin to ask why and how they died? Naked are the lies before you, all you have to do is look.

    • what i guess happened. “terrorists” blew up buildings. Who the “terrorists” are, don’t know. Maybe it was the government, maybe it was bankers, maybe it was a foreign country, maybe it was hightech hackers holding the government hostage that day and they turned that fact into an excuse to go to war to pay ransom for the rest of our lives. Wouldnt be hard, get dirt on everyone, or just be able to mess up records so bad n such, now your hostage, and building blowing up are the less of the two evils. I guess, if we elect people and expect them to do things the way we see fit, like a backstreet driver, you never have your hands at the controls. No matter what happens, even if its something good, we wanna know why and how and where and what not. We have made ourselves slaves to this tech we live with. We ask for it, they give it to us. Nothing really evil about it all when u think about it.Everyone just trying to work to live in the bankers paradise. Seems U need to war and take others to win at bankers paradise.So what can you expect. Learn ur history, n look for what doesnt work. Regonize it and look for real solutions.peace

      • Join all the Zionist dots, and the Neo-con Fascists and it all points to Mossad. This was their finest moment. Nuttyahoo was almost gloating, Evelyn Ratschild had a front seat for this crowning Zionist achievement. Once again Arabs were to blame, immediately, the Zionist Media ensuring that idea would stick in the shocked and awed people.

        The Bush administration already had war plans made, everything worked like a charm, except for that durn Tower 7. Had to hide that one away, real quick-like. Oh yeah, they had to shut witnesses up, or at least be sure to ignore them, just as the “Investigation” did, in fact do. “Either you’re with us or you’re against us”. Anyone questioning the gov’ts BS is a Terrorist, a Looney, Unpatriotic etc. It’s been a long climb into the pit of shite that 911 was, but there is light at the end, I hope. We must never give up the fight for the Truth!!!

    • “Minor fire damage”
      “Pull it”

      I guess you’re giving lessons on how NOT to spread the word about 9/11 because right out of the gate you’re wrong on the facts.

      If there’s a cockroach in your bowl of pasta the whole thing is ruined.

  32. The more we post comment, the more we interact, (intellegently) the far better the ods of moving this issue to the front burner, center stage, brightest lighting. The 2012 presidential election must include this nagging question.

    Building # 7

    Who gave the authority to a quasi public/private property owner, ( Larry Silverstein ) to demolish a building at the trade center.

    Who did Larry contact, speak to, send emails to, phone calls, faxes, everything relating to his direction to ( PULL THE BUILDING ) in his own words, to demolish Building # 7.

    Who did Larry get authority from to have the building wired with expolsives while the trade center was being attacked and destroyed.

    Did Larry speak with the Mayor, Rudy, did Rudy consult his Police Command about prepareing Building # 7 for demolishion

    Where did they get the explosives from, the detonators, the primer cord, the manpower to do all this work the same day the trade center was under attack.

    There are trails, paper trails, documents, logs, reports, the world didn’t start on 9-12-01 ,the history is waiting to be walked it out into the light of day

    They all know this and fear it continuously, and they cannot stop it from happening.


  33. Ive tried to watch this, get a big exit sign and cant watch any recordings, yet im here at same time. weird world. can anyone explain any of these hearings findings?

  34. Unfortunetaly,with the education dropping to playstation ,tv and porn movies ,it s gonna be very difficult to make it happen and it saddens me .If only i could blow myself in a nuke …GUTTED

    • They get what they deserve …

  35. I think that most people think emotionally and not rationally. They buy into the idea of patriotism and nationalism on an emotional level and that takes precedence over reason, similar to religion. It’s something that’s drummed into us starting from childhood, also similar to religion. I know a lot of conspiracy researchers think the end all be all conspiracy is globalism and world government, but old fashioned nationalism in the sense of thinking ‘my country can do no wrong’ is a huge problem as well and is the reason why people hate us for speaking the truth.

  36. I love my wife.

    • And how about your dog ?!?

      • Same same.

  37. The people have whored themselves and it is this whoredom they will never consent to recognize.

    This is the dark motivation so difficult to fathom. The majority can never admit they were so wrong.


  38. The rat race is over, the rats won, and the nuts have taken over the nut-house.
    Welcome to bizzaro-world, where in the kindom of the blind, the one-eyed man is a terrorist.
    You can’t stay here anymore, but you can’t leave either. Man, this really bites the big shwando.

  39. Oh yeah “lucky Larry” just happened to have a dermatoligist appointment that morning. By the way he owns the Sears tower in chigago

    • Yes, that is irrefutable proof that 9/11 was done by the government. After all, what are the odds that people had doctor’s appointments that day? spooky….

      • You’re the livin’ proof …

      • Apparently you did not read the article. It must be too hard for you because it was a long one. I would tend to believe the evidence rather than hear you tell people over and over that it didn’t happen that way just because you said so.

    • It’s a shrink he needs !!!


    • Yes, live in fear and paranoia. That will solve the world’s problems

      • oh , i’m sorry , are you saying you have a solution to the worlds problems ?
        you can call it being afraid and paranoid if it makes you feel better but i prefer to call it being awake and aware .
        the people truly afraid are cowards like you , who are terrified of looking at evidence which would shatter their world view .
        you’re a coward and a traitor to your country and the entire human race .

    • I am with ya bro!

      PRAY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…….!

  41. On AMC yesterday “JFK” was on, in it its stated Oswald doesnt take the obvious “easy” shot comeing toward the depository just like Hani Hanjour doesnt take the “easy shot” on the pentagon and hit it straight on but makes the most complicated manouver to avoid “Rummy’s” office and hit the most protected spot. It’s time to open the confidential files and find the truth and put the criminals on trial.

    • It hit where it was being renovated, and it had to be a terrain hugging missile, a Cruise Missile, No plane, no bodies, no evidence.

      • AND:…..They took-out the accounting department….to ‘resolve’ the missing 1 billion dollars,…was it? I don’t exactly recall now…

        NEWS item of 9/10 2001, remember???

  42. “Does 9/11 Truth Have A Chance?”

    – Nope- here’s why:

    There are so many things that were hidden/covered up/manipulated in order to keep certaion things from comibng to light. Unfortunately, the “9/11 truth movement” has been taken over by people who see only one scenario: 9/11 was an inside job. The governemebnt did it. Controlled demolition. No real search for “truth”, just searching for any “evidence” that shows the U.S. governement carried out the 9/11 attacks.

    The U.S. government- especially people in the Bush Administration and the CIA, knew more than people think they did.

    The airline industry put convenience and profits ahead of proactivity.

    Staff at the FAA were woefully undertrained.

    – These are just some examples that everyyone can agree on. There are likely dozens of other reasons why there should be more investigation. But to just say “the government did it” is worse than blindly believing in some dogmatic religion. A zealot by any other name…

    • There is no doubt that criminal elements, namely Cheney, Giuliani, and Rumsfeld had active rolls in seeing that the attacks were carried out. There is no doubt that people in the Government were active in the cover up afterwards. There is no doubt that people in corporate America profit in the billions as a result of the attack. And, there is no doubt that douche bags like you come around to muddy the waters.
      911 truth gets stronger every year, Jack. So what if a lot of sheep succumb to the bloody shirt being waved in their face, and keep their mouth closed and go along. The polls show, that over 75 percent of America don’t buy the story, and the police state is just about to take one step too far, and all bets are off. Then we’ll see how much hope for truth there is.

  43. Many people will eat a dog turd if it’s wrapped in The Flag.

    What can you do…..?

    • And many people will will believe that dog turd was planted by the government. There is no real search for truth in our society anymore. People have their beliefs and search out “evidence” to support their beliefs- not the other way around.

      • No one wants to believe their government wants to harm them! It is through history it has been confirmed over and over to them. That is the sad truth!

      • And a lot of people talk a lot of bullshit … like you …

        • No, you are the ignorant one here. Do some reading of world history and perhaps you will learn some things, moron.

        • Are you talking to me ?!?

          Because I was replying to ‘” Ittakesavile…age ” …

          P.S. In case you don’t know how it works …

        • Bwahahahaa!!!

  44. We are still posting “911 inside job!” MCB

  45. Unfortunately the more time passes the more people will forget about 9/11 then the truth remains buried. Just like the JFK conspiracy.

    Dont believe we will ever forget 9/11 well go out and ask 10 Americans what day is Pearl Harbor Rememberance Day and I guarantee 8 out of 10 have no idea.

    So keep fighting the fight as the passage of time is what the globalist are banking on.

    • Read “Day of Deceit”, by Robert Stinnett. Pearl Harbor was an inside job, too…

    • I was just thinking that yesterday while everyone was talking about 9/11. Soon there will be no ceremonies to remember what happened that day the towers were blown up. I remember the Oklahoma City bombing but, I do not remember on which date it happened.

      • I just realized that that ass-face posting the BS over over over again about Palin has stopped….suddenly my faith in humanity is….about where it’s always been. Lower than a snake’s ball-bag…..

        • Hey Phonecian, (greek for red bearded sailer) I am with ya…some of these…hrumph!

          I feel I ought to work-up my testosterone and healthy-anger, and punch severly the next dumb sob that openly mocks my 9/11 truth!!!

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