Dr. Joel Wallach: IRS to Garnish Wages from Medical Tax Violators

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Friday, June 29, 2012

How the IRS will come after Americans under Obamacare.

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5 Responses to “Dr. Joel Wallach: IRS to Garnish Wages from Medical Tax Violators”

  1. The Galactic Federation holds President Obama in the highest esteem. Being representatives of God, there can be no higher accolade. The Illuminati is being eradicated and mass arrests are about to take place. Please spread the wondrous news. Thank you so much.

  2. Stamp Act. 1765-2012 is 247 (13) years. Occult governments press their agenda in perpetuity. Fucking live with it OR WAKE UP!

    Americans are fucking retarded.

  3. Garnish? They’ll eat everything on every plate like fathead Mike Moore.

  4. America had better revolt….they will steal every last dime you have. Bravo…you just lost your home cause you didnt have the money to pay the medical tax. ITS OVER!

  5. this is all bigger than most realize..

    mid 90′s with the introduction of supermarket “loyalty cards”,
    not only for shelf re-stocking, but also induvidualized relational databases, shared information.
    they can know how much, what color, how stinky, and what to prescribe to treat symptoms,
    5-10 years later, for the junk you buy to eat today.

    the hospitals want first dibs on REAL ESTATE for treatments not covered by their insurance buddies,
    which ends up in the hands of state and banksters instead of your own descendants, by design.

    now we have MANDATORY PARTICIPATION for government big-pharma big-medical big-insurance,
    the majority of which are foreign owned corporate entities who wrote it all, for their own profits.
    yes they ARE poisoning the air-food-water-medicine, slow kill mass murder is a moneymaker!

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