Earthquake strikes northern Italy killing six

“A picture fell to the ground and there was the noise of shattering windows. I
didn’t know what to do — I was just rooted to the spot, paralysed by fear
under the sheets, hoping that it would all be over quickly.”

Around 3,000 people were evacuated from their homes and emergency
accommodation was hastily prepared by the authorities.

Aldra Bregoli, 73, who managed to quickly pull on a sweater over her nightgown
as she evacuated her home, told AFP: “I had to run out as quickly as
possible. The firemen told me I can’t go back in. I’m scared.”

The Italian cabinet is expected to declare a state of emergency for the region
when it meets tomorrow.

Four of the victims, including a 29-year-old Moroccan immigrant, were
night-shift workers who died when the roofs of factories caved in.

The other two were women who apparently died of heart attacks or other forms
of shock when the quake hit — an Italian woman aged over 100 and a
37-year-old German who was living and working near Bologna.

Emergency officials searched through rubble for survivors and managed to pull
a lightly injured five-year-old girl out of the remains of her badly damaged

Her relatives had been unable to get through to the emergency services on the
telephone, so called a family friend who happened to be in New York, who
managed to raise the alarm back in Italy.

As experts warned of the dangers of aftershocks, a strong new quake of 5.1
magnitude hit the region in the afternoon, seriously injuring a fireman who
was hit by a falling roof tile.

In the town of Sant’Agostino, the fresh tremor led to the total collapse of
the town hall, which had already been badly damaged.

The epicentre of the initial earthquake was the town of Finale Emilia, 20
miles north of Bologna.

A centuries-old clock tower in the town was sheared in two, with one half
collapsing into rubble and the other standing precariously.

In towns and villages across the region, cars were hit by falling masonry and
the streets were filled with rubble.

An imposing 14th century castle in the town of San Felice Sul Panaro was badly
damaged by the quake, its battlements and towers crumbling into dust.

Three churches in the town were also affected, with centuries-old paintings

“We have lost virtually all our cultural heritage,” said Alberto Silvestri,
the town’s mayor.

In the village of San Carlo near Ferrara, the roof of a 16th century chapel,
which had taken eight years to restore, collapsed, leaving statues of angels
exposed to the sky.

The church, which locals said contained the remains of a pope, may be beyond

The ministry of cultural heritage in Rome said damage to historic buildings
and the artistic treasures they contained was “significant”.

It is likely to be the biggest blow to Italy’s cultural heritage since 1997
when an earthquake badly damaged the Basilica of St Francis of Assisi in

Emilia Romagna is renowned for its balsamic vinegar and prosciutto ham, and
the region’s culinary icons did not escape damage.

More than 300,000 wheels of Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, worth
millions of pounds, were destroyed in warehouses and stockrooms affected by
the quake, according to an industry association.

While mountainous areas of Italy are prone to earthquakes, this one hit the
low-lying valley of the Po River.

Enzo Boschi, a reputed seismologist, said it was the biggest to have hit the
region for centuries.

“It is not true that there are never earthquakes in the Po plain. Ferrara
suffered a very big one in the 15th century. You can still see the traces.”

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