Eco Wine Review: Unti Vineyard’s 2008 Dry Creek Valley Grenache

© UNTI Vineyards

Unti Vineyard’s 2008 Dry Creek Valley Grenache greets you just as any Southern Rhône-style wine should. It’s smoky and spicy with cranberry and anise on the nose. Marionberry and a minty finish play well with the wine’s acidity and refined tannins. At $25 a bottle, this hearty vino is ready for almost anything you’d toss on the grill. Age for up to 3 years.

I suggest you try our Spicy Grilled Portabellas or maybe our Shepherd’s Pie with Gruyère-Popover Crust.

Unti Vineyards celebrates nature in a very understated way. Their wines are not only fermented using indigenous yeast, most are unfiltered and unfined. Which means the wine is vegan! Unti farms according to the natural lunar cycles, emphasizing the relationships between plants, animals and soils without the use of herbicides and pesticides.

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