Fault in UK bank puts holders into debt

Over 700,000 card users were double charged on purchases pushing 50,000 holders of the building society into debt.

Nationwide building society has not accepted responsibility for the technical incident that has had more than 700,000 customers use their banking cards and being charged twice for purchases.

This latest technical fault in UK banks has sent 50,000 Nationwide customers into debt.

The users of Nationwide only became aware of the fault when their cards were rejected as the double payments had sent them to be overdrawn.

A spokeswoman for Nationwide said: “We want to offer our sincere apologies to customers and assure them that they will be reimbursed for any additional costs or charges that they have incurred.”

It was not certain whether Nationwide would refund the charges on people’s overdraft. The spokeswoman said there were up to 704,426 affected customers.

The incident has laid a serious blow to the reputation of one of Britain’s biggest building society.

Moreover, customers at NatWest, Britain’s largest retail and commercial bank, face fresh concerns as the bank’s online service froze, leaving up to 11.5 million customers unable to access their cash.


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