Feds May Seize Liberty Dollars

Kurt Nimmo
August 30, 2011

Coin World reports that the feds are looking to seize liberty dollars from collectors and those using the coins instead of inflation-ridden Federal Reserve notes.

Officials with the U.S. Attorney’s Office said on August 24 that the coins are contraband. The Secret Service, the federal agency responsible for confiscating counterfeit money, did not provide any definitive comments concerning under what circumstances Liberty Dollars would be seized, according to Paul Gikes of Coin World.

The coins are illegal even if they are not used for barter, the feds insist. Jill Rose, chief of the August 24 that the Liberty Dollar medallions are confiscable as contraband if they are being exhibited for educational purposes or held privately.

Rose was the lead prosecutor in the Bernard von NotHaus case. Von NotHaus is the creator of the Liberty Dollar. He was convicted by the feds in March on multiple charges involving the alternative currency that competes with fiat money distributed by the privately owned Federal Reserve. During the trial it was determined that Liberty Dollars are counterfeits, contraband and subject to seizure.

Von NotHaus was convicted by a jury after the feds successfully argued that Liberty coins are counterfeits because they include the words “Trust in God,” similar to the words “In God We Trust” on Federal Reserve coins. He faces up to 15 years in jail, a $250,000 fine, and may be forced to give $7 million worth of minted coins and precious metals – weighing 16,000 pounds – to the government.

The prosecution and conviction of von NotHaus was politically motivated. He is the founder of NORFED, the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Code.

Following the verdict against von NotHaus, the government characterized him as a domestic terrorist.

“Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism,” said U.S. Attorney Tompkins. “While these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country,” she added. “We are determined to meet these threats through infiltration, disruption, and dismantling of organizations which seek to challenge the legitimacy of our democratic form of government.” (Emphasis added.)

The Liberty Dollar raid was indistinguishable from “similar raids conducted by Soviet and Chinese communist officials against private businesses operating in those countries,” writes Jacob Hornberger. “Unfortunately, in the post-9/11 world in which we now live, anything goes as far as federal power is concerned. The heavy-handed, perhaps even fraudulent, Soviet-style attack on NORFED is proof-positive of that.”

According to Rose and the government, the Liberty Dollar is “a pyramid scheme imbedded with fraud” that had nothing to do with barter or trade. “Barter is an equal and knowing exchange,” which the Liberty Dollar is not, Rose and the government claim.

Coin World had previously published comments from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Charlotte stating that while mere possession of Liberty Dollar medallions was not a violation of federal statutes, actual use or intent to use them in the manner for which von NotHaus was convicted would be considered a violation.

Glen Kessler, assistant special agent in charge in North Carolina for the U.S. Secret Service, told Coin World that the Secret Service is “duty-bound to confiscate” Liberty Dollars.

George Ogilvie, the public affairs officer for the federal agency, told the publication the Secret Service had no comment on the matter.

It now appears the feds are moving to criminalize mere possession. Collectors are now at risk, especially if they oppose the Federal Reserve and are politically active.

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83 Responses to “Feds May Seize Liberty Dollars”

  1. they look EXACTLY LIKE 1920′S PEACE DOLLARS

  2. Must have been a bunch of REALLY dim lightbulbs on that jury! Hasn’t ANYONE ever heard of JURY NULLIFICATION!! Judges and lawyers surely DO NOT want jurors to be aware that THEY are the most powerful entity in the entire courtroom – even MORE powerful than the law itself! I continue to be amazed at how really DUMB most Americans are! I really don’t think they deserve the country they once had, and that is why they have lost it forever.

    • They can have all the metal I unload from my clip. free

  3. And the snake, squeezes tighter.
    And you still believe, you can talk the snake out of eating you.

    If you have not prepared for a blood battle, then good luck, your going to need it.

    It does not take a PHD or any other so called intellectuals, to figure out what the
    end will be. All it takes is knowing what, one plus one equals.

    Evil and good always end in a conflict, and it always is a blood battle, history speaks for itself.

    I will use the worn out phrase………Wake-up.

  4. What a load of horsesh*t. The true domestic terrorists are the ones printing money inflating the value of the dollar stealing wealth from the people. A revolution is coming and it is inevitable. Living in the world today, the laws are obviously upside down and favor the few. Future generations will put up with less and less of this charade. If I saw a banker hung from a tree tomorrow, I wouldn’t bat an eye.

  5. legitimate currency? …. legitimacy of our democratic form of government? hahahahahahahahaha

  6. I’m a good little ‘Murkin. They can have mine. But they get some of my other precious metals first.

    This is just another level of training. Whether it’s a currency with a real value, foodstuff that hasn’t been destroyed by processing, or even a 7-year-old selling lemonade by the side of the street, if “We say it’s bad, so it’s bad. If you like it, you’re bad too,” a large percentage of the fluoride-guzzling, prozac-popping, tv-watching populace will look up, wipe the drool off their chins, and say “Gawlee! I din’t know that. Guess it IS bad! Whut wuz I thinkin!”

    We’re so screwed!

  7. I “HAVE” a number of those coins. ( As their “PURE SILVER” ) I’ll be WAITING for “THEM” to “T R Y” to confiscate them, from “ME” . . . I’d REALLY enjoy that !

    • they can’t take um from ya bro… they CAN fuck with this guy because they ARE very similar to u.s mint…. it’s like making shitty counterfeit bills and saying it’s not counterfeit because they are not exactly the same as the bill… yet that is exactly what they are trying to imitate.. anybody understand this ?

      • they don’t bust the companies that take in counterfeit bills so they can’t bust u

      • Very similar is not the same as trying to produce an exact copy, which is what counterfeiters do.


        • So with your argument, someone could be arrested for trying to use monopoly money, because it isn’t an exact copy, but has color and numbers on it and the same shape. And what counterfeiter would try to make a crummy copy of a us dollar and try and use it, seriously. Anyone who was involved with liberty dollars new what it was all about, end the fed and legalize gold and silver, and it was used as barter with certain stores that accepted it.

  8. Hay Alex tell the FEDs there are liberty Dollars in Uruguay,Brasil and Spain…..Those Feds are little Puppets of a foreign Power…..Vote Ron Paul eliminate the foreign power!

    Arriba U.S.A ……Arriba Sin Miedo!

    • “I’m” going to ! ( Vote for RON PAUL ) . . . Lets see what they try doing, up here in MONTANA. “WE” have been PRODUCING “COINS” (Also, “PURE SILVER” ) for YEARS now. Let them try pulling some of that FOOLISHNESS “UP HERE” . . . they “WOULD” get a SERIOUS SURPRISE, should they try !.

  9. ““Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism,” said U.S. Attorney Tompkins. ”

    Don’t you just love how everything is considered “TERRORIST” these days. I can take a piss in the park in front of a tree and that would be considered “TERRORIST” to the trees. How pathetic. Is breathing in atmospheric Oxygen considered a terrorist thing if the Oxygen is not treated properly, re-distributed and sold to us for a fee by the corporations? Come on! This is getting old. When are the globalists going to take a vacation like Obama does?

  10. YOU the FED have undermined our echnomic structure as a whole with your wayy over printed paper notes. You the FED are the cause of our echnomic problems How dare you say that real silver is a problem. You the FED are the problem. You the FED are going to continusley act in a way that is shooting America in not just the feet but in the head. Keep pushing the buttons of the american people and see what happens. YOU the fed are barking up the wrong tree. Keep barking up that tree and the american people will throw a rope over it for you.

  11. Well, they can call anything anything (domestic terrorists?) — it’s their game. Why play it? placeofrefuge2012.com

  12. If it’s LEGAL to buy gold silver bullion, then, I see the Liberty Dollar as just being a different form of bullion, easier to handle for people, and much more attractive. Proving “intent” to use them as “currency” is next to impossible to do. Besides, NOBODY in the RETAIL businesses would accept that kind of silver bullion-type “coin”, so what is the big deal? *IF* a person purchased one of these bullion-type “coins”, and I say “coin” sparingly, then, the Feds could do something about it, but come on. This is MORALLY WRONG what they are doing to this business, and you know what? I just hope the JUDGE catches onto the obvious motive for the Feds to be doing this and that is they want to confiscate the $7 million for themselves, melt it down, and pocket the money. Hopefully, the JUDGE will find him innocent and not guilty of any crime.

    These so-called “coins” are NOTHING MORE THAN BULLION in a different form. Period.

    • Thats right and even the mint calls their silver eagles bullion but the mint can claim legal tender because you can purchase a couple gum balls with one of their coins. (legal tender for face value of one whole dollar).

  13. How can something that has inherent value, such as a silver coin, be counterfeit unless the silver is not silver.

    Trust in god is hardly a Federal reserve trademark.

    This is obviously a case of shutting this guy down before his liberty catches on.

  14. wait so u …. CAN’T try to pawn something off like it came from the u.s. mint? lol

    • It ain’t the u.s. mint.

      • i’m gunna print a dollah that looks just like the dollar

        • i guess it depends on how the guy was advertising them idk

        • Never tried to pawn them off as if they came from the mint.

    • If counterfeiting were the issue then they should arrest everyone at the fed who keeps printing fake paper dollars.

  15. Someday, the ‘currency’ may be food, water, soap, ammo knowledge. The barter system will probably return in a big way. If WTSHTF, coins like these probably won’t be of much value anyhow in the short term but good to have around. The Federal reserve has NO business at this juncture in the financial landscape, regulating / confiscating silver coins while it defends its own derivatives gaming and paper money ponzi schemes. And that’s exactly what this is, but these scumbags are getting away with it with the full backing of corportate American media who are nothing but disciples of the federal reserve inc.

  16. i have about 150 of these and they WILL NEVER get them, they are MINE and I WILL NOT give up what is RIGHTFULLY MINE- SORRY!!!

    • You could possible file a anti trust fraud against the government or a couple of you could get together and file antri trust fraud suit against the government. Claiming that the company was prepared to issue physical possession but it was intercepted by the government.

      you only need 2 or 3 people to file a class action lawsuit.

      • i’m just kidding- i figured i would get the trolling goon squad running around their little devils den going we have a terrorist! we have a terrorist! after they trolled the comments on here- HOWEVER i do have a vast amount of Silver and some Gold that i WILL GUARANTEE, they will never get, never find and will never leave my possession
        RON PAUL 2012
        END THE FED
        END THE WARS

      • Then they’ll find out where they live and swat team them.

  17. I did not like liberty dollars because they did not allow people to take immediate physical possession. In this case. The company was prepared to accept dollars and issue possession but the government came in and took possession of the dollars that the certificates were issues for.

  18. and again pussy ass americans will do nothing but talk about it. when we should be killing these fucks. they are never gonna stop unless we use force, do we realy want to wait till we have no guns and no silver or gold to fight back, do they have to burn bibles in the street for you stupid fuckin people to get mad enough to kill these fuckin politicians? …. i say second amendment NOW NOW NOW kill them all befor its to late. but that will never happen cause we american are nothing but a pack of no balls having pussies. fuck this place we get what we deserve. …. and a lil note to the FED…. come to my house and try to take my silver and i will put a bullit in the first fed head i see. fuck you all. ……… thanks america for being such good little slaves and for never ever fighting back. why the fuck do we talk about our right to bear arms when you know damn well youll never fuckin use it…..

    • If you go that route, might want to think about their communications systems, including satellite communications, and their grid of surveillance cameras first. If these are intact, you will get slaughtered.

    • you are wrong this criminal along with everyone who has these counterfiets coins should go where all the other terrorists go that place in cuba and they should have shirts on with christian on them THEN they will get justice for trying to screw the federal reserve.

    • Most militia say they are defense only. If attack, no one else joins…a few. If defense, millions more will join.

    • How is it that some snooty little banksters like Ber-yank-me and “Heil” Geithner can lead this country around by the nose? Everyone knows that they’re running our country into the ground but we sit by watching it happen. It’s like one of those rigged games at the carnival, except instead of walking by laughing at the dupes trading their FRN’s for chinese trinkets we are forced at gun point to play until we have nothing left to play with and we don’t even get any crappy trinkets! I agree this will have to go physical because they WILL NOT STOP until we STOP them. And we can stop them, we just have to start. Will it be fun? NO! But is it not better than bending a knee and licking boots? “If you’re gonna die, die with your boots on, if you’re gonna die, you’re gonna die…”

  19. The banks want to control ALL commerce. That is why they employ government goons to stop every form of trade they can’t control. This is the Mark of the Beast System. WE must resist by buying small denominations of silver and gold for trade, along with other things.

    Every attempt to trade and do honest business outside of the bank-controlled fiat currency system is a strike against the RFID 666 bank-controlled system.

  20. Their aguement is an EF’ING joke. FU FED puppets. Go to APMEX and compare the head-side of the APMEX 1/2oz Silver Walking Liberty and the US Mint 1oz Silver Eagle. They’re nearly identical.

  21. hahaha, look at what is written in yellow, “our democratic form”. those three words say it all. thier government, thier “form” of democracy. Outrageous.

    • Absolutley, She meant republican form of government didn’t she? Hell no , she meant exactly what she said; democratic form of government; meaning no rule of law. Common law out the window.

    • Very telling when we live in a country that is (or at least was meant to be) a Constitutional Republic…. NOT a democracy.

  22. It’s very simple: The government hates competition.

    • They hate guitars and music also except that organ satanic music.

  23. More, from

    In Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry commented:

    Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on, accounting for its startling rise from the depression to a world power in 5 years. Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1935 to 1945 without gold and without debt, and it took the whole Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German power over Europe and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers. Such history of money does not even appear in the textbooks of public (government) schools today.

    Fast foward to Libya today and it’s clear whatever nation finds a solution to private banking schemes will soon find itself labeled as enemy.

  24. Uprising is inevitable. Getting physical gold and silver sounds like a great idea, but many including myself don’t have enough worthless paper dollars to buy the metals with. Besides its already too late except for the silver. Gold is off limits. That’s why I buy gear, firearms, supplies and invest in training while the paper dollar still can buy them.
    Its just astounding to know that the U.S. Treasury does not have any control over currency issue. No one can answer a simple question: “What value is the dollar based on?” There’s no value behind it, not even the paper it is printed on is worth it.
    Keep prepping folks, God Bless!

    • You can save a little each week and buy Pamp Suisse.I don`t have alot of $;I mean we live day to day sometimes for food.I am stockpiling food and supplies but I buy the 1 gram pieces.Also the dimes created 1964 or before were 90% silver and Are actual currency so you can`t get into trouble.Stash away incase of extre emergency ONLY! We literally only have enough for bills and food barely but I really try to put a little away each week in a jar.No bank account.

      • If you cannot afford PM’s there are many barter items you can affort to buy .

    • That’s right ngage, buy stuff you can eat and save your ass with. Don’t forget
      water purifiers.


    The real story behind WWII and why Hitler is continually villified by the press, academia, and cinema. To make sure the real story doesn’t even become known.

    BY CONRAD GRIEB, Liberty Bell, 1978

    General Robert Wood testified that in 1936 Churchill told him that
    Germany is getting too strong and must be smashed. (p. 130).
    For what reason? Bernard Baruch tells us. After an interview
    with Roosevelt in September 1939, Baruch released a report to the
    press in which he said:

    “If we keep our prices down, there is no reason why we
    shouldn’t get the customers from belligerent nations that they
    have had to drop because of the war. In that event Germany’s
    barter system will be destroyed.”
    (N.Y. Times, 14th Sept. 1939)

    Germany was trying to escape the entanglements of world debt.
    England was quite willing to lend money to buy raw materials but
    Germany insisted upon exchanging goods for goods. Germany would
    not be drawn into the system of increasing debt, booms and slumps.
    The London Times stated that Germany’s barter system made her an
    aggressor in the world market:

    “One of the fundamental causes of this war has been the
    unrelaxing efforts of Germany since 1918 to secure wide
    enough foreign markets to straighten her finances at the very
    time when all her competitors were forced by their own debts to
    adopt exactly the same course. Continuous friction was inevitable.
    Germany adopted a new monetary policy … after which
    Germany ceased to experience any financial difficulty.”

    In England the people suffer the burdens of heavy and increasing
    taxation, but in Germany, the Times reports:

    “Nothing is ever heard of the necessity of increasing taxation, compulsory savings,
    or the issue of enormous public war loans. Quite the contrary.
    Recently an important tax was abolished. Public savings bank deposits touch new monthly
    records again and again. Money is so plentiful that the interest
    rate on Reich loans could recently be reduced from 4-1/2 to 4 per

    These changes may well call for drastic readjustments in our
    established conventions. A hidebound persistence in methods
    and doctrines which were sound fifty years ago may easily
    prove as costly in the financial and economic field as actual
    war. It might not lose the war; it would certainly lose the
    (London Times, October 11 and 12 and November 13, 1940).

    “Germany was trying to break the credit ring of the money
    monopolists by the force of economic sanity and that was unforgivable.
    She was acting like a worker who went on strike against
    system which deprived him of adequate food supplies though he
    as quite willing to exchange his labor to pay for them.

    “In 1937 Hitler said:

    ‘Germany will enter into no obligations to pay for her imports than she is capable of fulfilling. The German Government thus takes the standpoint of the respectable merchant who keeps his orders in harmony with his power to pay. We laugh at the time when our national economists held the view that the value of a currency is regulated by the gold and securities lying in the vaults of a State Bank; and more especially we laugh at the theory that its value was guaranteed thereby. We have instead come to learn that the value of a currency lies in
    the productive capacity of a nation.

    “The world financial monopoly stood aghast. If Germany succeeded
    in her plan of economic penetration, other nations might follow
    per example. The whole world would then exchange goods for goods
    in a basis of equality and good fellowship. No one would want to
    borrow and the financial pyramid of debt, from the apex of which
    Almighty Finance ruled the world, would collapse. Humanity would
    be well fed, but the financiers would lose their power.

    “If the German monetary experiment had been allowed to develop
    on the basis of a friendly exchange of goods it would have provided
    the world with useful information to assist it in solving its commercial problems.

    What was a laudable effort on the part of Germany
    has become a world war — a war of ideas in which Hitler strives to
    form a European economic monopoly opposed to the financial
    monopolies of the world.

    “Statesmen began to prepare the public mind for war. No mention
    was made of the real causes of the crisis — the bitter scramble for
    world markets, the trickery and inhuman methods used to obtain
    spheres of influence for surplus investments and for increasing the
    burden of world debt. Statesmen again were preparing to sacrifice
    the youth of their country on the bloody alter of Mammon.

    As in peace, so in war. Humanity must be sacrificed to save a worthless
    economic system. .

    “Once again the peoples were told that if they destroyed the
    leader of the German nation all would be well with the world. Gernany
    worshipped its leader. Britain trusted its Government. Both
    peoples believed their leaders would save the world. It was a
    tragedy of faith in men. One nation has to fight for a new economic
    and political system the other to preserve the old ones.

    • Don’t believe anything an englishman says.

  26. What is truly Domestic Terrorism is the creation of paper currency that has no stable value such as the United Dtates dollar. in fact the printing and creation by the Federal Reserve, of additional worthless paper, is not only an act of Domestic Terrorism, but those who defend it such as Federal Attorney Tomkins, is guilty of being an accessory after the fact. She is in fact the real Domestic Terrorist. She also contributes to the ongoing looting by the Federal Reserve and it’s owners who are part of the Elite Ruling Criminal Class.
    Every single Federal Reserve note that is printed without a legitimate backing from a stable source such as gold is an act of theft from every living human who does trade in any currency and from every child not born for the next hundred or more years. The debt of the United States will never by paid and the current credit rating shows that the US is gaged on whether it can pay the interest on it’s debt not on whether it can pay it’s debt which it will never do.

    Sic Semper Tyrannis !

  27. How ironic, a coin backed in value by it’s silver and gold content is illegal, yet a piece of paper stamped with the name of a bank backed by nothing is legal. September 17th, anonynous is calling for a Wall Street occupation; let’s shut these pigs down.

    • What should actually be done is a shut down of the federal Reserve in Washington by surrounding it with a half a million Patriots.


  29. What’s next?
    1. Take everyone’s Gold Coins
    2. Take everyone’s Silver Coins
    3. Take everyone’s Silver and Gold bars
    4. Take everyone’s IRA, 401, etc and give you some “Fiat” paper money
    OF course you will not get it for a year later and then doled out so you
    will never get it all before you die. THEN it will go to the Feds and NOT
    your next of kin.
    Just like FDR did!

  30. Good people, brave people, Unite! Join hands to resist the invading evil!

    Our lives are hanging by a thread. The sleeping masses are falling under the invisible, silent, unrelenting encroachment–a mortal assault advanced far beyond anything else in history, making it all the more deadly.

    We who are awake have just cause to strike back with deadly force. The evidence is not in a book…….it is saturating us to the core. It is not just entering our government, but our homes, our minds, our souls! What the enemy is doing, step by step, inch by inch, country by country, is irresistible unless we overpower them as a monolithic force, united in time and place.

    Ron Paul could be our greatest asset in a government now overrun by degenerates. But have we considered that he cannot do what we must do for ourselves? We fool ourselves if we turn it all over to him, and then sit back to drink our beers and watch TV. Have we considered that waiting until after the election buys more time for the enemy…….while we indulge our uncertain hopes instead of taking action?

    He needs us as much as we need him. There are things he cannot say at this time, if he is to win.

    But Dr. Paul will surely agree on the following:

    Stop the trashy postings that degrade us all. You destroy yourselves!
    Stop the racism, and look at the real enemies.
    Stop the bible verses, that divides us. Bibles don’t stop bombs.
    Stop the complaining…what good will complaining do inside a FEMA camp?
    Stop the personal attacks, or reap your karma!

    And surely, Dr. Paul will agree on the following:

    Support each other with love and courage, despite individual differences. Everyone has something useful to offer. Communicate secretly, develop plans, appoint local leaders. Cut off the power of the NWO by using less oil, taking your money out of banks, developing local infrastructure that is totally independent of all government.

    Publish, far and wide, the names and addresses of all NWO collaborators.

    Gather weapons for your defense. Be original. Plan for your defense against the terrible technologies sure to be unleashed when the enemy’s losing and desperate. They are far worse than most imagine. Inform yourselves!

    Thinking ahead, past the bloody revolution that is indisputably inevitable, what can we do to purge the planet of those who conspire against humanity? It’s not possible to extirpate all of them. Some survive, rebuild, and another tyranny is on the way.

    The only solution is a wholesale change in ourselves. Tyrants grow in the fields of our own predation and treachery. We are their models. We are their justification. If we lack integrity, so will those amassing money and power. Had we integrity years ago, we would have kicked out the very first politician who lied and cheated us.

    We need to change ourselves. Nothing less than becoming true individuals will work. If there is anything tyrants fear the most, it is a person who is completely independent, who takes responsibility for all that he does, who thinks for himself and who acts for himself. Such a person is not dependent on religion to tell him what to think, and dependent on government to act for him.

    Ultimately, though many will deny it, we cannot circumvent the following:

    Judge civilization by its consciousness.
    Judge consciousness by its truths.
    Judge truth by reality.

    As soon as we accept this,

    We change civilization by changing its consciousness.
    We change consciousness by changing its truths.
    We change truth as we discover the nature of reality.

    • I printed your post 4Victory, and will modify it as a flyer to leave everywhere.
      Thanks for the inspiration, this is exactly what we need right now- solutions not complaining.

  31. If the SS is ‘duty bound’ to confiscate Liberty Dollars and use the proceeds to build death camps, we the People are duty bound to buy guns and store food for the friggin gunfight that is going to erupt once the trucks start hauling us off to the gas chambers.

  32. So If I wanted to use my silver coins to buy things I would get arrested? So now Government conterfeit money is “real money” and other things like Silver or Gold is no longer legal? What kind of crap is that? Upside down Evil World.

    • THIS is the new world order- F*^ EM
      V for Victory
      THEY ARE few

    • Melt them down. It’s real simple.

  33. The Federal Reserve Bank is a private bank, just like the U.S.A. is a private corporation. I am not surprised. The United States of America vanished a long time ago when the South lost to the North during the Civil War. There would need to be a civil war again to turn it back around. Slavery has never been abolished, just re-enforced by the Northern states and the chasm expanded between the classes of people, regardless of their race/color. Peace and Light to all!

  34. Maybe instead of God we Trust, should say: “FED we Don’t Trust”

  35. Its only a matter of time. They want a fight and we really don’t but what can we do. We are being accosted on all fronts concerning our rights to clean food, our right to religion, our right to protect ourselves, our right to due process, our right of property and simply our GOD given right to autonomy in accordance with our conscience. 234 years ago we had to fight one tyrant and his minions from 4000 miles away, while today we have to fight thousands of tyrants all around us. I am not a bully but I am not a coward either, the cost will be dear for many of us. I have made my peace with my Lord and savior and I did take my oath in the service seriously. I believe in GOD’s word when he tells me that 1000 will fall at my left hand and 10,000 at my right. Hmmm.. Solzhenitsyn’s sage advice of fighting them here, there and everywhere is right on the money, no pun intended. I can see the signs all around us and I hope that others are courageous and ready as well. No bravado my friends just quiet solitude until that day. I love my GOD, my wife and my country dearly, I pray others do as well. Until that day my GOD keep you and guide you.

  36. Crisis keep being manufactured for the masses as soon as the last one ends. Otherwise they will start questioning their government.

  37. This whole issue is silly, Infowars should put a picture up of the back of the liberty dollar, because anyone who has seen the liberty dollars knows they are not us mint coins. Anyone with half a brain that is. Saying they are counterfeit is like saying tokens are counterfeit because they are sometimes round ,,

    • Indeed, or the FED needs to now confiscate every casino chip in the country as well. And Chucky Cheese is going down!

    • Thanks for posting that. I have not seen the back, and just by judging the front, I can see where the Fed could make a case for counterfieting. Silly indeed.

      • Even the mint silver eagles are only legal tender for their face value, which is a dollar.
        Nobody buys silver eagles for over spot, and then spends them on a dollars worth of goods.

  38. What if you melt them down? Is it then illegal? Or will they find some way to seize the lump of silver you end up with?

    Is’nt this basicly just a coin-shaped lump of silver?

    Can’t silver be sold in small cubes or something instead? Shaping it like coins is just asking for trouble. Im shure they will find some pretext for grabbing it. But don’t hand it to them on a silver platter (in wich case they will seize the platter to, seeing as it is round and thus “counterfit currency”).

    • How about melting them down and making silver bullets out of them. Then you could give them back to them one at a time at a rate of say 10,000 miles an hour. I hear this is the best remedy for riding society of vampires.

      • No that’s foe werewolves.

      • Kemosabe have good idea

  39. Life in Prison for Federal Competition – Silver Death Sentencing

    …make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts…

    If gold and silver coins are made contraband, illegal or criminalized; then how can this Constitutional requirement be upheld.

    Max Keiser, Peter Schiff and L.F Baum; Right About Silver Fairytale
    It is a Silver Fairytale and The Rise and Fall and Rise of the Bi-Metalists

    Join the Silver Liberation Army! By two silver coins.

    Every click your two pieces of silver together and help us return from the Land of Oz.


  40. eBay is full of NORFED coin auctions. I’ll assume it’s only a matter of time before they ban the sale of them on there just like they have countless other items.

  41. “Freedom is always illegal.” ~ Larken Rose

  42. But never underestimate the stupidity of the people in this nation.
    King George of England did not, that’s why hje propped up his General george in this land because he knew they imported idiots deliberately to make the CVON of governance by men in secret meetings as the Fraud of Legitimacy…Rubes ‘R U.S. 1776

  43. the U.S. Dollar (FED reserve paper) is “a pyramid scheme imbedded with fraud” that had nothing to do with barter or trade. “Barter is an equal and knowing exchange,” which the U.S.Dollar is not as it has not common value iand is manipulated in the dark by felons and gangsters.

  44. “Glen Kessler, assistant special agent in charge in North Carolina for the U.S. Secret Service, told Coin World that the Secret Service is “duty-bound to confiscate” Liberty Dollars.”

    Duty bound….the SS said the same thing.

    • yes, its just a shame that so many people excuse their way out of taking personal responsibilty for their own action. “Just doing my job” wouldnt hold up for a (private) hitman or bank robber.

  45. The “Feds” are illegitimate so who gives a flying fuck. Overthrow them already, their crimes are out in the open, all it takes is a peek from the general population and its over, hopefully. But never underestimate the stupidity of the people in this nation.

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