Feminism Destroyed Woman’s Power


(l. Matthew Broderick & Ally Sheedy in WarGames, 1983)

Heterosexuality is based on an exchange of
female power for male power expressed as love.
Western women have been tricked 
into pursuing power instead of love. 
As a result, they have nothing but sex
to offer men.  We wonder if women are capable of loving men.
Any girl who grows to womanhood without knowing that love is her supreme value has been spiritually raped. Feminine spirituality expresses an attitude of spiritual waiting, and tending, and readiness for the meeting with its opposite which is a prerequisite for inner wholeness. Without this she becomes a prey to the masculine within herself, a raging spirit of intellectual or physical activity to which no man can be related, and to which she can in no way relate herself. She is a woman possessed.”  Irene Claremont de Castillejo, Knowing Woman: a Feminine Psychology.


Love is Woman’s Stock-in-Trade —Revised from July 4 2020)
by Henry Makow Ph.D. 

The movie “War Games” (1983) illustrates how the Illuminati undermined heterosexuals in 40 short years.

In the movie, Matthew Broderick is a computer whiz who accidentally starts a nuclear countdown and races to avert catastrophe. His girlfriend, played by Ally Sheedy is seen in a complementary role, basically helping, encouraging, and admiring him. He is the leader. But her presence informs, validates, and heightens everything he does. It’s as though his actions are dedicated to her. 

This is the way heterosexuality works. A woman empowers her husband by entrusting her power to him.  This is how she loves, i.e. by “trusting,” by enlisting as First Mate to his Captain. 

If this movie were remade today, she would be Captain; he would be emasculated, and they would break up. 

From Chaucer to Freud, men have asked, “What do women want?”  It’s really quite simple. They want to be loved. Specifically, they want the passionate lifelong love of a husband.

But what makes a man love a woman in this way? Her sacrifice. By throwing her lot in with his, he includes her in his circle of self-interest. This is how two people become one. 

Exclusive sex is a symbol of this bond. Sex is an act of male possession. Intercourse creates a bond like Velcro which is destroyed by promiscuity.

Women want to be possessed by their husbands. In the sex act, a man “makes love to” his wife, i.e. gives her pleasure to show how much he appreciates her sacrifice. 

Women need sex as much as men if not more. Marriage is the most efficient means of fulfilling the sexual needs of both men and women.


By teaching women to be self-seeking instead of self-sacrificing, Feminism has deprived them of their stock-in-trade, love. All they have left to give is sex.  Because they won’t surrender to a loving husband, they’re reduced to giving themselves to strangers.


Cabalist Jews and Freemasons are Satanists. They control by degrading and corrupting. Like termites, they eat away at the supporting columns of society. The family is the red blood cell of a healthy society. It provides us with our roles and identity, as well as necessary emotional and material support. It ensures the young are born, loved, and raised properly, and the aged are taken care of. Our family is our link in the chain of eternity. So the Satanists have always wanted to destroy it.


They went after the women, who they deemed fickle, vain, and feeble-minded.

“There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women, Adam Weishaupt wrote. “These should, therefore, be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of standing up for themselves; it will be an immense relief to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond of restraint, and it will fire them the more, and cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so; for they will only be indulging their own desire of personal admiration.”

They convinced women that marriage and family were “oppressive.” Men toiled in factories and died in war to provide and protect, but somehow women were the ones oppressed. 

Satanists needed to interfere in the natural affection and attraction males and females have for each other and for their offspring. Satanists exist to banish love.

A woman’s essence is love, the power to generate love, by loving and being loved in return.  This is the source of her power. A woman’s love for her husband and children is the most precious thing in the world. For a man, this love is his greatest treasure. 

By allowing herself to be snookered, by pursuing material instead of spiritual power, she has essentially lost the power to love. She can have power or love. She can’t have both.


Women need a man’s love like a flower needs sunshine and water. Men nurture women and women empower men by acquiescing to their reasonable demands. This is the heterosexual dynamic.  

Men, if you want to discover if a woman loves you, make a reasonable request, and see how she reacts. 


Left, Sheila Jeffreys, 68, is best known as a lesbian feminist scholar and political activist. 

What Sheila Jeffreys calls “the eroticization of powerlessness” is heterosexuality. But she is a lesbian who obviously can’t understand that women’s love is her power. She wants to turn all women into lesbians who like her can’t understand that woman’s style, beauty, and charm (her femininity) depend on eschewing material power.  

A woman who gives herself to her husband is cherished and loved by him and their children.  A woman who pursues power in masculine terms is doomed to a life of isolation and bitterness. 

Western feminists, you’ve forfeited your most precious gift for nothing. You’re vulgar, a real turn-off. You lack personality, charm, style, and substance. You can’t love it. You’re not even sexy. And soon you won’t have youth. You’ll have nothing but your job, your dog, and your equally desperate friends. 

Western feminists, you’ve been robbed, and betrayed by your society, teachers, and political and cultural leaders; and consequently you’ve joined their traitorous ranks. You’ve betrayed your unborn children, your culture, your family, and the promise of the future. But worst of all, you’ve betrayed yourself.

But, if it’s any consolation, you were fleeced by the best. 

—-Related– “Pearl”  on YouTube shorts gets it. Why men are no longer interested in marriage.
Makow—– The End of Woman 

First Comment by Sandra- 

From Chaucer to Freud, men have asked, “What do women want?”  It’s really quite simple. They want to be loved. Specifically, they want the passionate lifelong love of a husband.


“Love” is an abstraction, especially where men are concerned. They like the trade you describe but once it’s in the bag (usually thru marriage) they start once again acting like the children they still are – most of them anyway.

At least here in the Western world, men have not escaped childhood, they still think and act like angry little boys whose needs were not met.   Some philosopher-psychologists attribute this to the fact that women just are, but men have to be made (thru rites of passage with the older mature men in any particular community).   An old maid at least in the prefeminist era, could be perfectly satisfied with her helping others careers (teachers/librarians/nurses etc) but men without women just go nuts. 

I do not know if white men ever in previous eras were put through deliberate and necessary rites of passage like they used to do in other cultures.  Countless men behave badly in general in their own unique ways,  and toward women in particular,  because they are unconsciously trying to grow up, to be real men. I read two books years ago as well on that topic – men putting themselves thru rites of passage without even being aware of it. 

Some people think it’s the wife’s job to “make a man of” her husband but it is a job most women are not built for.  Mature men must take that boy and turn him into a man. 

If feminism has been such a raging success in white societies, the above may be one explanation anyway.  Men lurching about crazily and blaming feminism.  Feminism, though,  may be the result, not the cause. 

Diane wrote-

I have been reading your site for some months now. I am a Catholic (convert and it’s a long story) and, becoming affronted and dismayed by what I saw happening under the Bergoglian regime and what I then discovered about the Church since VII (and before), I found a Resistance Church 10 months ago. The parishioners there are infinitely savvier than anyone I have ever met and one of them said to me, ” I wish you would read Henry Makow.” Because of my respect for her, I did and such an education I have had!. I have often wanted to write to you but had a lingering doubt that perhaps you weren’t who you said you were – who to trust these days? However this morning I feel I must.
Your post today brought tears to my eyes. I know the truth of what you say about women. My friends and I have lived it, I grew up under my mother living it and I see my daughters and their friends struggle with it and mostly succumb to this evil that distorts and upends Woman’s true meaning. I don’t know what is to become of us all. I fear for my grand-daughters. How will they keep their heads above the filth? What horrors are in store for them? And they do not have the graces that the Sacraments give to help them either. 
But out of my fretting and tears comes the sure knowledge that ultimately the world is in God’s Hands. I constantly remind myself that Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” We forget so easily that it is not this world that is of the utmost importance but making our way through this world so that in the next we can rest eternally with Him in heaven and not suffer eternally in hell. Eternity is our eventual home! 
It is the vocation of Woman to teach her children the simple truths of heaven and hell. We should learn them at our mother’s knee so that they are as natural to us as breathing. To my abiding sadness I did not know and my children have paid the price. We have lost so much and most will never even know how much until the Judgment Day. God have mercy on all of us; especially we women who have betrayed our children – those we have allowed to live and those we have willfully murdered.  And God have mercy on all the men who gave up their natural role of defender and provider for the sake of easy sex. These things in themselves show how easily we are influenced and brainwashed. When will we ever wake up?!
So, to you Henry, and to all who send in parts of the Truth, I am grateful and I thank you. It is a lonely life having ears to hear and eyes to see as most do not and we look for friends anywhere we can find them. So I plod along, cry my tears, and eagerly read your site every morning after my prayers. And I put my trust in the Author of Life and in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, my true mother and model of femininity.

C writes – “We are all Communists now…”

 As you probably know, the Marxist theorist Walter Benjamin described lesbians as “the heroines of modernism”, by which he meant that modern urban culture had an inevitably masculinizing effect on women – a process he portrayed as progressive. 


Reading your excellent piece I was reminded too of the Anglo-Welsh writer Douglas Hyde’s memoir of his membership of the British Communist Party in the 1930s, “I Believed”. Hyde recalled that sexual promiscuity was rampant among his fellow Communists, but the problem for the male communist studs was that they deemed the female members of the party completely “unbedworthy”. Hyde said this was partly because feminine women were mostly not attracted to Communism,  and that even when they were, membership of the party – and the promiscuity that went with it – soon masculinized them.
Well in a sense we are all Communists now – the promiscuity of the 1930s commies was probably tame in comparison with what respectable middle-class suburbanites get up to today. And there’s no doubt in my mind that the physical coarsening of modern feminist/SJW female millennials, and their embrace of the crudest forms of machismo – tattoos, piercings, doc marten boots, etc – is directly linked to their parents equally enthusiastic embrace of  “sexual liberation” a couple of decades ago.


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