Ferrari and Maserati Bring Horsepower and Cars to Tel Aviv

2012 Ferrari California. Photo:

Israel’s car market just heated up as Ferrari and Maserati open their first showroom in the country, in Tel Aviv.

“The Israeli market is thirsty and ready for the import of Ferraris and Maseratis. The number of cars have been been delivered and the lengthening waiting list proves that our move was the right one,” Globes reports Auto Italia Israel CEO Zohar Alon as saying.

Auto Italia Israel imports the vehicles from both Ferrari and Maserati.

The company’s showroom includes 6,500 square feet of space to hold Ferrari’s FF Coupe and California models, along with Maserati’s GT, among others.

According to the Globes report, 20 vehicles from the showroom have been ordered thus far.

Israel’s list of millionaires nearly doubled from 2008-2010 and according to the Los Angeles Times, the country is producing new millionaires at a faster rate than almost all other nations around the world.

To see what a Ferrari FF Coupe looks like, click below.

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