Financial Support for Mark Siljander

Gordon’s Friend, Mark

Editor’s note:  We are unable to mention why former Congressman and UN Ambassador Mark Siljander became a target of the Neocon Mafia/Bush and Company.  Suffice it to say, if Mark’s advice had been followed, 7000 American soldiers would be alive today and 500,000 disabled veterans would be whole.  Instead, Mark is heading to prison.  You have never seen me ask for a red cent.  Send what you can to my good friend Mark Siljander.  Do not let those worthless bastards win.  Send this request to every patriot, every Christian, Muslim and Jew.

Gordon Duff for Veterans Today



Dear Fellow Friends,

As you know, our friend and brother Mark Siljander was sentenced on January 11th in a plea agreement that left him little choice but to concede to the pressures of the government indictment. The result was a sentence of 1 year. While we could debate and go on for hours about the injustice of both the charges and the resulting sentence, we think it is more important that we circle around Mark in this time of need and support Mark and his family through this very difficult time.

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Mark speaks of finding spiritual catalysts for peace. People who are willing to be the next Nelson Mandela, Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, or even Mother Teresa. We have heard him speak many times of a call for such a person or persons. Someone who is willing to move from self-interest, to mutual interest, to a place of sacrificial interest. Someone who is willing to defy the establishment for a message or ideal so important, that he or she refuses to be silenced or abandon his calling despite the consequences. This same person, is Mark.

Mark has sacrificed everything material to him, and loved so unconditionally, that it is difficult to quantify the true sacrifice that he made. But this sacrifice was not only his own. His beautiful wife Nancy and his children have stood by him and joined him in this sacrifice, recognizing the importance of the work and of his calling specifically. Many of you have also stood next to Mark, in prayer, advice, financial support, and even the occasional hug, which sometimes may not seem like much, but has rejuvenated Mark and his family in those critical moments.

Mark did not ask us to write this letter to you all. In fact, Mark did not ask for us to do anything but pray for him and his family. But we feel compelled and called to support Mark and his family and do what we can as a family of friends to support them financially over the next year.

George Kettle, a long time friend of Mark and his family, a year or so before he passed away, and in the middle of the situation Mark faced, told us that we needed to stand together with Mark, not just on the sidelines. Many people recognized in the political establishment such as Joe Reeder and Ed Meese, gave tirelessly to Mark in this protracted legal battle. Many others have walked with Mark, and seen transformations in the heart of world leaders, up close and personal. Mark’s book tells the story of the power of prayer, friendship and forgiveness.

Now, we are reaching out to you, to join us in supporting Mark and his family over the next year. We pray that you give generously but obviously within your means. We are sending this to a very small group of friends and the need is daunting given the circumstances. Please join us in supporting Mark over the next year, whether it be a monthly contribution or a one time donation to him. Thank you for your friendship, your support, and your ongoing prayers. As the Bible shows us, following God’s path is not necessarily easy and it is not without its tribulations.

The donation that you make is not tax deductible. We need to point this out so that you understand this is giving to Mark and we are not using a non-profit as we do not want there to be any adverse action based on support for Mark. These contributions will be going into a trust account for the Siljander family. It will be accessible to Nancy as she has the need.

The following landing page has been set up directly to accept donations. We will have an ACH system in place in the next week, but for now, you can use any major credit card or bankcard for payment. Feel free to forward it (discretely) to close friends you think may be willing to help their family. And if you have any questions you can contact us at 303-805-3904.

Thank you again for all your prayers and support for Mark and his family.

May God Bless you.

Joe Oltmann David Hungerford

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