Fire burns out of control in Perth hills

An unpredictable bushfire is burning out of control in Perth’s hills and residents have been warned to leave or get ready to actively defend their homes.

A watch and act alert has been issued by the Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA) on Sunday for people between between Mason Road, Wright Road, Armadale Road and Nicholson Road in Piara Waters in the City of Armadale.

The fire started between Mason Road and Warton Road and is burning towards Nicholson Road.

Earlier, an emergency warning was issued and it was feared that homes were in severe danger.

However, fire fighters and aerial support have attacked the fire and saved homes in Wright Road that were threatened.

FESA warns there is still a possible threat to lives and homes as the fire is approaching the area and conditions are changing. The bushfire is moving in an easterly direction towards Nicholson Road.

The fire was reported at 12.06pm (WST) on Sunday.

The cause of the fire is unknown.

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