Ford to Offer Stop-Start Fuel-Saving System on Non-Hybrid 2013 Fusion for $295

© Ford


I’ve believed for years that all non-hybrid cars should be equipped with at least a stop-start (aka idle-stop) system that shuts down the engine when the car is not moving. It’s one of the features that make hybrids so fuel efficient in city driving, but it costs a lot less to implement than other hybrid features. There’s nothing worse than seeing hundreds of cars stuck in traffic, not moving, but still burning fuel and spewing pollutants (CO2, NOx, PM, etc).

© Ford

So I’m quite happy to see that Ford is pioneering stop-start in non-hybrids in North-America (many models outside of N-A have had that feature for a while) and will offer it for less than $300 on the already decently fuel-efficient 1.6-liter EcoBoost version of the 2013 Fusion.

I still prefer the hybrid and plug-in hybrid versions of the Fusion because they provide much bigger fuel savings, but it’s still a great feature to offer. In fact, Ford should probably make it a default on the non-hybrid Fusion; its customers will almost certainly save more than $300 over the life of the vehicle, and it would push other automakers to do the same.

Via Ford, GCC

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