Four Major U.S. Crude Oil Refineries Announce Facility Improvement Projects This Year—Flow Measurement Industry Gets a Boost from Process Upgrades

Precision Flow Meter Manufacturer Max Machinery, Inc. Reports Growth in the Crude Oil Process Management Industry

Healdsburg, CA (PRWEB) May 08, 2012

Good news for the flow measurement and control industry with the March announcement by Chevron that they will spend an estimated $83 million to modify their Salt Lake City facilities. This comes on the heels of the Tesoro Corp. and HollyFrontier releases from Utah earlier this year reporting plans to modernize process equipment.

Similar news is expected from Husky Energy who is conducting a feasibility study toward the potential upgrade of their heavy oil refinery in Ohio.

“There is a flood of upgrades. Older refineries have begun the process of installing new technology causing pronounced growth in the flow measurement and control industry” says Max Machinery, Inc. who build precision flow meters that are engineered to withstand the physical stresses and multi-use conditions found in the refining process.

Process flexibility is a primary focus in the upgrades, many facilities haven’t undergone updates in 30 years or more. Lacking the high resolution measuring capabilities of the new era of flow meters limits the refineries ability to efficiently utilize raw materials: “With marketable bi-products as wide ranging as Gasoline and Diesel, Kerosene, Wax or Asphalt the time has come for equally wide-ranging equipment.” (See Max’s application page: crude oil refinery)

Crude oil is a precious commodity and measuring every drop is critical, this has increased the demand for precision helical flow meters” Max Machinery, Inc. reports. “Refineries are aware of this and are taking extra care to ensure every fluid transfer is accounted for by equipping their facilities with state-of-the-art process instrumentation”.

“Max flow meters are often specified in crude oil because there aren’t a lot of fluid measurement technologies that are suited for the high-pressure, high-temperature environment of process flow measurement essential in the distillation and cracking processes of hydrocarbon refining. We’ve long been a global leader because of our unique capabilities to measure accurately within +/-0.2% of reading, down to a tiny fraction of a liter/minute, without the need to compensate for fluid viscosity or density.”

About the Max Helical Series Flow Meters:

The Max Helical Rotor family of flow meters measure high viscosity fluids with a minimal pressure drop while offering +/-0.2% of reading accuracy over a 100:1 flow range. Ideal for the full spectrum of petroleum byproducts, lube oils, greases or molten asphalt.

About Max Machinery:

Max Machinery, Inc. is a U.S. manufacturer of high precision liquid flow meters utilizing the principal of positive displacement measurement through the use of gears, pistons or helical rotors (

David Scharer
Max Machinery
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