French second home tax grab ‘unconstitutional’

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Henry Samuel
London Telegraph
Thursday, July 5, 2012

France’s decision to slap steep, retroactive social charges on British and other “non-resident” second home owners in France could be declared unconstitutional, a former French finance minister warned today.

Centrist Jean Arthuis said the new charge could be deemed unfair by the European Union as it imposes a “social contribution” on British home owner who will not gain all the benefits to which such a charge should entitle them
One opposition politician dubbed the measure a “250 million-euro lie” on the part of President François Hollande’s Socialist government, as it had specifically pledged not to raise taxes for non-residents in its electoral programme.

The comments came as some property insiders warned the tax could drive British home owners already struggling with unfavourable exchange rates out of France.

Full story here.

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One Response to “French second home tax grab ‘unconstitutional’”

  1. We ought to do the same thing here with all our foreigners.

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