G8 summit cost British taxpayers £80m

Wilson told the Northern Irish Assembly that £75 million of the G8 bill went to providing security to the summit held on June 17 and 18 in Fermanagh district.

He added that London has imposed 25 percent of the total cost on the Northern Irish budget as it has been a potential source of “huge economic benefits to Northern Ireland” though he did not mention the benefits.

This comes amid back-to-back cuts to the British government’s spending across different public sectors hitting a wide range of public services including welfare and healthcare.

The government unveiled a new £11.5 billion austerity package for the 2015-2016 period after its massive multi-billion pound five-year savings plan, which was launched in 2010.

As if that was not enough, Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander announced less than 24 hours after the cutbacks that the government has identified even more savings and that similar cutbacks are expected annually for the 2016 to 2018 period.


Source Article from http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/07/02/311835/g8-summit-cost-british-taxpayers-80m/

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