Germany airport strikes ground flights

The Lufthansa airline cancelled hundreds of flights for Tuesday at the country’s largest airports, including Frankfurt, Munich and Dusseldorf after baggage handlers, ground transport crew, technicians and security personnel downed tools over a pay dispute with the government.

The airport walkout is part of a series of strikes by public service workers who are members of the Verdi union.

The union called for the strike as it has been pushing for a 6.5 percent pay rise for around 2 million federal and local public sector workers and at least 200 euros more per month, which employers have dismissed as unrealistic.

The federal state and local authorities have offered a 3.3 percent rise and fresh negotiations were due Wednesday and Thursday, which could be accelerated by the latest strike.

On Monday, public sector workers walked off their jobs and held demonstrations in three states. Employees in fields such as public transport, garbage collection, day care centers and hospitals were among those in the walkout.

More travel misery is expected in Germany next week, as train drivers are also threatening to strike over a pay dispute.


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