Gillard urges restraint in PNG

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has told her Papua New Guinea counterpart, Peter O’Neill, parties should act with restraint, following the arrest of the chief justice.

PNG Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia had been involved in a tense stand-off with police and the army after Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah and about 10 police officers stormed into his court on Thursday afternoon.

Following a two-hour negotiation with police, Sir Salamo was formally charged with sedition, according to reports.

His whereabouts at present is not known.

A spokeswoman for Ms Gillard said late on Thursday night the prime minister had spoken to Mr O’Neill to express the Australian government’s concerns about the development.

“They agreed it was important that the current situation did not detract from the good progress being made toward PNG’s conduct of elections,” the spokeswoman said.

“The prime minister noted the importance of all parties exercising restraint.”

AAP lpm/rs

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