Gillespie wins Nationals pre-selection

Stomach surgeon Dr David Gillespie should have the guts for a fight at the next federal election.

The gastroenterologist won preselection for the Nationals on Sunday and will now try to oust independent MP Rob Oakeshott from the northern NSW seat of Lyne.

“Dr Gillespie is an excellent local champion who is passionate about his community, well beyond his specialist area of health,” leader of the Nationals Warren Truss said in a statement.

Dr Gillespie was favourite to win preselection for Lyne, having contested the seat at the 2010 federal election and campaigned there extensively this year.

He also won the backing of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott late last year.

The Nationals selected small businessman Kevin Hogan to contest the seat of Page, on the NSW far north coast, on Saturday.

The next federal election must be held before November 2013.

Dr Gillespie said he expected the carbon tax, which took effect on Sunday, to be one of the key issues at the next election.

“You can thank Rob Oakeshott for the carbon tax, he stood up there with Bob Brown and Julia Gillard, he took all the merit for it,” Dr Gillespie told AAP.

“So he’s got to take all the responsibility.”

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