Global Action Week 2012 stresses ECCE

Organized by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) in collaboration with Vietnam’s ministry of education and training, the Global Action Week 2012 also invites all governments and societies to invest in the program with particular attention to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children.

Using the slogan “Rights from the Start! Early Childhood Care and Education Now!”, the campaign’s joint statement calls on all countries to pay closer attention to early childhood by providing quality care and education to every young child.

Numerous studies have presented that a child’s early experiences determine how well the brain matures, the campaign’s experts explained.

They also stressed that positive early experiences provide a foundation for sturdy brain architecture and a broad range of skills and learning capacities at the time of a child’s remarkable brain growth.

The World Declaration on Education for All (Jomtien, 1990) highlights the importance of the first years of a child’s life in determining the future educational achievements.

The statement was again emphasized in the World Education Forum in Dakar in 2000 when the international community reaffirmed to meet ‘six Educations for All (EFA) Goals’ by 2015.

The worldwide annual campaign, the 2012 Global Action Week was held on April from 22 to 28.

UNESCO actively supports the campaign by organizing activities in its headquarters and field Offices, mobilizing networks and encouraging Ministers of Education to participate.


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