Gorgeous Garden Office by Office Sian Uses Structure as Shelving

© Office Sian

Architect Gurmeet Sian has built a lovely garden shed in London, with bookshelves designed between the studs.

Built to a limited budget and timescale, the simple aesthetic of the materials is celebrated to create a functional and warm urban haven. Oak framed full-height doors are completely retractable and allow for a clear view of the garden. A library, situated within the structural members, maximises the usable floor area, and a ‘hidden’ rooflight at the rear of the space playfully frames an unexpected glimpse of the sky.

© Office Sian

Lots of people have put shelves between studs in uninsulated spaces, but usually it is more random. (I did it here) This turns bookshelves into architecture.

© Office Sian

More at Office Sian and Dezeen

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