Greens state MP lines up for Senate

It's a very exciting time for the party with Christine Milne as the new leader and a great team of senators ... state MP Cate Faehrmann.

“It’s a very exciting time for the party with Christine Milne as the new leader and a great team of senators” … state MP Cate Faehrmann. Photo: Max Mason Hubers

THE Greens are hoping that state MP Cate Faehrmann will win a NSW Senate seat for the party at the next federal election.

Ms Faehrmann won preselection for the half-Senate election in a statewide postal ballot of party members at the weekend.

On present polling, the Greens are confident of picking up a second NSW seat when voters elect half the Senate at the federal election, which is due to be held before November next year.

Ms Faehrmann said she was looking forward to campaigning on issues including the carbon tax. ”It’s a very exciting time for the party with Christine Milne as the new leader and a great team of senators.

”I do think the Greens are starting to talk to a wider audience and I very much look forward to being able to do that.

”I think in the next election as well, we will be communicating and reaching out to people and audiences that we haven’t talked to before. Regional Australia is responding to the Greens in a way we haven’t seen before.

”I’m very committed to the Greens talking and appealing to a broader audience.”

Ms Faehrmann had won the support of then Greens leader Bob Brown in a push for a Senate place in 2010, before Lee Rhiannon made the shift to Canberra and left the vacancy in the NSW upper house. She replaced Ms Rhiannon in the NSW upper house in September 2010.

Ms Faehrmann worked on Greens campaigns throughout 2001 and 2003, and was appointed the director of the Conservation Council of NSW in 2004 and a director of GetUp! the following year. Her campaigning in NSW has focused on climate change, same-sex marriage and reducing the influence of the mining and property development industries.

It is not clear who will replace her in the NSW upper house.

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