H1N1 vaccine linked to potentially fatal nervous system condition: study

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Rebecca Smith
London Telegraph
July 11, 2012

The swine flu vaccine used during the pandemic may increase the risk nervous system disorder that causes temporary paralysis almost three fold, a study has found.

Researchers in Canada have found that for every million doses of the H1N1 pandemic vaccine that were administered in 2009/10 there were two extra cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome which can be fatal in extreme cases.

The benefits of vaccination still outweighed the risks, they concluded as the risk of death from H1N1 in the region was one in 2,500.

It was found the increased risk was between 12 per cent and three fold, due to small numbers involved.

Full story here.

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5 Responses to “H1N1 vaccine linked to potentially fatal nervous system condition: study”


    “it was worth the risk”

    bet that lil comment would change as fast as obummers birth certificate if it was THEM that was struck down in the prime of their life with a bad reaction to a “safe” vaccine!

    I also bet that if all these so called experts, eggheads, and big pharma asshats, had to be the 1st ones getting these “safe” vaccines and PROVE they are safe with their own health before they are allowed to market them, the vaccine program would be halted within one year!

    Or even better, make their family members the “control” groups that get the shots before anyone else does!

    I would love to see a multi-billion dollar elite big pharma scumbag crying on national TV that his little girl is now a brain dead zombie, but come get your vaccine because they are “safe”!

    rootboy Reply:
    July 11th, 2012 at 3:48 am

    At TED, Billy Gates went to the whiteboard with a simple algebraic equation, in it stating that the only variable in the equation that could be driven to “zero” is POPULATION – “…we can get there if we do a better job with VACCINES…” I thought to myself, what is this computer geek have to do with mosquitoes, global warming, CO2, vaccines ?

    TED explained it all…. exposing a demon of humanity, in plain view.

    You will take the medication or you will be fined into oblivion

  3. At the time of the “bullshit outbreak” of the man made killer swine flu, my hubby and I pulled a second job at a gas station. We warned all of our customers not to fall “victim” to the govt lies. Sadly, there were a few who did. They ended up with symptoms described above and some other things that were worse. We even pointed out to them, why would you need to take three shots of the same thing? Pigs and humans can’t screw!! They still took the shots, poor sheeple. We looked at them and said the famous four words… I told you so!!!

  4. Do not let them stick your kids or you with this poison. Make it clear that if this is attempted, the last thing the bastards will see will be a muzzleflash.

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