HAARP, Smart Grids, and the Large Hadron Collider

If anyone needs confirmation by now that there is a globally-organised conspiracy on a grand scale, then I give you the ‘Smart Grid’. This is the plan already being rolled out to install a global grid that would supply homes with electricity and information. Advocates describe it in their Orwellian jargon as “an intelligent digitised energy-network delivering electricity in an optimum way from source to consumption”; and “integrated information, telecommunication and power technologies with the existing electricity system”. There is also a related brand called HomePlug, “the power alliance [cartel] which distributed Internet, HD video, digital music and other applications [information in other words] to the home”.

Here is the sales-pitch garbage for ‘Smart Grids’ – and then I will tel you the real reason the technology is being introduced:

  • Increased use of digital information and controls technology to improve reliability, security and efficiency of the electric grid.
  • Dynamic optimisation of grid operations and resources, with full cyber-security.
  • Deployment and integration of distributed resources and generation, including renewable resources.
  • Deployment and incorporation of demand response, demand-side resources, and energy-efficiency resources.
  • Deployment of ’smart’ technologies (real-time, automated, interactive technologies that optimize the physical operation of appliances and consumer devices) for metering, communications concerning grid operations and status, and distribution automation.
  • Integration of ’smart’ appliances and consumer devices.
  • Deployment and integration of advanced electricity-storage and peak-shaving technologies, including plug-in electric and hybrid electric vehicles, and thermal-storage air conditioning.
  • Provision to consumers of timely information and control options.
  • Development of standards for communication and interoperability of appliances and equipment connected to the electric grid, including the infrastructure serving the grid.
  • Identification and lowering of unreasonable or unnecessary barriers to adoption of smart grid technologies, practices and services.

My goodness, talk about Orwellian. These people even talk like robots. Note that last point: “Identification and lowering of unreasonable or unnecessary barriers to adoption of smart grid technologies, practices and services”. Translated from the Orwellian this means: “Identification of anything or anyone that might block or not accept what we are imposing and take the necessary action to deal with them, because you are having it whether you like it or not”.

Well, we shouldn’t ‘have it’; we should not even nearly ‘have it’ at any price, starting now. They want these grids in every country with all of them connected to create global grid. Electrical systems can carry information, and these grids are designed to deliver mind control into your own home by using electricity and electromagnetism to supply information into your brain.

The new ‘energy-saving’ lightbulbs that are increasingly being imposed by law around the world are part of this system. Those bulbs are constructed to be transmitters of information. They even look like transmitters. Crazy? Well, hold on.

Dr Robert Beck, an expert in nuclear engineering, co-authored a scientific research paper with Dr Michael A Persinger of Laurentian University in Canada, an expert in ELF [extremely low frequency] radiation, in which they studied the potential of electromagnetic mind control.

Dr Beck told a Psychotronics Association conference that human subjects exposed to certain ELF field pattern reported sensations of uneasiness, depression and foreboding. He said that he had measured the Russian Woodpecker signal and found that it was acting “like gangbusters … right in the window of human psychoactivity”. He then added this: “The signal was permeating power grids in the United States, it was being picked up by power lines, re-radiated, it was coming into homes on the light circuits…”

Dr Beck said those words in 1979, and we are now being told to accept Smart Grids, which will deliver the subliminal messages even more powerfully than Woodpecker because this electrical and telecommunication system is specifically designed to do that – right down to the ‘energy-saving’ lightbulb transmitters.

Accenture, the global management and technology consulting firm, is heavily involved in the Smart Grid roll out. Mark Spelman, Accenture’s head of strategy, said that Smart Grids were “the energy internet of the future”.

Smart Grids are in fact another form of the wireless information Internet aimed at manipulating and programming human perception. The climate-change lie is being used once again to justify human enslavement through the transmitter bulbs and the ‘energy efficient’ Smart Grid. The system also allows the authorities to monitor your energy use minute by minute and turn your heating down or off if they so choose. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (owned by the US Department of Energy) described how the technology would work:

The controller is essentially a simple computer chip that can be installed in regular household appliances like dishwashers, clothes washers, dryers, refrigerators, air conditioner and water heaters. The chip senses when there is a disruption in the grid and turns the appliances off for a few seconds or minutes to allow the grid to stabilize. The controllers also can be programmed to delay the restart of the appliances. The delay allows the appliances to be turned on one at a time rather that all at once to ease power restoration following an outage.

Your whole life would be controlled from afar by programmed computer systems using wireless communications that would constantly bathe your home and business in radiation. The system will be able to monitor everything people do at home once it is fully operational.

So-called ‘Smart Meters’ are being installed in California, and they have proved to be highly controversial. Many are catching fire, and people are suffering from the usual effects of the radiation they emit – extreme dizziness, nausea, flu-like symptoms, memory problems and insomnia. Smart Meters transmit wireless information in electromagnetic pulses to the electricity supply, and this is what causes the ill health. They are trying to kill us and our children in our homes.

Smart Grids are supposed to save energy and cut electricity bills, but when a California television station tested them against the old system they found the opposite was the case. Personal experience suggests that bills actually soar and when you read the small print of government legislation it is the people, not the energy corporations, who are footing the bill for installation.

Smart Grids are being imposed at a gathering pace in the United States on the back of billions in funding and incentives that appeared in Obama’s ’stimulus package’ after he came to power in 2009. All the major Illuminati players are involved such as IBM, GE and Siemens. Around ten million American homes have been installed with Smart Meters at the time of writing and they want this to be more than 50 million in 2012. They are being introduced in Britain and Europe, and many Australians are reacting with great hostility as they are introduced there. The plan is to have every country in the world locked into the global Smart Grid.

Money is no object because this is a major progamme within the global conspiracy. The Smart Grid is a two-way communication system that communicates information to the minds of the occupants and track their daily lives in great detail.

People who refuse to have them are being told they will have their electricity supply cut; so they are, in truth, compulsory – just like lightbulbs. Both are part of the same Agenda. But, in fact, while the energy corporations say there can be no ‘opt out’ from Smart Meters in America, the law says that people just ‘opt in’. As one writer said: “No-one can be forced to comply with an unrevealed contract between private corporations, and to which you were never a party and had no knowledge of”.

The European Union wants 80 per cent of homes connected to this system by 2020. Jerry Day, an electronics and media expert from Burbank, California, listed his concerns about Smart Meters:

  1. They individually identify electrical devices inside the home and record when they are operated causing invasion of privacy.
  2. They monitor household activity and occupancy in violation of rights and domestic security.
  3. They transmit wireless signals which may be intercepted by unauthorized and unknown parties. Those signals can be used to monitor behaviour and occupancy, and they can be used by criminals to aid criminal activity against occupants.
  4. Data about occupants’ daily habits and activities are collected, recorded and stored in permanent database which are accessed by parties not authorized or invited to know and share that private data.
  5. Those with access to the smart meter databases can review a permanent history of household activities complete with calendar and time-of-day metrics to gain a highly invasive and detailed view of the lives of the occupants.
  6. Those databases may be shared with, or fall into the hands of criminals, blackmailers, law enforcement, private hackers of wireless transmissions, power company employees and other unidentified parties who may act against the interests of the occupants under metered surveillance.
  7. ‘Smart Meters’ are, by definition, surveillance devices which violate Federal and State wiretapping laws by recording and storing databases of private and personal activities and behaviours without the consent or knowledge of those people who are monitored.
  8. It is possible for example, with analysis of certain Smart Meter data, for unauthorised and distant parties to determine medical conditions, sexual activities, physical locations of persons within the home, vacancy patterns and personal information and habits of the occupants.

Put: ‘Smart Meters, Jerry Day’ into YouTube and you will see his video.

Police are already issuing an increasing number of subpoenas for the energy-use records of those that they suspect are growing marijuana in their homes. When your electricity usage goes up for any reason, you can face a police raid; and on some occasions when they haven’t found marijuana they have charged people with other offences once they have gained access to their homes.

A report by The Associated Press in July 2011 was also fundamentally connected with all this. AP revealed that a year-long ‘experiment’ was planned to start that would, in effect, dismantle the national electricity grid in the United States (break the old so you can replace it with the new).

The present grid has always run on the same frequency in unison across the country so that power produced on one side of the country can be fed to the other if necessary. The Associated Press report said that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission planned to make various parts of the grid run at different frequencies – which means that it is no longer a grid at all. This could affect traffic lights, security systems and some computers, and make electrical clocks and appliances such as coffeemakers run up to 20 minutes fast.

Demetrios Matsakis, head of the time service department at the US Naval Observatory, said: “A lot of people are going to have things break and they’re not going to know why”. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission says that this nonsense was to make the grid (by then non-existent grid) more reliable. What a lie. When something so ridiculous is rolled out against all logic, you know it is the Agenda at work.

HAARP, Smart Grids, lightbulb transmitters, and telecommunications antennae and technology (including cell phone receiver-transmitters) all are part of a vast global mind-control network that would turn humanity into fully-fledged mind-controlled zombies who ‘love their servitude’.

The ‘GWEN’ system in the United States and the ‘TETRA’ system in the United Kingdom and other countries are all part of this. The communication towers of the Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) have been appearing all over the United States since the earlt 1980s under the direction of the US Air Force.

GWEN in a network of towers hundreds of feet high and placed 200 miles apart. The cover story is that GWEN is an emergency back-up communication system in the event of a nuclear war. Rubbish. They are part of the planned global mind-control ‘bubble’ to disconnect us even more from the wider reality. GWEN towers transmit frequencies that don’t radiate into atmosphere, but hug and penetrate the ground to ensure that no-one can escape what they are sending out.

GWEN communications are planned to communicate with implanted human microchips. Millions of Americans already live within the electromagnetic waves of GWEN, and before long it will be everyone. It is well-known that people are much easier to mind-control when they are subjected to technologically-generated electromagnetic fields. Robert O Becker, twice nominated for a Nobel Prize for his expertise on the biological effects of electromagnetism, wrote:

GWEN is a superb system, in combination with cyclotron resonance, for producing behavioural alterations in the civilian population. The average strength of the steady geomagnetic field varies from place to place across the United States. Therefore, if one wished to resonate a specific ion in living things in a specific locality, one would require a specific frequency for that location. The spacing of GWEN transmitters 200 miles across the United States would allow such specific frequencies to be ‘tailored’ to the geomagnetic field strength in each GWEN area.

It’s all carefully planned. GWEN also has the potential to manipulate the weather.

In Britain, we have Terrestrial Trunked Radio, or TETRA. The cover story is that TETRA is just a new communication system for the police and other emergency services. The system was introduced when there was no need on the orders of the then Prime Minister, ’shapeshfter’ Tony Blair, and the real reason for TETRA is mass mind-control.

TETRA technology is similar to the PCS/Digital, or Personal Communication Systems, used in the United States. The British Home Office awarded the contract for TETRA to a consortium headed by British Telecom and it was sold on to 02 and their subsidiary mm02. Motorola, the American telecommunications giant, is also involved in making an important components of the TETRA system, and this is a company with close links to the National Security Agency (NSA).

An internal European Union document revealed that Motorola played a crucial role in defining the TETRA European standard (in collaboration with the NSA) in order to guarantee for the US government the potential for TETRA networks to be eavesdropped. But it is about more than that. They want all of these technologies to be able to connect as one global network.

TETRA, once again, communicates on frequencies that match human brain activity. It is the same story that you find everywhere, because they are all introduced for the same reason – the control of the human mind and emotions. People living near TETRA and GWEN masts have complained of illness, headaches, depression and all the usual consequences associated with these technologies.

Another potential for HAARP is amplification of poisons and chemicals in the body from relatively harmless to downright lethal. A process called ‘cyclotron resonance’ means that electromagnetic influence can increase the strength of chemical substances by up to thousand times. The chemicals in food that are cumulatively harmful could be ‘excited’ by electromagnetic field from HAARP, or other sources, to become deadly poisons.

HAARP and related technology can disturb the body’s circadian rhythm, the daily cycle “in the physiological processes of living beings, including plants, animals, fungi and cyanobacteria”. They dictate sleep and eating patterns in humans and other animals, and affect brain wave activity, hormone production, cell regeneration and other biological activities. Jet lag is a disturbance of the circadian rhythm, and one of the causes is the effect of electromagnetic radiation at high altitudes.

There are so many consequences when you start messing with electromagnetic fields, especially within the range of human brain activity and the natural energetic balance of the planet. We are seeing the Reptilian obsession with technology that I have been talking about, and we need to urgently address what is happening before it’s too late.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) built by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, or CERN, is connected to the global web of Earth and reality manipulation that includes HAARP. This is the world’s largest and highest-energy particle accelerator and consists of a 17-mile tunnel loop beneath the Swiss-French border.

It is described as an ‘atom smasher’ that collides particles, and it contains more than 1,000 cylindrical magnets arranged end-to-end. The collider began operations in 2008 and has been breaking records for smacking particles together, but it is not expected to reach full capacity until 2014. The project has involved 10,000 scientists from around the world, but the United States (the Rothschilds) has made the dominant contribution.

CERN’s official motive for the money-no-object collider that cost billions is to find out what happened at the time of the Big Bang (there wasn’t one – time to go home chaps) and to understand the deepest laws of nature. But that’s only the cover story.

CERN says that it plans to create and accelerate beams of particles of up to seven trillion volts, and the potential impact of that is obvious.

There are other colliders around the world, too, which we know nothing about.

CERN is, like HAARP, another international project, but officially so this time. Twenty member countries are involved, and CERN employs thousands of scientists from 113 nationalities and more than 600 universities. The World Wide Web emerged from research at CERN.

Israeli scientists have made a major contribution to CERN and the Large Hadron Collider. This was acknowledged by Israel’s Science and Technology Minister, Professor Daniel Hershkowitz. He said: “Israel’s science has received additional international recognition for our leading contribution to research in general and specifically the CERN project”.

Something very big is going on there and it is nothing to do with the ‘Big Bang’. Nor it is good for humanity…

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