Helen Kroger demoted on ticket

Liberal Senator Mitch Fifield has maintained the top spot on the Senate ticket for his party in Victoria while former state president Helen Kroger was bumped to the bottom spot.

The party’s Victorian division held its Senate preselection convention on Sunday to decide the order for Liberal candidates on the coalition’s ticket.

Nearly 500 delegates from 37 federal electorate councils across the state voted, the Liberal Party’s Victorian division state director Damien Mantach said.

Senator Fifield’s hold on the top spot was considered uncertain after a factional rift involving Liberal president Michael Kroger.

Mr Kroger backed his ex-wife, Senator Helen Kroger, in her bid to stay number two on the ticket in the face of a challenge by Senator Scott Ryan.

Senator Ryan took the second spot, bumping Senator Kroger to third position.

Senator Kroger was elected to the upper house in 2007 after she was preselected in the safe second position on the ticket and now serves as the party whip.

She was the Liberal party president in Victoria from 2003 to 2006.

Senator Ryan also entered the upper house in 2008 after being elected in 2007, the youngest Liberal senator ever elected in the state.

All three senators will be up for election in 2013.

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