Herman Cain: Anger Management Candidate

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Kurt Nimmo
Prison Planet.com
November 15, 2011

Herman Cain: Anger Management Candidate The Dead Zone 34080 MediumMartin Sheen played a psychopath who would become president.

Forget about Herman Cain’s alleged problems with women. His tenuous grasp on reality and anger management problem should immediately disqualify him as a candidate.

In the video here, Cain is asked about “extra precautions” he would take with Muslims. Later in the interview, he irately screams at a questioner that he did not say he would take the precautions he earlier said he would take.

Can you imagine this man as president?

A lot of people said the inexperienced community organizer nobody from Chicago – Barack Obama – didn’t stand a chance, and yet the guy now sits in the White House.

He is there because that’s who the ruling elite wanted. If they want Cain, he will be in the White House, too. It seems improbable they would want him, but you never know. Maybe they want a hot-headed anger management candidate who ran the Kansas City Federal Reserve in there.

After watching the clip below, I am reminded of David Crononberg’s adaptation of Stephen King’s The Dead Zone. In the novel, a psychopath named Stillson becomes president. He orders a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union and unleashes global Armageddon.

I am not sure Cain is as mentally unhinged as King’s character, however his behavior in the video below calls into question his ability to control himself when confronted.

Can you imagine a guy like this as commander in chief during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

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15 Responses to “Herman Cain: Anger Management Candidate”

  1. I believe the more we learn about Cain the quicker he will fall from front page news.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    November 15th, 2011 at 4:40 pm


    Sam_Wheat Reply:
    November 15th, 2011 at 4:44 pm

    Otherwise called, “TNB.”

  2. The guy is a disgrace to the great work. They can do better.

  3. He was just doing his best Samuel Jackson impression at that particular time.
    Allow me to retort.

  4. did his brother go missing?.

  5. I believe ti is clled chimping out.

  6. These were easy questions, I just don’t get it. Anyone that watched the news can give an opinion on Libya, what about Obama violating the war powers act? And the stuff on Federal and state workers having collective bargaining, does he not understand the conflict of intreats that has inherent?

  7. Herman Cain: Anger Management Candidate

    Oh, Herman baby, calm down! Whats the matter Herman? Did they see through your facade?

    OhHHHH aint that a shame! “Temper Temper”!! Remember now, we mustn’t allow ourselves to get upset. Think about your blood pressure, not to mention your ulcers.

    Now…lets just “calm” down and “think happy thoughts”. There ya go!

    Isnt that better… you sorry rat bastard?!!!


  8. He might be tough, but standing up to a General will slow his ass down.

  9. Oh my God! Cain is a politician! He misleads like a politician. Who does he think he is wanting to be a President because he lies like other politicians? No, I can’t imagine him being President…he’s not even an American. He was born in Kenya, wasn’t he? And he’s a Fascist, Socialist, Muslim, Christian. And he wasn’t even born in the US, surely? Nah, Republicans will soon wake up and realise that he’s black, go back to believing that two black candidates is unacceptable and conclude that they don’t need him to pretend that they’re not racist.

    Tractor Reply:
    November 15th, 2011 at 5:09 pm

    My objection to Mr. Cain is not racial insidejob, it is the Cowboy hat hucktser attitude he flaunts, covering over the fact that he’s a typical two-party weasel. Then, I’m not a fat cat Republican, and Trish wears a good Republican cloth coat, and Checkers is their game.

    Tractor Reply:
    November 15th, 2011 at 5:26 pm

    Do you suppose an inside banker wouldn’t know everything? Yes-no? So Mr. Cain’s tryin’ to make his ‘bones’,as it were, as the outside longshot in this hail Mary!.. neo-con candidate-O-Rama circus.

    Tractor Reply:
    November 15th, 2011 at 5:32 pm

    a minder is a terrible thing to waste.

  10. Like Odumbo before him, Cain has had a free ride since the day he was born simply because of the color of his skin. Soon, he will play the race card: i.e. if you don’t like or vote for him you are racist. If he does, and most assuredly will as his prospects for the White House like sand fall through his fingers, he is the racist. Do we really want another racist in the White House? Apparently the Republicans believe the way to beat a black is with another black. How very sad, and how very misinformed and stupid. We have played this silly race game far too long.

    Blacks are the real racists. Period. They have a black organization for virtually everything under the sun, even….get this….a Black Fly Tiers’ Association. Black Caucus. Black Miss America. Black History Month. Ad Nauseum. You name it. Black organizations abound. Other races are not permitted to have race based organizations. Not PC. Blacks still hold slaves from other races in parts of Africa. But, amazingly, only members of other races can be racist. not blacks. They are perfect in every way. Just ask Cain. Then witness what black stupidity, arrogance and corruption have done to Africa, the professed first love of Afro-Americans.

    After whining for independence from European nations that took them over in the 1800s and brought them out of the Stone Age, blacks, once back in power, put the continent back into the Stone Age in a few years, and in a few nations, in a matter of months. Think Somalia. After Mandela got control of South Africa, it took but a few months for him and his socialists to turn that once prosperous nation into a combination jungle/waste land. It is now unsafe to walk the streets of Johannesburg, the capitol, day or night, without an army of protectors about you.

    Here, black leaders have a similar disgraceful history of incompetence, corruption and racism. The only federal judge to ever be impeached, for example, was a black, Alcee Hastings. For corruption. He now serves in the US House of Representatives where his voice mingles with the voices of the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to promote race baiting. And Martin Luther King. If he was so wonderful, why did a fascist US Congress seal for 85 years all the records pertaining to the investigation of his life and assassination? Could it be the man was a fraud, a hypocrite, riding under the banner of God and justice but promoting socialism and routinely violating the adultery, lying, and coveting parts of the Ten Commandments?

    This could go on for volumes and not even begin to touch the depth and breadth of the mindless black glorification process we find ourselves in here in the good old US of A, land of the free and home of the brave. From the beginning, this has been a Nazi divide-and-conquer tactic designed to force the other four races to hate blacks. Worldwide. Then when the S hits the fan, it’s genocide for the blacks, except in Africa where they will exterminate themselves through their culture of corruption, violence and ungodliness.

    Enough said. Let the mindless and vitriolic racist rebuttal and nonsense begin. But remember this. You can attack the messenger but you cannot kill truth. It will eventually prevail in one way or another in one place or another. Blacks are today’s racists. Period. But not end of story.

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