Hills shocked at Silver Logie win

Adam Hills was shocked to win the Silver Logie for most popular presenter.

The ABC personality and presenter of Spicks and Specks and Adam Hills in Gordon St Tonight says he thought the gong would go to comedian Hamish Blake.

“I’m genuinely shocked,” he told journalists after his win on Sunday night.

“Tonight I was so convinced it was going to be Hamish Blake … Oh my God I think they were my exact words.”

Hills, who also opened the Logies, said he regretted his Brynne Edelsten joke, in which he compared the socialite’s absence from the awards show as being as relevant as former AFL Sydney Swans forward Warwick Capper’s presence at the Grammys.

The comedian also said political comedy was hard to do in Australia, with its laid-back attitude.

“You’re talking to people who spend half the day on the beach,” he said.

“Part of it is the Australian laid-back attitude: if you want to arc up against something, people say, ‘We have a good life’.”


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