Hinch names sex offender

Back in the news ... controversial broadcaster Derryn Hinch.

Back in the news … controversial broadcaster Derryn Hinch. Photo: Jason South

THE broadcaster Derryn Hinch has defended naming a man convicted of sexual misconduct with his stepdaughter, despite in effect breaking a court suppression order.

On his Melbourne radio program yesterday, Hinch named the prominent Sydney property developer who was sentenced last week to 18 months’ jail in the District Court.

An edited version of the text of the show appeared on the station’s website but the full version appeared on another website with the disclaimer ”A Warning! Access Illegal in NSW”.

The convicted man’s barrister, Anthony Bellanto, QC, last week successfully argued to have the defendant’s name suppressed in NSW to ”minimise any ongoing damage to his reputation”.

Hinch wrote in his blog that Mr Bellanto asked the District Court Judge Ken Taylor to ”reduce the damage that will no doubt occur if these matters reach the [media]”.

Patrick George, a senior partner at the Sydney law firm Kennedys, said Hinch had in effect opened himself to contempt of court given that anyone from NSW could access the article.

”He has effectively published the name by putting it on the [website], and if it’s accessible in NSW, despite his disclaimer, the means of access that he’s given people means that he’s published it,” Mr George said.

”I think he’s in breach of the suppression order.”

Hinch, who was sentenced to five months’ home detention for naming two serial sex offenders last July, said he had the consent of the victim and he believed he was not breaking the suppression order, which is applicable only in NSW.

The victim told the Herald she spoke to Mr Hinch on the phone but did not give him permission to name her publicly.

She said after becoming aware her name was on the 3AW transcript, she rang the radio station and asked for it to be removed. The station last night removed her name from its website.

The victim, now in her mid-30s, said it was ”disgusting” that the non-publication order covered her abuser’s name but not the details of the abuse she suffered.

Twitter: andy_park

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