Holiday road toll climbs to 18


December 26, 2011 22:29:18

The Christmas holiday national road toll stands at 18 after a 46-year-old man died in a road accident in far north Queensland.

Police say a car left the Gillies Highway at Gordonvale, south of Cairns, last night.

The latest death brings Queensland’s toll to five.

In New South Wales a five-year-old girl is in a critical condition in the Lismore Base Hospital after a major crash which stopped traffic on the Pacific Highway for more than two hours this afternoon.

A woman and a young boy are also being treated.

The NSW toll rose to five with the death of a 64-year-old woman, who died as the car she was travelling in crashed into a power pole at Blakehurst in Sydney’s south.

Victoria’s road toll rose to three when two people died on the Great Ocean Road at Princetown in Victoria’s south-west.

A 25-year-old man has been charged over the crash.

There have been two deaths in South Australia, two in the Northern Territory, and one in Western Australia.

There have been no fatalities on roads in Tasmania or the ACT.


First posted

December 26, 2011 10:47:31

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