House Made of a Billion Euro Notes Opens to the Public

© via flickr/melvin brennan

You’ve read about it, and now it’s open: the Billion Euro House. Yes folks, it’s a little house made out of shredded bank notes. Everything, from the kitchen counter to the loo is covered in decommissioned euro notes.

Don’t be confused: the euro is still the official currency of Ireland. But the Irish economy has hit the bottom, so the museum is a memorial for the death of the Irish dream.

The artist, Frank Buckley, is living in the apartment and has been working on his creation 12 hours a day since last year. Luckily his landlord thinks his idea is a lark and the Central Bank of Ireland supplied the 1.4 billion in shredded money.

The house comprises 3 rooms; a living room, bedroom and bathroom, with a gallery space at the front of the house. On the outside, the currency acts as insulation.

So let’s take a look (along with everyone else who has been lining up to see it all weekend):

© via flickr/melvin brennan

Each brick is 6 inches by 2 inches and contains 50,000 euros. Buckley figures that about 1.4 billion euros actually went into the creation. But the joke is that the money is worth so much and yet so little.

© via flickr/melvin brennan

Here’s the living room; the artist with a visitor. The sofa is nice and the walls look pretty shaggy.

© via flickr/melvin brennan

Here’s the infamous toilet: the artist calls it the Bertie Bowl in honour of the former taoiseach Bertie Ahern. He has been accused of lying about his personal finances in a report into corruption.

Irish Times/Screen capture

The show is sub-titled “Expressions of Recession” and it has become a catalyst for discussion about the economy, Ireland’s current situation and the philosophical implications of money and its worth.

© via flickr/melvin brennan

Frank Buckley hopes that school groups will come too so that they can join in the debate about what curency really means.

The show will be there for three weeks only.

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