House passes Obama’s ‘fast-track’ authority to negotiate trade deal

U.S. President Barack Obama (Reuters / Kevin Lamarque)

U.S. President Barack Obama (Reuters / Kevin Lamarque)

President Barack Obama has succeeded in obtaining controversial “fast-track” approval for his Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal in the House of Representatives.

The Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), as the “fast-track” powers
are officially called, passed by a vote of 219-211, giving
President Obama an unlikely victory. In a preceding vote, the
House struck down a proposal to extend the Trade Adjustment
Assistance (TAA) program, providing assistance to workers who
would lose jobs as a consequence of trade deals.

With both the Senate and the House adopting “fast-track”
authorization, Congress will only be able to vote on the
finalized agreement, without the opportunity to offer amendments.

Many Democrats defied the President’s request to approve the TAA,
contributing to the measure’s defeat with a 302-126 vote. After
the TPA was approved, a motion was made to re-consider that vote,
opening the possibility the House may approve TAA next week.

MORE: ‘Profits over public health’: Secret TPP Healthcare Annex
published by WikiLeaks

First established in the 1970s, the TAA expires at the end of the
current fiscal year. The proposed legislation, rejected today in
the House, would extend the program through 2020 and expand the
benefits to public and service sector workers. Only manufacturing
sector workers, fisherman, and farmers are currently eligible for
the program.

President Obama made the rare appearance on Capitol Hill earlier
on Friday, holding hour-long talks with lawmakers and trying to
persuade House Democrats into backing the bill. Obama has had a
hard time persuading his party to support the deal, as the
Democrats’ traditional voter base of unions and labor
organizations came out strongly against it. Republicans, on the
other hand, threw their support behind the TPP.

READ MORE: Corporations shell out $1.2mn in Senate contributions
to fast-track TPP

The bill aims to implement the Trans-Pacific Partnership – a
trade deal that would link 40 percent of the world’s economy.
Along with the United States, 11 other countries have taken part
in TPP negotiations: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan,
Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam.

The most notable issue about the TPP is that excludes China, and
serves to counter its growing economic and diplomatic influence
in the Asia-Pacific region.

While supporters of the TPP say it will open up new markets for
American products, opponents have raised concerns over a number
of issues, including currency manipulation, environmental
protections, internet privacy, and transparency. Additionally,
they say it will harm Americans workers, while any benefits it
may produce will go to corporations.

The deal has also been criticized for lack of transparency, as
the contents of the TPP has been kept in strict secrecy. Rumors
that corporate lobbyists have been drafting the substance of the
deal have been given a boost by recent leaked revelations that
corporations would be allowed to sue governments in private
courts over profits lost due to regulation.

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) proposed an amendment that
would have struck down this arrangement, known as the
Investor-State Dispute Settlement system (ISDS). Liberal
Democrats have blasted the ISDS as a means corporations could use
to undermine US laws.

The White House has argued that some degree of secrecy was
necessary for negotiating a good deal, and that critics ought to
point to specific issues in the TPP, as opposed to criticizing
previous free trade pacts.

However, one former Obama campaign adviser who had clearance to
access TPP drafts, wrote that disclosing anything from the
documents would be a criminal offense.

“The government has created a perfect Catch 22: The law
prohibits us from talking about the specifics of what we’ve seen,
allowing the president to criticize us for not being
Michael Wessel wrote in Politico. “Instead of
simply admitting that he disagrees with me—and with many other
cleared advisors—about the merits of the TPP, the president
instead pretends that our specific, pointed criticisms don’t

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