Household poverty on rise in Italy

Official reports show that about two million Italian households have suffered economic hardships in the past two years, Press TV reports.

A new report by Italy’s national statistical agency (ISTAT) revealed that more than two million Italian families were in dire economic need between 2012 and 2013 as a result of high levels of unemployment in the country.

“Salaries have remained the same for 15 years. While the cost of living has tripled,” an Italian told press TV.

Meanwhile, about one million children in the country live in extreme hardship with one or both parents being unemployed. These children often lack access to good nutrition, proper health care, and education, and often live in overcrowded conditions.

“A growing number of Italian children are living in extreme poverty, a situation which gets worse year after year. This issue requires a strong solution to avoid long-term psycho consequences,” Valerio Neri, the chief executive of charity Save the Children, told Press TV.

Soaring youth unemployment has also left an increasing number of young people with no option but to migrate to countries with better economies and more jobs. According to ISTAT, about 100,000 Italians aged between 15 and 34 left the country between 2007 and 2012 in search for better life conditions in other countries.

“I’m about to move to Brazil, life in Italy is unsustainable. There is no future here with the current political crisis,” said an Italian.

Over the past decade, Italy has been the slowest-growing economy in the eurozone. The youth joblessness in the country stands at over 42 percent, the highest level recorded since 1977.


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