How Psychiatry, the DoD & NCAA Plan to ‘Cure’ Traumatic Brain Injuries

Orig.src.Susanne.Posel.Daily.News- Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | The US Independent
May 30, 2014


President Obama met with “researchers, parents, coaches, professional athletes and sportscasters” to discuss traumatic brain injury (TBI) and “help educate parents” on why “more research” is necessary to “prevent, identify and respond” to this issue.

This initiative is being funded by the Ted Turner owned NCAA and the Department of Defense (DoD) with $30 million to research and study TBI and possible treatments for concussions.

Other organizations have pledged funding for similar projects that will coincide with this government-supported initiative:

• Steve Tisch, co-owner of the NY Giants, gave $10 million
• National Football League (NFL) pledged $25 million


The Healthy Kids & Safe Sports Concussion Summit (HKSSC) asserts that “there is a startling lack of data on concussions, especially in youth sports … [and] there is still a “culture of resistance” among athletes related to the self-reporting of concussions and the adherence to treatment plans once they experience a concussion.”

The NCAA and DoD will participate together in a study of how concussions and head injuries affect personalities, mental health and long-term disruption in normalcy.

According to the NCAA “75% of the money will fund the study, which will enroll an estimated 37,000 male and female NCAA student-athletes over the three-year study period. Participants will receive a comprehensive preseason evaluation for concussion and will be monitored in the event of an injury. The investigation will be the largest ever of its type, offering critical insight to the risks, treatment and management of concussion. The remaining 25 percent of the funding will finance an educational grand challenge aimed at changing important concussion safety behaviors and the culture of concussion reporting and management.”

This research will be facilitated and overseen by the Concussion Assessment, Research and Education Consortium (CARE) which is “co-chaired” by:

  • Thomas McAllister, chair of department of psychiatry for the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) in charge of “fiduciary oversight as well as data and analysis management, bioinformatics, biospecimen, and clinical trial support resources for the Consortium”
  • Steven Proglio, associate professor for the University of Michigan School of Kinesiology (UMSK) and director of the NeuroSport Research Laboratory (NSRL) will provide “prospective [and] multi-institution clinical research protocol whose aim will be to study the natural history of concussion among NCAA student-athletes”
  • Michael McCrea, professor of neurosurgery and director of Brain Injury Research for the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) to direct the Advanced Research Core (ARC), including “cutting-edge studies that incorporate head impact sensor technologies, advanced neuroimaging, biological markers and detailed clinical studies to examine the acute effects and early pattern of recovery from sport-related concussion”

Jennier Palmieri, communication director for the White House commented : “The president thinks it’s important for his own daughters and kids across the country to participate in sports. But as a parent himself he feels that there isn’t enough information about concussions.”

The psychiatric community has contributed to the propaganda surrounding TBI with the example of Staff Sargent Robert Bales in 2013.

Bales was in Afghanistan serving in the armed forces when he received a dose of Mefloquine , a drug used to treat malaria. In March of 2012, in the Kandahar providence, Bales shot and killed 16 civilian Afghanis.

It is claimed by the DoD that because of a previous head injury, the Mefloquine was not responding correctly in Bales’ system. Although this assumption has not scientific basis, it was credited with the sudden homicidal actions by Bales.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revised their warnings to patients using Mefloquine to include the slight possibility that those who have had previous brain trauma “should not use the drug.”

The FDA concluded that if a patient had suffered from a seizure or brain injury should not be given Mefloquine.

According to warnings about the use of Mefloquine which were already established, it states that “Mefloquine may cause psychiatric symptoms in a number of patients, ranging from anxiety, paranoia, and depression to hallucinations and psychotic behavior. On occasions, these symptoms have been reported to continue long after Mefloquine has been stopped. Rare cases of suicidal ideation and suicide have been reported though no relationship to drug administration has been confirmed.”

In the event that these symptoms manifest, it is recommended that “the drug must be discontinued and an alternative medication should be substituted.”

Patients must be screened for prior history of depression, generalized psychosis and schizophrenia before being prescribed this drug.

In a study based on reports from 2004 – 2009, the researchers found that the use of Mefloquine was directly linked to the patient becoming violent toward those around them.

The DoD website announced a collaborative effort between various branches of the US Armed Forces to deal with the psychological manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and TBI.

By “reducing the stigma” surrounding PTSD and TBI, while directing mental health concerns for those undiagnosed and untreated, there will be a $60 million research study initiated by the NFL and General Electric (GE).

Another $700 million has been funneled to the project to get PTSD and TBI under control as outlined through executive order by President Obama.

During a private “roundtable” discussion last year at Fort Bliss in Texas, Obama met with members of the military and addressed active duty troops. The Obama administration’s focus is on identifying and “providing additional support” to soldiers who have been diagnosed with “post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries (TBI)”.

Previously, the DoD have come out publicly to state that US veterans suffering from TBI and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) are considered potentially violent and dangerous.

Doctors for the DoD claim CTE is an incurable disease soldiers may develop after having injured their brain in battle. CTE is explained as causing large bursts of anger and depression while having their vital motor skills and memory impacted; as well as being degenerative of whose effects can manifest themselves days, months or years after the initial trauma.

The DoD is tracking soldiers diagnosed with TBI/CTE because, according to the US government agency, they may display personality changes that could come on without warning and effect their ability to acclimate back into American society.

The US military has a long history of using soldiers for drug experiments with the assistance of psychiatrists such as Colonel James Ketchum who served during the Cold War.

With the use of “psychochemicals that temporarily incapacitate the mind”, Ketchum was able to further theories that warfare could be conducted within the mind of people without having to fire a shot.

However, these tactics have been turned against the soldiers that serve in our military to further the expansion of pharmacological responses to induced behaviors.

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