How the Euro debt collectors are killing Greeks–taking away their medicines


LaRouche Irish Brigade
May 25, 2012


Greek pharmacists staged a one-day strike protesting the fact that the government owes them EU1 billion, which has created major shortages of medicines, which are killing Greeks. They say that this has caused an “emergency situation” in which cancer and cardiac patients are in a panic because they cannot get the medications, either because they can no longer afford them or because they simply are not available.

“I give it 15 days. If the European Union doesn’t release the loans it has promised by then, there will be scenes of utter chaos here,” said Dimitris Karageorgiou, secretary general of the Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Association. “The situation will become dramatic. Already we have cancer sufferers going from hospital to hospital to try and find drugs, because no one can afford to stock them,” he said. “If the shortages get worse, God knows what we will see.” Since the bailout started, he said “120 pharmacies have closed in Athens alone because of pressures from delays in payments for prescriptions from social security funds.

Whatever you read about shortages is little. There are about 300 medicines that are no longer readily available. It’s tragic.”

“The situation with anti-cancer drugs is out of control, but what can we do?” one pharmacist said. “Because we’re not being reimbursed, we can’t pay suppliers, who can’t pay the companies. It’s a chain effect.”

Under orders from the EU-ECB-IMF Troika, Athens amalgamated within months 13 social security funds into one body, the National Organization for Healthcare Provision (EOPYY), which has had the effect allowing the government to centrally control the disbursement — in reality, non-disbursement — of funds.

Read more: How the Euro debt collectors are killing Greeks–taking away their medicines


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