‘I’m completely shocked’: Tea Party Marine who ‘said he wouldn’t follow orders from Obama’ faces charges

  • Sgt Gary Stein started the Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party
  • He has been told he is in violation of Pentagon policy barring troops from political activities

Anthony Bond

04:36 EST, 22 March 2012


04:53 EST, 22 March 2012

In trouble: Sgt Gary Stein - a Camp Pendleton Marine who started the Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party is facing possible dismissal from the Corps.The Facebook group is openly critical of President Barack Obama

In trouble: Sgt Gary Stein – a Camp Pendleton Marine who started the Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party is facing possible dismissal from the Corps.The Facebook group is openly critical of President Barack Obama

An American Marine sergeant who started a Facebook group that is openly critical of President Barack Obama is facing possible dismissal from the Corps.

Sgt Gary Stein – a Camp Pendleton Marine who started the Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party –  has been told that he is in violation of Pentagon policy barring troops from political activities.

Sgt Stein, who has been in the Corps for nine years, said he started the page to encourage fellow service members to exercise their free speech rights.

As well as posting comments saying he will not follow the unlawful orders of Obama – the commander in chief – he also criticised Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

The Marine Corps said that Stein’s commanding officer ordered a preliminary inquiry on March 8 after receiving allegations that Stein posted the political statements violating the Pentagon’s directives.

‘After reviewing the findings of the preliminary inquiry, the commander decided to address the allegations through administrative action,’ the Corps said.

Sgt Stein said he planned to fight the charges. He had applied to extend his service, which was set to expire in a few months.

He added: ‘I’m completely shocked that this is happening.’

‘I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve only stated what our oath states that I will defend the constitution and that I will not follow unlawful orders. If that’s a crime, what is America coming to?’

In a statement on the Armed Forces Tea Party page this morning, he added:

‘If I am guilty of anything it would be that I am American, a freedom
loving Conservative, hell bent on defending the constitution and
preserving Americas greatness.

Critical: Sgt Gary Stein posted comments saying he will not follow the unlawful orders of his commander in chief, President Barack Obama, pictured

Critical: Sgt Gary Stein posted comments saying he will not follow the unlawful orders of his commander in chief, President Barack Obama, pictured

‘I am no more the Leader of the Armed
Forces Tea Party than any other of 18,000 members are. I just happen to
be normal guy who started a Facebook page and who hold the Tea Party
values close my heart and believes the Tea Party can enact real change
in this country.’

In addition to being discharged, Sgt Stein said he would have his rank reduced to lance corporal if he is proven to be in violation.

He said he was removed from his job at the Marine Corps Recruiting Depot in San Diego yesterday and given a desk job with no access to computers.

According to Pentagon directives, military personnel in uniform cannot sponsor a political club, participate in any TV or radio program or group discussion that advocates for or against a political party, candidate or cause, or speak at any event promoting a political movement.

Gary Stein

Defensive: Sgt Stein says he did not mean to be
‘disrespectful’ but he believes Obama’s policies are ‘crippling this

Commissioned officers also may not use contemptuous words against senior officials, including the defense secretary or the president.

Sgt Stein was first cautioned by his superiors at Camp Pendleton in 2010, after he launched his Facebook page and criticised Obama’s health care overhaul.

He volunteered to take down the page while he reviewed the rules at the request of his superiors.

He concluded he was not in violation and relaunched the page.

Last week, he said his superiors told him he could not use social media sites on government computers after he posted the message stating he would not follow the president’s unlawful orders.

Stein said his statement was part of an online debate about NATO allowing U.S. troops to be tried for the Quran burnings in Afghanistan.

Gary Stein

Profile: Sgt. Stein says he is a Conservative blogger and
speaker but adds he does not ‘represent the views of the United States Armed

In that context, he said, he was stating that he would not follow orders from the president if those orders included detaining U.S. citizens, disarming them or doing anything else that he believes would violate their constitutional rights.

Another Marine alerted his command about the statement, Sgt Stein said.

He said he respects the office of the president, but he does not agree with Obama’s policies. He said he is within his rights to speak up.

The Marine Corps said Sgt Stein is allowed to express his personal opinions as long as they do not give the impression he is speaking in his official capacity as a Marine.

Response: Sgt Gary Stein posted these comments on Facebook this morning after being told he is facing possible dismissal from the Corps

Response: Sgt Gary Stein posted these comments on Facebook this morning after being told he is facing possible dismissal from the Corps

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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Like a lot of self righteous not too bright right wing people, he thinks he speaks for God therefore his own employment contract shouldn’t apply.

This is why our country will not fall to military coups like other countries. We have civilians that are ultimately the head of the armed forces. You feel that you can just decide not to follow orders and start a conservative wing of the marines. Buddy get to stepping.

You are a racist. As a fellow member of the armed forces you serve and obey the President of the United States – regardless of his race or personal birther beliefs. You don’t wish to do so, then get out.

If anyone feels like reading the United States’ Uniform Code of Military Justice (USMJ) …he stuffed on about 3 or 4 different counts. Any since he’s such a smartass, he knows it and ‘hopes’ that his blog-celebrity will get him out of it.

I support our armed forces 100%, but he has to realize that when you’re in the military, you are in fact government property. Signing the papers and taking the oath will restrict your freedoms more so than that of a non military person. thats the way it is, unfortunatly he did not see that. I would like to say that I am greatful for his service.

This guy is an idiot. He was even given a warning and a chance to take down the site but “he decided he wasn’t in violation”. What a doofus. Did he even consult with a military lawyer first?
Just another “I’m better than everyone else, the rules don’t apply to me” self-important dumb-ass who deserves what he gets.

So wrong and so ridiculous. You hang in there, Marine. Semper fi.

Another tinfoil hat nutjob that takes the misinformation spewed by extremist conservative media as the gospel, and is so ignorant that he didn’t take the time to read up on the rights he was forfeiting when he signed up for the corps. He’s perfect for cannon fodder – too bad he’ll get booted and given the chance to procreate. What a racist knuckledragger.

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