In America The Rule Of Law Is Vacated

Bank fraudsters, torturers, and war criminals running free…

Paul Craig Roberts
Thursday, September 1, 2011

With bank fraudsters, torturers, and war criminals running free, the US Department of Justice (sic) has nothing better to do than to harass the famous Tennessee guitar manufacturer, Gibson, arrest organic food producers in California and send 12 abusive FBI agents armed with assault rifles to bust down yet another wrong door of yet another innocent family, leaving parents, children, and grandmother traumatized.

What law did Gibson Guitar Corp break that caused federal agents to disrupt Gibson’s plants in Nashville and Memphis, seize guitars, cause layoffs, and cost the company $3 million from disrupted operations?

No US law was broken. The feds claim that Gibson broke a law that is on the books in India.

India has not complained about Gibson or asked for the aid of the US government in enforcing its laws against Gibson. Instead, the feds have taken it upon themselves to both interpret and to enforce on US citizens the laws of India. The feds claim that Gibson’s use of wood from India in its guitars is illegal, because the wood was not finished by Indian workers.

This must not be India’s interpretation of the law as India allowed the unfinished wood to be exported. Perhaps the feds are trying to force more layoffs of US workers and their replacement by H-1B foreign workers. Gibson can solve its problem by firing its Tennessee work force and hiring Indian citizens on H-1B work visas.

In Venice, California, feds spent a year dressed up as hippies purchasing raw goat milk and yogurt from Rawesome Foods and then, decked out in hemp anklets and reeking of patchouli, raided with guns drawn–always with guns drawn–the organic food shop. The owner’s crime is that he supplied the normal everyday foods that I grew up on to customers who requested them. For this heinous act, James C. Stewart faces a 13 count indictment and is held on $123,000 bail.

How did raw milk become a “health threat?” Far more Americans have died from e-coli in fast food hamburgers and from salmonella in mass produced eggs and chicken. Like many of my generation, I was raised on raw milk. Mathis Dairy delivered it to the homes in Atlanta. Even decades later a person could purchase Mathis Dairy’s raw milk in Atlanta’s grocery stores. How did supplying an ordinary staple become a crime?

The FBI agents who broke down Gary Adams door in Bellevue, Pennsylvania, claim they were looking for a woman. Why does it take 12 heavily armed FBI agents to apprehend a woman? Are FBI agents that effete? If the feds can never get the address right, how do we know they have the name and gender right?

I can remember when it only took one policeman to deliver a warrant and to arrest a person, and without gun drawn and without breaking down the door, tasering or shooting the object of arrest. It turns out that the FBI agents who broke into the Adams home not only were at the wrong address but also didn’t even have a search warrant had they been at the correct address.

The practice of sending heavily armed teams into American homes has resulted in many senseless murders of US citizens. The practice must be halted and SWAT teams disbanded. SWAT teams have murdered far more innocents than they have dangerous criminals. Hostage situations are rare, and they are best handled without violence.

Jose Guerena, a US Marine who served two tours in Bush’s Iraq War was murdered in his own home in front of his wife and two small children by a crazed SWAT team, again in the wrong place, who shot him 60 times. When his wife told him that there were men sneaking around the house, he picked up his rifle and walked to the kitchen to see what was going on and was gunned down. The hysterical SWAT team fired 71 shots at him without cause. Brave, tough, macho cops out defending the public and murdering war heroes.

I have seen studies that show that police actually commit more acts of violence against the public than do criminals, which raises an interesting question: Are police a greater threat to the public than are criminals? On Yahoo I just searched “police brutality” and up came 4,840,000 results.

Meanwhile, the real master criminals, such as Dick Cheney, who, if tried for his actions at Nuremberg, would most definitely have been executed as a war criminal, run free. Cheney is all over TV hawking his memoirs. On August 29, interviewed by Jamie Gangel on NBC’s Dateline, Cheney again proudly admitted that he authorized torture, secret prisons, and illegal wiretapping. These are crimes under US and international laws.

Cheney claims breaking laws against torture is “the right thing to do” if “we had a high-value detainee and that was the only way we can get him to talk.”

Three questions immediately come to mind that no member of the presstitute media ever asks. The first is, why does Cheney think the office of Vice President, President, or Attorney General has the power to “authorize” breaking a law? Our vaunted “rule of law” disappears if federal officials can authorize breaking laws.

The second is, what high-value detainees is Cheney talking about? Donald Rumsfeld declared the Guantanamo detainees to be “the most dangerous, best-trained, vicious killers on the face of the earth.” But the vast majority had to be released when it turned out, after years of their lives were spent in a torture prison, that the vast majority of the detainees were hapless innocents who were sold to the stupid Americans by war lords as “terrorists” for bounties. To save face, the US government has held on to a few detainees, but hasn’t enough confidence in their alleged guilt to put them on trial in a court of law.

The third is why does Cheney think that he knows better than the accumulated documented evidence that torture doesn’t produce truthful or useful information. If the person under torture is actually a terrorist, he knows that his tormentors don’t know the answers that they are looking for and so he or she can tell the torturers whatever serves the tortured victim’s purposes. If the person under torture is innocent, he has no idea what the answers are and seeks to discover what his torturer wants to hear so that he can tell him.

As Glenn Greenwald makes clear, Dick Cheney, who presided “over policies that left hundreds of thousands of innocent people dead from wars of aggression, constructed a worldwide torture regime, and spied on Americans without the warrants required by law” is now being feted and enriched thanks to “the protective shield of immunity bestowed upon him by the current administration.”

Meanwhile Gibson Guitar faces prosecution because of the feds’ off-the-wall interpretation of a law in India, and the owner of Rawesome has a 13-count indictment for supplying customers with a food staple that was a part of the normal diet from colonial times until recently.

In America we have the rule of law–only the law is not applied to banksters and members of the executive branch but, as Greenwald says, is only applied to “ordinary citizens and other nations’ (unfriendly) rulers.”

A country this utterly corrupt is certainly no “light unto the world.”


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously an editor for the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds,” details why America is disintegrating.

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39 Responses to “In America The Rule Of Law Is Vacated”

  1. the last part of this article says lots.. and its why “presidential pardons” need to be

    what we have is criminals aiding criminals,
    when aiding a criminal IS a criminal act too!

    gawddamn! obama pardons bush pardons clinton pardons bush pardons reagan pardons carter pardons ford pardons nixon pardons johnson… is absolutely ridiculous!!
    damn near every one of them isnt anything BUT accessories to crimes and they know damn well they can do anything they want because the next criminal in line will be a criminal who will give them a pardon-pass! I MEAN EVERY FUGGEN TIME FOR MY WHOLE LIFE DAMN NEAR..

  2. Our Govt break laws of foreign countries multiple times a day by murder ,Last i checked murder is against the law in all countries but Gibson Guitars gets indited for some FK-Ing wood

  3. Bravo. Nothing more to be said on the subject.

  4. The rule of law…Hummm. What is a law other than an ideal. A Nation of Laws, a Nation of ideals. We have fallen hook, line and sinker for laws. We dont like something we lobby against it. There is no sanctity in this system. A true law needs not be written. Animals accept nature. The system is a beast that only wants more territory. As long as it leaves us some crumbs we seem content with its existance. Well now it seems it wants to quit leaving its crumbs.

    • What is this some NEW AGE mumbo jumbo. There MUST be laws in EVERY culture and yes even in NATURE.

      Even a pack of wolves have an order/RULE. The lowest wolf in the pack eats LAST and if it tries to eat ahead of it’s rank the other wolves beat the crap out of it and maybe even kill it.

      Not only that, take a look around you and SEE what the world is like when there are no laws. Yes there are written laws but now that NO ONE follows them we have CHAOS and CORRUPTION, VIOLENCE and DEATH. People need BOUNDARIES and that is the point of laws.

      Government is a prefect example of what having NO boundaries looks and acts like.

  5. Lets these things be a prefect example as to WHY GOD will NEVER AGAIN “Bless America”.

    America is a cesspit of VIOLENCE and CORRUPTION and while it is easy to say it is just the government and banksters, the TRUTH is the PEOPLE are just as bad.

    The people are HYPOCRITES, LIARS, CHEATERS, THIEVES, ADULTEROUS, VAIN, UNRULY. Parents no longer teach their children right or wrong but rather how to GET AWAY with their crimes. And when their children are CAUGHT committing crimes instead of letting them serve their punishments (even murderers) instead they PROTECT THEM and make excuses for them!

    And THIS is why they will also ACCEPT the CORRUPTION from our “leaders” and justify voting for them.

    There will be NO NINAVA reprieve, instead there will be JUDGMENT and PUNISHMENT and America is FAR OVER DO for it.

    America is STAINED with BLOOD and VIOLENCE from all over the world and the PEOPLE are just as responsible because they sit back and PROMOTE IT!

    The SUPPOSED Christians feel it is the right of America to LIE, CHEAT, STEAL and KILL all over the world with the HOPE and PROMISE of STEALING other countries resources for their own use. But as we have seen time and time again, the people NEVER actually GET the resources, they just PAY for it, and little do they realize we also pay for it with our SOULS!

    • You’re absolutely right! I’ve tried to explain to people about how the globalists began introducing corruption within American society in small doses nearly 60 years ago with garbage like Playboy magazine,rebelliousness through music,new age doctrines,drugs,promiscuity and atheism and people would agree for the most part,but then they’d raise a big stink and attempt to justify any of these things that they themselves were guilty of taking part in,but the fact is is that we’ve all been guilty of accepting the poison at one time or another,this doesn’t mean we have to try to condone or justify it like a person on trial or something,just accept that we were wrong and move on! I’ve had people agree with me on everything,but then try to rationalize something like pornography as being perfectly natural and harmless,or tell me that Rock n Roll or Rap music has nothing to do with violence or rebellion.The fact of the matter is is that I’ve seen what pornography can do to people’s minds and I’ve seen what music can do to a person’s attitude and some people are much more influenced and susceptible to the negative effects then others. There’s nothing wrong with admiring a woman’s beauty or listening to loud music or dancing or studying new age beliefs,but if it is causing us to act in a manner not consistent with what we’ve been taught to be order,morality or if it conflicts with God’s laws,then it’s corrupting us whether we realize it or not.I think Gerald Celente was right when he said that Americans need to grow up before we can actually fix this country.

  6. no rule of law, no money system.

  7. That is putting it lightly. The nightly news is always light on what is really happening, most of which gets ignored. Bad people get bad government. The people are Rotten…hidden servants of tyranny. Corruption is in the very fabric of the people…like in Africa…at all social levels. The only difference, as I see it, is that bone structure, that fossil of an Idea, which is specific to the USA development, still remains…that is all it is, and it has no meat to nourish anyone. As Alexis de Tocqueville questions, who is there to protect people from the American mob? Where is there to run on this planet when you must run from the USA?

    • yo


      Theres alot of fine fine places in this World where one can get away from the extremes of corporatism, pollutions, the rat race, etc, etc.

      I know too that many Americans are retiring along the Pacific shores of Mexico. The cost-of-living is very high in the United States.

  8. Most amerikans are proud to have one basic right left, the right to remain silent! and they’re doing a great job of it.

    • well said.

  9. VERY truthful article, great job infowars! We can beat these power pigs.

  10. About 3 years back I was looking for another guitar. I recall seeing quite a few guitars with ebony in the fretboards.

    It appears that this has to do with the Lacey Act of 1900.

    • on
      (in part)

      ” Gibson Guitar Corp., a big user of ebony and other scarce woods, for years has allied itself with Greenpeace and other environmental groups to show it was serious about preserving forests”.

      “Mr. Nix went to Madagascar in June 2008 on a trip organized by environmental groups to talk to local officials about selling responsibly harvested wood to makers of musical instruments. Afterward, in emails later seized by the government, he referred to “widespread corruption and theft of valuable woods” and the possibility of buying ebony and rosewood from Madagascar on “the grey market.”

      In a June 4 court filing, Jerry Martin, U.S. Attorney for central Tennessee, quoted the emails, and said “Nix knew that the grey market meant purchasing contraband.”.”

    • oh crap, we just bought a used piano yesterday. I guess i should prepare for our Luciferian government to break into homes because of ivory tusks. I’m not exaggerating.

  11. “The practice of sending heavily armed teams into American homes has resulted in many senseless murders of US citizens. The practice must be halted and SWAT teams disbanded. SWAT teams have murdered far more innocents than they have dangerous criminals. Hostage situations are rare, and they are best handled without violence.”


    The practice of sending heavily armed U.S Calvaries into Indigenous homes properties has resulted in many senseless murders of ‘American Indians’. The practice must be halted and U.S. military calvary teams disbanded. The teams have murdered far more innocents than they have any dangerous ‘savages’ that are simply fighting for their families and freedoms. Hostage situations are rare, and they are best handled without violence.

  12. The problem is that our writers–stories like this–attempt to make sense of a senseless situation. It’s time we cut off ALL these US cities, and starve them of their very daily bread! One steady roll of the dice from our nation’s truckers and all of the Obama/Bush B.S. would end in a few days.

    “Taking back the farm” simply involves taking aim at the remaining big corporate raider’s businesses and shutting down these mafia-style government enterprises by withholding their pay. Of course it will be bloody, but it needn’t involve massive swaths of the population.

    “Gibson Guitars” ought to withhold all sales and raise their prices, with posters in national Ad’s that read: “Starting bid: $25,000.” (extra proceeds go to the national musician’s protection fund!)

  13. “I have seen studies that show that police actually commit more acts of violence against the public than do criminals…I just searched “police brutality” and up came 4,840,000 results.”

    We will be the light of the world again when we all wake up and turn them on.

  14. Evidence of our ages-old brainwashing appears in our acceptance of the “Rule of Law”.

    It’s a scam to control us. To defeat the New World Order, we shall totally dismantle the present justice system and build a galaxy class civilization based on individuality. The premise is that we can rightly govern ourselves, could we only live in reality rather than living in governmental and religious dogma. That these have failed us utterly needs no debate!

    What is Tyrannolaw? A peremptory system of law rising above humanity. Whenever the two conflict, humanity must yield. Tyrannolaw subjugates humanity to unyielding, despotic, blind, and arbitrary authority. We have Tyrannolaw to the degree that:

    Your leaders say, “No man is above the law!”

    Lying cops arrest you, prosecutors jack up charges to force plea bargains, jury selection is warped by prosecutors, the selection of jury instructions is manipulated by judges openly stating they “don’t get into the Constitution,” Public Defenders get paid for pretending to help you, and half-awake granny juries believe you did something wrong or you would not have been arrested.

    It is a crime to break the law itself, though having done nothing else wrong.

    Legal history, not what really happened, determines subsequent decisions. Once litigated, forever closed!

    The number of laws grows beyond reason and you have little power to weed out undesirable laws.

    You are attacked by people who manipulate the law.

    You cannot speak for yourself, only through a lawyer.

    You pay steep legal fees to a lawyer who has his own agenda.

    Your lawyer agrees with prosecutor to lose your case in exchange for the prosecutor letting him win another.

    You are right and can prove it, but you lose in court due to procedural technicality, chicanery, corruption, judges threatened by your intelligence, and black lists from the feds.

    Law is strictly enforced to earn revenue.

    Law favors profit, privilege, religion, or morality codes.

    Law is stupid or unreasonable.

    Law claims to have come from God.

    Law is written and exploited by the global empire.

    Law is too complex and its interpretations debatable.

    Law answers to no one, not even itself.

    Law conspires to enlarge its power base by
    ….setting us against one another with distracting morality trivia
    ….spying and keeping secret files on us
    ….using advanced technology to control us
    ….creating incidents to inspire fear and the demand for more law.

    …………………………………….THE LOGICAL FALLACIES OF LAW…………………………………..

    Law descends from people. People serve their own interests. Therefore, law invites corruption.

    Law has no power to prevent its abuse. Clever people abuse the law. Therefore, law is used to abuse the innocent.

    Law forbids taking matters into our own hands. Law fails to take care of matters for us. Therefore, too often, law ignores us.

    …………………………………..THE MYTHS AND REALITIES OF LAW…………………………………

    The myth: Law is divine. The reality: Law is invented by people.

    The myth: Law protects us. The reality: Law cannot prevent its abuse.

    The myth: Ultimately, justice will prevail. The reality: We’re still waiting!

    The myth: The Rule of Law is better than the Rule of the Jungle. The reality: Justice rises no higher than the intelligence or stupidity, the skill or bumbling ineptness, and the integrity or treachery of those who administer it.

    • Very well said, The way I see it is how George Carlin would see it..

      “When does all this stuff break down to just a bunch of stupid shit we made up?? It’s make believe, fake, like the boogie man.”

  15. The thing about enforcement is really laughable if it’s true that the Feds are trying to enforce India’s laws. I am from India(came on H1B long back) and believe me, if the Indian government was capable enough to know such details about the wood exports and who works on it, India would have been where China is right now. LOL. Alex, you are giving too much credit here. In India, the Govt goes to sleep and the economy moves on.

    We will never really know what the Feds are upto. They will carry out an operation for reasons only they know best, but make it look like a law enforcement deal.

    Also, H1B’s are not allowed to work on anything except specialized occupations listed by the US Govt and at the minimum wages published by the DOL. As soon as they are out of their job, they are supposed to find another within a few weeks or leave the country. Anything outside of that would be illegal and subject to deportation. Anyone who decides to overstay is ineligible for a any other visa in future and no reentry if they ever leave the country.

  16. Theres going to come a day when the police will be at the mercy of the general public, wouldnt you love to be a cop!? LOL

    • Look at China, the people are revolting and cops are now their #1 target. You reap what you sow!

  17. Dick Cheney, a name that sends shivers down peoples spine.
    It is absolutely true, at the Nuernberg trials this monster would have been sent to the gallows. But when you win a war and are the sole remaining super power that power corrupts.
    And now the USA, that used to be a defender of liberty, human rights and the rule of law, has become the habitation of every evil and unclean “bird”.
    All there is left to do is to pray for God’s judgment to wipe all the cruel tyrants and abusers of the people off the face of the earth.
    Mr. Cheney, I hope your fake heart fails soon and you die a painful death that you so much deserve.
    Seeing that you have lost your humanity and have given yourself to a spirit of cruelty and hatred, you have rightly reserved a place in HELL for yourself! WE will be glad when you finally die because you are an example of how a human being should NOT be!

  18. We will be the light of the world again when we all wake up and turn them on.

  19. The rule of law is’nt entirly vacated, it’s just vacated for the top 1% of power elite. If i committed a crime in america,id be thrown in jail, like literally if i stole a candy bar or something pety like that. But Bush Obama go around bombing child killing people that’s fine. I don’t even know why international laws even ******* exist anymore,america does what the hell it wants noone ever does anything about it anyways.

  20. Face it. We are no longer heading for a full-on police state; it is here, now, and it has been that way for some time. Police get away with murder, break laws they are supposed to enforce, and generally act without any sort of restraint or repercussions.

    The globalists have spent decades stacking the deck in every branch of government, at all levels (federal, state, and local), by weeding out people of good conscience and replacing them sadists who seek a way to do harm without getting in trouble for it.

    That’s why, today, it is going to be very difficult to get police, judges, prison officials, the FBI, federal marshalls, other federal and state officials and agents, and even local sheriffs to stand against their corrupt leadership — because the corruption runs extremely deep, and has become the rule rather than the exception.

    So, keep your cameras ready. But don’t be surprised if exposing law-breaking by so-called law enforcers no longer makes any difference.

  21. You know what would make for a more interesting article is the misuse of the Patriot Act which is already unconstitutional, misusing National Security Letters, forced searches, and not allowing people to file suits against the justice department for endless threats and intimidation for only cracking a code online. That would make for an interesting read.

    Have you heard this?

    Here are 5 things you’re most likely wrong about.

    You never heard of Sarah Palin before she was announced as McCain’s running mate. If you believe that her name is really Sarah Palin, you’re wrong.

    Palin and McCain said they were going to reform Washington. If you think they were going to do this by getting elected, you’re wrong again.

    Obama disappeared for 2 weeks after winning the election only to reappear looking exhausted sitting next to a John McCain, with a bad poker face, for a press photo shoot. If you believe Obama has free will and the feds aren’t writing his teleprompter, you’re also wrong.

    If you believe that we caught Bin Laden immediately following the release of Obama’s birth certificate, you’re wrong again.

    If you believe that the feds haven’t recruited editors, journalists, and moderators to write the headlines and control the commenting on major news sites in an effort to suppress this information, you’re seriously wrong.

    This is the real story that the media is not and cannot report on. Learn what Osama, Obama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret.blogspot before it’s removed.

  22. As I speak. former Pres. Bush is on Fox News at a golf game with a couple of wounded majors from Iraq, jokin with the Fox newsguy about his golf swing, and talkin about how he’s going to focus on the vets from now on….even though every returning vet I’ve talked to are gettin’ screwed and being labeled potential terrorists…ONLY the grunts, though, because they saw the lies first hand without completely selling out to the lie, like the brass; therefore, they are more prone to be pissed off and speak the truth when they come back, having lost so much (many losing their families and their ability to command much in the way of higher level jobs). That’s why they are considered terrorists- but they trot out a major with a mechanical leg whos getting all misty talking about the foundation they’ve set up, ready to hit the links with ol’ Bush, saying how he’d “do it all over again”. Where are the grunts’ mechanical legs?? They have to settle for plastic.
    Well, at least the Kurds in Northern Iraq love Bush- they wear Bush t-shirts and put him right up their with God as saving them. They were just lucky, no one was there to help those people, we were there for OIL control. Where were we during the Hutu-Tutsi genocides in the ’80′s? WAYYY worse then anything Saddam-a-go-go was doing, but no help from the good ol’ U.S. (NO OIL or strategic base locations!!!!)
    Makes me sick to see the bastards joking around acting like good old boys giving the zombies in T.V. land something to “feel good” about. RRREEETTTCCHHHHHHH!!!!!!

  23. Well it is against the law in Canada for any criminal in government to cause the death or execution of any person convicted of any crime, including all such things known as capitol offenses. therefore under NAFTA and UN rules half he politicians, police, courts and prison guards in America must be raided immediately and all these criminals who have engaged in the crimes of capitol punishment must be charged.

  24. Again, right on Dr. Roberts…. You must not be reaching and affecting that many people with

    your message otherwise they would kill you…. And you are absolutely right on about the cops-

    pigs being a bigger threat than the criminals…. Last summer I was threatened with a taser

    and handcuffed by a pig and when I asked him “what the fuck?” he said he had a warrent for my

    arrest for failure to pay child support… One problem piggy-I ain’t got no kids…. My lawyer

    said if he would have tasered and beat the shit out of me he’d take the case…. And last week

    I’m walking my puppy off leash in a wooded area down by the river and a female pig sheriff rides

    up on a mountain bike with gun and taser and gives me a goddamn ticket for no leash…. You’ve got

    to be fucken’ kidden me… Ain’t nobody around but me, my puppy and this bitch…. Watch any busy

    intersection in your city…. People running red light ALL the time…. Where the fuck are the cops?

    There one MAIN job that they are actually needed for is traffic enforcement and the lazy bastards

    don’t even do that….. Too busy out busting people smoking weed…. Cops are not heros, they’re

    pigs…. Peace….

    • SWAT teams are never sent to the wrong address by mistake. It’s on purpose, to make everyone anxious about them, and to try to convince people that guns won’t defend them since showing up with a gun will cause an immediate senseless massive shooting from the Scum Wimps And Thugs . SWAT’s must not be disbanded as the atticle says, they must be exterminated. Never heard of any SWAT team that raided a violator of your US Bill of Rights. Never heard of a SWAT guy arresting someone alone, they only attack in gangs cause they’re cowards.

  25. Being above the law also means being outside the law.

  26. oh ya..and I would love to go bird hunting with Cheney..and i wish Slick Rick Perry would slip on his own slime and break his hair in two… also i watch texas rangers bseball and see bush sitting next to nolan ryan..and i get the feeling that nolan is sick of being courteous… just the look on his face… and obama needs to be impeached for high treason..and yesterday alex said if you corner a squirel it will rip your face off… and that made me think about oprah..just sayin..

  27. what is patchouli? and why is there a swat team in the small town of benbrook texas… ? i dont know but it seems like a front to maintaining the police state crack down fema camp bs.. i saw apache helicopters manuevering over fort worth just before the super bowl like they were practiceing war games.. and my little sister is fighting cps for her own children because basically she is without a job.. and the exs family has money and a daughter that is cps.. and i have been arrested several times for dui. and had them thrown out of court for lack of evidence because i am being harrassed and harangued by these police state bullies.. i feel like stopping and filming every time i see someone pulled over by the police.. dirty biatches… God help us with our will to fight the globalists.. have a good day Americans..

  28. “They” are not going to be happy until someone puts them out of OUR misery.

    The anger I see seething up in Americans as more and more find out each minute their place in the paradigm.

    Sadly, the “I’m just doing my job” traitors and ner’ do wells will bear the brunt of any violent exchanges. Perhaps that may be a good thing. Most of them are evil little trolls who enjoy harassing the citizenry. I have seen the looks of glee on the faces of those on “Parking Wars” while they tow away a poor persons car.

    I, for one, will side step all of this mess. At this point in history; pre tipping point; it is impossible to make any headway. I am free. I am sovereign!

  29. MY*


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