Instead of banning soda, maybe it’s time we banned stupid government bans

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Mike Adams
Natural News
June 20, 2012

As the Health Ranger, I’m on the record strongly opposing soda consumption. Years ago, I wrote the popular self-help guide, “The Five Soft Drink Monsters,” which helps soda addicts get off sodas and transition to healthier drinks like tea or water ( Yet even I think the sudden wave of interest in nanny-state cities like New York and Cambridge wanting to ban soda sales is pure insanity.

For starters, I’m trying to wrap my head around the idea that states are increasingly decriminalizing marijuana even as they are moving toward criminalizing sodas. Before long, if a New York police officer happens upon a gang banger smoking a joint and drinking a Big Gulp soda, the kid will be arrested for the soda, not the joint!

What this is going to lead to, if we’re not careful, is the Department of Homeland Soda Security (DHSS), with 50,000 new agents roaming the streets, groping your genitals (just like the TSA) in order to see if you might be carrying “illegal soda” in your pants. “Is that a 16 oz. soda in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?”

How to turn everything into a crime

This police state / nanny state insanity has got to stop in America. The TSA, for its part, has never caught a single terrorist, yet the agency itself has terrorized tens of millions of Americans. It has become the source of fear and terrorism in America.

The Department of Homeland Security, for its part, has only been effective at raising domestic paranoia and turning normal behaviors into suspected crimes. So now, to top it off, we get these completely insane privacy-invading, micro-managing nanny bureaucrats like Bloomberg and now Cambridge Mayor Henrietta Davis who think that they can solve all the world’s problems if we just give them enough power to dominate and control our lives.

It starts with criminalizing soda “possession,” followed by arrests of people caught with “intent to distribute” soda. From there, it escalates into two guys who talked about distributing soda and are now being charged with “conspiracy to distribute an illegal substance,” which is of course a felony. Can you imagine these people winding up in the joint, next to a violent rapist who asks, “What are you in for?”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t


It doesn’t even stop with soda. As the nanny state insanity escalates, before long you’re facing prison time for using too many sheets of toilet paper in a public restroom monitored by TSA security cameras manned by government perverts and pedophiles (who else?). Before you know it, you’ve got government “mattress inspectors” conducting warrantless searches into your home, confirming you haven’t removed the safety warning tag off your mattress. If the government has its way, the average person will commit a dozen crimes before leaving the house in the morning, and then the police state goon squads can selectively enforce all their arcane, ninnying laws against political enemies or those who speak out against the government.

That’s what this is coming to. Be careful any time you surrender power to the State. You’re just begging to be censored, suppressed and have your rights stolen away by all the liberal “do gooder” Big Government worshippers who think a perfect world is one in which citizens are utterly enslaved and completely dominated by well-intentioned bureaucrats.

The real contradiction: Big sodas are illegal unless they contain aspartame

The real hilarity in these soda bans becomes apparent when you realize the bans don’t apply to diet soda! So as long as your 16 oz. soda contains the brain-damaging chemical known as aspartame (…), the state allows you to drink as much as you want!

So it’s not really a ban on all the harmful ingredients sodas contain such as phosphoric acid, a highly acidic substance that causes kidney stones and bone mineral depletion. Pepsi’s lawyers recently admitted this acid is so powerful it can dissolve a mouse and turn it into a gel-like substance ( This acid is present both in regular sodas and diet sodas.

The soda ban, it seems, is really just a ban on sodas made with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which has suddenly become the enemy of choice in an irrational world of nutritionally illiterate bureaucrats. Sure, HFCS is bad for your health and promotes diabetes and obesity, but aspartame promotes seizures and blindness, and it remains perfectly acceptable to Mayor Bloomberg. After all, what would New York City be without a few seizure cases on the sidewalk?

What’s really extraordinary is what Bloomberg did not ban. There is no ban on cancer-causing sodium nitrite in hot dogs, sausages, bacon and beef jerky. So you can eat your way to pancreatic cancer with the full approval of the Mayor, but if you dare sip a drink of some corn syrup, then all of a sudden you’re a bad person.

There was no ban on MSG, either. So you can eat your way to obesity, diabetes and hormone disorders, wolfing down MSG snack chips and jerky treats, and the Mayor is fine with all that.

So it’s not about protecting the health of the people, you see. If that were true, he would ban the far more dangerous foods and snacks sold throughout New York City. It’s really about scoring political points by appearing to be the “protector” of the citizens.

And this, my friends, is the most dangerous role of government: Be on red alert any time you hear, “We’re from the government, and we’re here to protect you from yourself.”

We’re from the government, and we’re here to protect you from yourself!

These are quite possibly the twelve most dangerous words ever uttered in America. Because from this illogical and liberty-crushing premise, the government can justify any and all invasions of your privacy. It can surveil your home power usage through Smart Meters. It can install chemical sensors in your toilet to see if you’re using recreational drugs. It can (and does) read your email, monitor your phone calls and scan your back yard using high altitude military spy drones. It’s all done for your own protection, didn’t you know?

Such is the mantra of every police state: We’re monitoring you for your own protection!

If you diverge from the currently accepted, politically-motivated pattern of “normalcy,” you suddenly become an enemy of the state. Are you trying to grow medicinal herbs in your own yard? That’s not acceptable! The bureaucrats destroy the garden! (…) and (…)

Are you home schooling your children and keeping them away from vaccines? You’re an enemy of the state, didn’t you know? And the state will bring guns to your home, kidnap your children, and force them to be vaccinated at gunpoint. (

Are you buying ammunition for preparedness? You’re “hoarding ammo!” And clearly, that makes you a nut job even though the largest hoarder of ammo is the United States government itself, and the Department of Homeland Security specifically (

See, once you abandon liberty and allow the government to micro-manage everything in your life, you are no longer a free citizen living in a free society. You’re just a subservient slave to the system. And the system — the government — is run by insane people on a power trip. They are never satisfied with their power and seek to dominate and control every little detail of our lives to the point of total enslavement.

Maybe it’s time to ban stupid government bans

There is one thing we should ban, however: government bans that target the People.

It’s time to end all the stupid, politically-calculated, freedom crushing bans that have been put in place by federal, state and local governments. No more banning industrial hemp farming or even medical marijuana use. No bans on food choice. No bans on home gardening. No bans on owning gold, or ammo, or even legal firearms.

Corporate bans, in contrast, make perfect sense, since corporations have no souls, no compassion, no ethics and no morals. Corporations must be banned from dumping toxic chemicals into the river, selling poison and calling it food, or ripping off senior citizens with complex financial scams. If there’s anywhere that regulations and bans are needed, it’s in the world of corporations, not the world of individuals.

Heck, maybe it’s time to just ban big government and get back to a society based on liberty. There’s already a blueprint for such a society; it’s called the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and these documents specifically say that all powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states, or to the People. Virtually every federal regulatory body operating in America today operates in outright violation of the Constitution, including the DEA, ATF, DHS, TSA, FDA, USDA, FTC, FCC, and even the failed Department of Education.

Because if we’re really going to talk about banning things in America, we should probably start by banning all the rogue, out-of-control federal agencies that prey upon the American people as tyrants. Instead of banning soda, in other words, maybe we should just ban tyranny in America.

Sources for this story include:……

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44 Responses to “Instead of banning soda, maybe it’s time we banned stupid government bans”

  1. How about just banning the government. Can we do that?

    BR549 Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 4:32 am

    No, because then they could say that you are an anarchist and intentionally trying to overthrow the excuse for a government we DO have.

    There is nothing wrong with our style of government; it is the best in the world. But whatever form of government we have; whether it’s a monarchy, a dictatorship, communism, socialism, autocracy, oligarchy, whatever; whatever form we have, unless the focus is around the PEOPLE themselves becoming a part of the process, they will ALL fail. To date, the republic (democratic republic) holds the most promise for the evolution of the human spirit.

    The current “rulers” are afraid of the growth of that human spirit because their view if life is so pessimistic that they have to drive everyone else down for fear of being left behind and becoming poor or meaningless. They are all about ego and fear.

    Could we eventually wind up with a globalist form of government anyway? Perhaps, but the ONLY way for it to truly work is for us to EVOLVE into that scenario with leaders being continually trusting of the process and themselves being willing to step down for other individuals and their ideas to influence change. THAT is the difference between true evolution and our currently being controlled by a cabal of opportunistic, self-serving sociopaths.

    The adoption of ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) by so many of communities around our country today is the globalists’ Trojan Horse. They couldn’t legally mandate their plan into our lives through illegal treaties, so they flavored it, Green Kool-Aid if you will, and are all pitched to get everyone to voluntarily bring it into their cities and homes …… voluntarily.

    Whether we have a greenhouse issue or not, I don’t think anyone would argue that it is just plain prudent to not waste or pollute our resources. But what these people are doing is shoving the illusion of sound environmentalism down our throats with THEM as the beneficiaries, which has been, after all, their end plan all along.

    Here’s a pic of their proposed map after they get done carving up the country and forcibly relocating the population. Read the legend.

    Deprogammer, I think what you probably meant to say was …….. “ban corruption”.

    Before the Fall Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 7:54 am

    I already have.

  2. Lets say we just HANG the cocksuckers.

    Deprogrammer Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 3:40 am

    Unfortunately, i don’t foresee another Nuremberg just for the fact that America now has a far superior military and police force than even Nazi Germany did, and much more ruthless creatures in charge. They operate secretly as we all know, and have learned from WWII how to stay one step ahead so that any attempts at another Nuremberg aren’t even fathomed, considering most of the forefather’s of the current MIC propaganda machine in place were brought over under Paperclip.
    They have this country and many other’s on almost total lockdown. If there were any kind of disruption (revolutionary or otherwise), the grid would be shut down under the pretense of an attack on the facility or roads and highways or airspace, etc. We saw how they literally shut the country down in a matter of hours on 9/11. The normally PACKED skies were totally cleared. We have all seen the repercussions from that. Now we have illegal laws in place to keep you complacent, walking with your head down staring into cyberspace all day on our little gadgets and gizmo’s or at home away from them playing your video games and watching reality TV shows portraying men acting feminine or completely irrational and retarded.

    AmericanPatriot Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 9:04 am

    lololol well if they banned soda that would be one less thing for population control! they wont ban it. from phosphoric acid to sodium benzoate and aspartame, to all the other chit they put in it so funny. i stopped drinkin pop a long time ago! so go ahead take it off the market!

  3. Yep more HYPERBOLE and BULLSHIT from Mike the MORON

    Prison for Pepsi … What a RETARD

    The Bullshit Wangler is Mike for sure, Ever since the CRAPPY NEWS deal PP has gone WAY DOWN HILL.

    Every other day more STUPIDITY from Mike the Moron or his other STOOGES from Naturally CRAPPY NEWS.

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 4:47 am

    it gets the point across, so whats your malfunction?

    Glen Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 5:00 am

    Prison for Pepsi – You see this as SANE ????

    Mike the Moron never seem able to make the simple Point, he has to throw in half a page of BULLSHIT

    Before the Fall Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 7:55 am

    You aren’t so erudite yourself, limey prick.

  4. the headline says it all.

    for proposing anti-freedom BS they oughtta be thrown into an insane asylum.
    for allowing the sir-food-water-medicine to be poisoned for corporate profits,
    they and their corporate buddies, tried for and executed for mass murder.

    nancy “lets pass this bill so we can see whats in it” pelosi,
    shouldda been strung up by her tits for begging treasonous incompetence of congress.
    there oughtta be a LAW that NO BILL be more than 4 pages,
    AND written in plain language not “legaleze dewey decimal system BS”
    like- ref: SB 187455.023 sec 15 line 11…
    making the crap unreadable without search engines.

    existing “laws” need to be gone through and tossed the hell out,
    along with their authors and rubber stamp approving dumbasses.

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 4:41 am

    typo oops, thats AIR-food-water-medicine above..

  5. he needs to go back to ghetto raping. DON’T TOUCH MY JUNK!

  6. silly

  7. Come on we need new gov jobs.

    How many bureaucrats does it take to screw-up-in a light bulb?

    Don’t ask, just keep paying.

  8. On the subject of useless…

    How many lawyers does it take to screw-up a perfectly good Nation?

    A couple of Houses full at least, maybe another bench-full for good measure.

  9. Tractor’s thousand points of e-lite…

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 5:24 am

    Asp or Tame the masses with endless BS.

  10. razzle dazzle with flourescent phony lite.

  11. How many divisions of Tank-thinkers are needed to think?

    Trick question, they don’t possess the individual intellect to accurately gauge anything non-collectively..

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 5:42 am

    So frustrated they remove our soda and continually try to smash our collective bulbs…

  12. Find the substance that kills reptiles, feed it to these govt. beaurocrats, and will kill the reptoids in their tracks.

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 6:17 am

    Tasty flouride works on rats and humans Patriotgirl. maybe individual thought kills them instantly.

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 6:18 am

    just a thought…

    dhsn Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 9:26 am

    Hot lead, cold steel.

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 11:46 am

    There’s a thought they should contemplate dhsn…

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 11:47 am

    Especially when they screw with American Heroes.

  13. If Congress isn’t doing anything, you’re not going to be able to do anything but pout !

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 6:28 am

    Around these parts panfish bullheads are called horned-pout jeff.

    They bottom feed like all lawyers…

  14. Everyone should read up on Rummesfeld’s company envolement/pushing/bribes in the approval of aspertine in Reagan’s party. Ever tried to drink ass’pertine soda warm? Try pouring ass’pertine around a ant hill–ants all die

  15. I forgot, in short, everything that makes a living is being “banned”. Don’t think so, just take a look. Refrigerant prices are being jacked up, Soda’s, Fattening foods, Water, gasoline, all the materials for roofing, all the products from coal, Dental, I think the only thing that isn’t being banned is sex transplants, abortion, Breast implants, and Viagra.

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 10:42 am

    carbon based life-forms are next…

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 10:43 am

    What’s so wrong with a stacked luscious robot?

    Lady GagGag survives.

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 10:50 am

    bad analogy. Surely someone that watches the New Agers should make their own simile.

    I still can’t figure out who or what a Kardashian is. Not that I care at all…

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 10:54 am

    What if we started to sacrifice new age greenie pixie pagans?

    They might like it that’s what.

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 10:57 am

    Throw-in a few old grovers and you’ve got a perfect Tri-fecta at the big money window at the dog track. Win-place-show or Spin, lace and crow er.. Owl of Bo hematoad, nematode, aw F-it.

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 10:45 am

    Diane Sawyer will cry for their soles.

    And Christianne Amen-Poor will report

    Tractor Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 10:45 am

    to a breathless nation…

  16. Good article Mike. First they were saying how smoking was so costly due to lung cancer,,, now it’s the same with sugar. Will the automobile be next? Look how much that cost the poor insurance companies.

    Smoke stack Fluoride is good, Aspartame good, mercury in vaccinations good, natural sugar bad?

  17. Whoever included stupidity in the social contract? In due fairness, I must point out that unthinking Americans have been sugar drinking ourselves into diabetes at an increasing rate, which raises health care costs.

    So we can’t save an idiot from their idiocy, but how many nonsensical laws will be created to reduce the related economic impact? Regardless, each will tear at the values of the Bill of Rights, which seems to contradict the idea we are all economic commodities to be bought and sold.

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  18. so go to walmart and buy a soda maker buy all the sugary syrups you want and make a gallon of it and grab a straw. or buy a 2 liter of soda water and buy the flavored syrups in the bottles used in snow cones, coffee, mixed drinks etc. (find in coffee isle). they is always a way around it. you just gotta learn to think outside the box.

  19. Every SOB in Washington right now should come before a jury to be cited for all of the attrocities that they are doing now and have been doing for decades. We Real Americans – not the “Come over the border and get everything bastards!”, will stand and fight for our Constitution and Bill of Rights even when all the f-ing libtards and Eliteists and just plain brain dead TV watching public get blindsided and herded off to another place where they can get 24/7 TV and drugs to dull their senses. That, in itself is a giant problem out there. The public is just plain poisoned to death and they are trying to survive this g-damned insane bunch of perverts in Washington who are supposed to protect our health and well being as citizens. The stage has been blurred into shades of gray. Only the ones who see and feel and research the truth will survive the coming downslide into hell.

  20. Do a complete turn around and start growing everything you can. Grow every medicinal herb known to man and make tea and look for ONLY Organic food that you can trust – local farmers who are growing naturally. I can’t believe that Dept of Homeland Bullshit is raiding old ladies and tearing their gardens up and these teams of f-ing goons directed by Strap On Janet and Pistole are pushing their way into every facet of our daily lives. Drive the SOBs out! Each county needs emergency numbers to call out the entire community to defend a property owner. Property Taxes are the biggest bullshit scam there is. There isn’t a single thing left that hasn’t been defiled by YOUR gov’t. It certainly isn’t mine – not in the present condition it’s in. Will Americans stand up to the beast or be eaten by the beast?

  21. re: “How to turn everything into a crime”

    Corruptisima republica plurimae leges.
    [The more corrupt a republic, the more laws.]
    – Tacitus, Annals III 27

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