Will Russian And Chinese Military Forces On Syrian Soil Prevent Obama From Bombing Syria?

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Michael Snyder
The American Dream
June 20, 2012

Everyone knows that the Obama administration has been steadily gearing up for a military campaign against Syria.  Everyone also knows that Russia and China do not want to see this happen.  Now Russia and China are sending military forces to Syria.  It is being reported that Russia, China, Iran and Syria will be conducting the “Middle East’s largest ever military exercise” next month.  Apparently tens of thousands of troops will be involved.  This will be the first time that the Russians and the Chinese have jointly deployed large numbers of troops in Syria.  Will this show of military power be enough to prevent Barack Obama from bombing Syria?  Or will Obama go ahead anyway and risk ruining relations with the Russians and the Chinese?  Tensions are rising in the Middle East and the region is a powder keg that could erupt at any time.  If someone makes the wrong move we could end up with World War III.

A number of sources have reported that the Obama administration has been contemplating a military campaign in Syria similar to what happened in Libya.  The U.S. would institute a no-fly zone, bomb the Syrian government and the Syrian military, and provide heavy military hardware for the rebel forces on the ground.

According to a recent Debka report, the plans for such a campaign in Syria are close to being finalized….

As the violence in Syria continued to go from bad to worse in scope and intensity, US official sources had this to say Saturday, June 16,  about planned US military operations in the war-torn country:

“The intervention will happen. It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when.’”

A Syrian Free Army rebel delegation is now in Washington to talk about their requests for heavy weapons from the Obama administration. In their meetings with US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford and the State Department’s expert on Syria Fred Hof, the rebel leaders handed in two lists for approval: types of heavy weapons capable of challenging Bashar Assad’s armed forces and selected targets of attack to destabilize his regime.

debkafile’s Washington sources disclose that the administration is very near a decision on the types of weapons to be shipped to the Syrian rebels and when. Most of the items Washington is ready to send have been purchased by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and are ready for shipment.

The White House is also close to deciding on the format of its military operation in Syria. Some sources are defining it as “Libya lite” – that is, a reduced-scale version of the no-fly zone imposed on Libya two years ago and the direct air and other strikes which toppled the Qaddafi regime.

What the Obama administration fails to grasp is that Syria is not Libya.

Syria has a lot more friends, and any attack on Syria would almost certainly cause a wider Middle East war to erupt.

For Russia and China, Syria is a red line that must not be crossed.

Now Russia and China are sending substantial military forces to Syria for “war games”.  Obviously this is just an excuse to get troops into Syria.  The following description of these upcoming “war games” is from a recent article in the Jerusalem Post….

According to ShamLife, China had gained Egyptian approval to allow 12 Chinese ships carrying military equipment to pass through the Suez Canal, and that these vessels would reach the Syrian ports of Tartous and Latakia in two weeks’ time.

ShamLife said Syrian air defense missiles and its coastal defense would be put to the test in the military exercises, and that 90,000 troops from the four countries would be involved in the war games along with 400 aircraft and 1,000 tanks and “hundreds of rockets.”

The exercises would be carried out after Syrian troops had “cleansed” several cities where “armed groups” – meaning Syrian opposition forces fighting against government troops loyal to President Bashar Assad – were gathering.

It is also being reported that the Russians are sending warships from the Black Sea Fleet to the Syrian coast to protect the Russian military base at Tartus.

The following is from a recent Los Angeles Times article….

Russia is preparing to dispatch a pair of warships carrying a contingent of Black Sea Fleet marines to its logistics base in the Syrian port of Tartus, the Russian Interfax news agency reported Monday, in what appeared to be another sign of the deteriorating security situation in the strife-ridden nation.

The report quoted an unidentified Russian naval source saying the amphibious ships Nikolay Filchenkov and Tsezar Kunikov, accompanied by the rescue tug SB-15, were “preparing for a non-routine departure” for Tartus, Russia’s only Mediterranean base.

In addition, according to a recent article in the Telegraph, a Russian ship that was apparently taking attack helicopters to Syria has been stopped off the coast of Scotland….

A Russian ship believed to be carrying helicopters and missiles for Syria has been effectively stopped in its tracks off the coast of Scotland after its insurance was cancelled at the behest of the British government.

Obviously the Russians and the Chinese are trying to stop an attack on Syria.

Things are getting very tense, and that is not going to change any time soon.

Just check out how a recent CBS News report described a private meeting between Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 summit in Mexico….

“The two men barely looked at each other. You could just feel, sort of, the tension between them. And the body language really represented how far apart the two leaders remain on the issue of Syria.”

Needless to say, it was not a pleasant conversation.  In fact, Putin reportedly was very direct with Obama….

“Apparently President Obama got a bit of a lecture from Putin about some other failed transitions that are going on around the world.”

When Barack Obama was elected, many Americans expected him to keep his campaign promises and greatly reduce U.S. military action around the globe.

Instead, Obama has actually greatly expanded U.S. military action around the globe.

It isn’t reported on much in the mainstream media, but the U.S. military is actually at war in Yemen, in Somalia, in Pakistan, and in a whole bunch of other countries all over the planet.

The following is from a must-read Wired article that just came out….

The center of the US drone war has shifted to Yemen, where 23 American strikes have killed an estimated 155 people so far this year. But you wouldn’t know about it — or about the cruise missile attacks, or about the US commando teams in Yemen — by reading the report the White House sent to Congress about US military activities around the globe. Instead, there’s only the blandest acknowledgement of “direct action” in Yemen, “against a limited number of [al-Qaida] operatives and senior leaders.”

The report, issued late Friday, is the first time the United States has publicly, officially acknowledged the operations in Yemen and in nearby Somalia that anyone with internet access could’ve told you about years ago. But the report doesn’t just fail to admit the extent of the shadow war that America is waging in the region. It’s borderline legal — at best. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 requires the president to inform Congress about any armed conflicts America is engaged in. Friday’s report isn’t just uninformative about Yemen. It doesn’t even mention the US campaign in Pakistan, even though the Defense Secretary says America is “at war” there.

Obama has shown contempt for Congress on so many levels.  Not only does he not ask them when he starts a new war, he barely even informs them of what is going on.

In the past, Russia and China kind of stood aside as the U.S. imposed its will all over the Middle East, but that is no longer the case.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Russia and China are clearly saying “no” to military action against Syria.

Will Obama back down or will he defy the Russians and the Chinese?

It is going to be very interesting to watch.

And this emerging alliance between the Russians and the Chinese is going to be something to keep a close eye on.  We have been seeing increasing cooperation between the two nations in a bunch of different areas.

If the United States is not very careful, it could find itself in a direct conflict with both Russia and China in the years ahead.

The Russian military and the Chinese military have been very busy preparing for such a conflict.  The U.S. military has been focused on other things.

Sadly, most Americans know much more about “America’s Got Talent” and “American Idol” than they do about geopolitics these days.


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26 Responses to “Will Russian And Chinese Military Forces On Syrian Soil Prevent Obama From Bombing Syria?”

  1. Mitt Romney, Obammy, and John McCain all want to go to war in Syria.

    It doesn’t matter who you vote for. The jews and their stooges are going to drag the world into WWIII.

    maxxxem Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 4:02 am

    China and Russia wont play NWO games , now will they… period!

    Dandroid Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 4:04 am

    The jig may be up…

    AandO Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 9:40 am

    Chicken on a World wide level?


    Or is it a line in the sand?


    Seems to me to be a line in the sand.

    All truth runs parallel, and truth applies at the World level.

    By this I mean you and I can draw a line in the sand and therefore so can a country such as Russia and China.

    Of course the stakes are higher at the State Level.



    Time will tell

    AfricanWarrior1 Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 11:10 am

    Of course he will, they don’t think that the Kinetic Butcher of Peace just duped 800,000 x 10 = Post Election Selective Service Cannon Fodder recruits to simply vote for him in November, do they? Who actually believes that there is in fact an 800,000 cap limit on how many permits that his EO will allow him to issue?

    Even though everyone of them over the age of 18 who has not registered for the draft is guilty of committing a felony, you can bet Obama’s new little Liberal Nazis Entitlement Army will be given the chance to mend their ways in the minefields of the Middle East and Central Africa, but not before election day of course.

    Soon the secret will be out that Obama and his racialists minions in the Black community hate the non-racialist Hispanics and Latinos just as much as they hate the non-racialist Whites that don’t bow down to them, and almost as much as they hate those of us in our community who choose to expose them for the UN-American Racialist Gutter Trash Liberal Nazis that they are.

    maxxxem Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 4:06 am

    But they will play eastern NWO games

    mikeoxstiff Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 6:05 am

    China and Russia are part of the new world order. Syria is Russias last allie in the middle east so they will do anything to keep them in power

    Tom Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 11:50 am

    I think so too. Russia has declared herself the “Defender of Islam”, and has the #1 military in the world. And being communist with a planet-sized chip on their shoulder, I’m sure Russia is just aching to show the world what it can do.

    daniyel Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 7:49 am

    Mo Betta geet ready folks…Da Sheep’s about 2 hit duh Fan, as duh Global Cysts have 2 Tools in their hands:

    A Hammer named Putin a very sick Sickle named Barry Davis Soetero Barack Who’s Sane? Obama or whatever duh Hell his name is!!!

    Alex had an excellent interview with Daniel Estulin on his analysis of this seasons Bilderberg Meetings. Clearly even within the outer inner circle of this years Global Cyst attendees their is much concern for how duh UN-NATObamites should proceed on their Path to Persia. If Obama is The Joker in the Illuminati’s House of Cards, then Putin is the Commander of the SkunTank Pokemon Wildcards.

    Estulins website has an outstanding analysis of Bilderberg 2012, and his sources reveal just how much concern and trepidation the Global Cysts have about trying to get Putin UNder their control. Putin is a strong proponent of Russian Sovereignty, who thusfar hasn’t blinked in what appears to be an inevitable showdown in Syria. The Bildo Burgers gambit to try to groom Chessmaster Gary Kasparov as a more manageable replacement for a Putin has apparently backfired as their assessment is that Kasparov is simply not cunning ruthless enough to be a worthy opponent of Putin.

    My thoughts are that these unprecedented Joint Sino Russian Iranian Syrian War Games are perhaps just a stealthful show of strength on an outdated RISK Game board, on which a buildup of worthless game pieces are stacked upon the doomed Nation State of Syria in order for the Contaminated Stream Media to play up the “It’s US vs THEM” Oceania vs East Asia Grand Illusion.

    The Inner Circle of Global Cysts via their Wroth’s Child’s and Rocky Feller Banksters own both sides of this Heavy Weight Championship of the World. They are most likely stirring up both sides of this Middle East Showdown in their Caldron UNder their altar of Nation State Sacrifice.

    As the Promoters of this First Great War of the 21st Century they are financing both sides of this Military Industrial Insanity Complex, yet they will knot be in attendance Ringside when Da Sheep hits duh Fan. For their D.U.M.B. @$$et$ will be stashed deep UNder DIA Denver Airport or other secure locations to hide dimselves from the Flash Thermonuclear Flood UN-Leashed upon Plan Net Earth.

    When You see Damascus become a ruinous heep of Biblical Proportions Den Mo betta you find whatever refuge you can to try and ride the storm out, but don’t expect duh Global Cysts to open their beeg Storm Cellers when Da Sheep hits duh Fan. This may well be World Roar Three, but it’s knot yet time for Da Battle of Armageddon. Da Global Cysts have a hook in their jaw and are just playing out their demonic roles as they are following Albert Pike Mazzini’s Masonic Demon-Script to wage the final installment of Three World Wars before ushering in Dare New World Odor. Duh Global Cysts as Promoters of Dare side of this Cosmic Chessmatch could careless about the 2 Billion or so souls that shall perish in World Roar Three as they transition from the “Soft Kill” to duh “Hard Kill” phase of their End Game. Much less do they care about which side will “win” WW III. While they own all of the Horses and Game bits on this 21st Century Risk Board, their carefully selected Military Officers shall emerge from Dare D.U.M,B. @$$ Bunkers as the UN-contested “Global Force for Good” as duh vast majority of dazed and confused Survivors shall cry out for a “One World Government to save US from these dreadful wars!”

    Mo Betta geet ready folks…Da Sheep’s about 2 hit duh Fan, as duh Global Cysts have 2 Tools in their hands:

    A Hammer named Putin a very sick Sickle named Barry Davis Soetero Barack Who’s Sane? Obama or whatever duh Hell his name is!!!

  2. *****–R=O=C=K=E=F=E=L=L=E=R=/=E=L=I=T=E==O=I=L==W=A=R=S==I=N=C–*****

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y-O-U

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O-B-E-Y

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-O-N-S-U-M-E

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D+I+E

  3. The unfortunate thing for the Syrian people is that we’ve a weak international leader in office right now. Romney is a businessman and not an international thinker. With a strong economy a nation can effectively engage and promote its policies on the international stage. Our usual aggressive foreign policy is going to take steps off of the world stage as our severe economic and domestic problems are far more important and need to be addressed above all other things. That is the reality of our situation.

    Our former bought and paid for thugs in the region in Mubarak, Quadaffi, Hussein and the former leader of Yemen have all been removed. This administration was complicit in the demise of each. While they were leading their countries we had a lid on things but everybody knows that can’t last forever.

    This administration’s seeming outward “friendliness” with the Islamic rebels in each country isn’t something invented by and controlled by our president. He was told, as all other presidents are told, what to do and a timeline in which to get it done. All of the turmoil in the region is strictly economic as are the true reasons for all conflicts. Only portions of the Taliban and some Al Qaeda “true believer” ideologues appear to be acting largely according to philosophical/religious grounds.

    I believe all of these movements by Russia, China, Iran and the United States are in preparation to slice and dice up the region for future energy needs. Russia has a lot of national resources as does the United States. The “regulate” outflow from this region is the grand prize. China is not energy rich and therefore needs to tap into what it can get either through military conquest or purchase as they have the means to pay for energy – for awhile. China’s economy depends upon the West to survive. True, they are building domestic markets but how well can this nation survive if it winds up selling things to just its own people. It can’t – it needs capital and consumer markets from abroad even if those markets are weakened as the West is headed.

    If push comes to shove, the United States will not engage itself in Syria. The moves out of Moscow and Beijing in particular are well timed and present too much adversarial power for our military forces to impose anything over Syria. Providing munitions to the Syrian rebels will be practically impossible as naval forces from both Russia and China will prevent this transfer and will prevent American warplanes from patrolling the skies over Syria.

    The Syrian version of “Arab Spring” is going to prove to be even bloodier and even if Putin doesn’t support Assad, he will secure Syria with whomever he may be replaced with along with Russia’s allies.

  4. The way it looks before it’s all said and done, you just as well pull a Rand and support Mit Rumnuts, the future looks a little bleak to me.

    AandO Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 9:43 am


    The World looks bleak to you.

    No sane man would have said what you just did.

  5. Question? What party in Washington has approved/started/Instigated major wars prior to Bush regimes?
    Answer: The Democrouts
    The Demoos are prouderthanstinkingshit,that most Jews support them.Obama is just following in LBJ’s/truman/FDR(Jew)/Clinton/Wilson’s war crime footsteps

  6. Glad to see someone has the balls to stand up to these thugs. Lets get it ON!

    Midlands Jim Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 6:41 am

    And Fred, just who is it we’re standing up against? You must be an emotionally based/shoot from the hip type as your statement clearly suggests.

  7. After watching this news for so long, I have a sense of dragging a cart stacked with the bodies of millions of soon to be dead men, women, and children. If this river of blood isn’t stopped, it will turn into an ocean.

    Subscribe to my channel:


  8. What will Murder Inc. and their stooges do when they see the Rockets Red Glare, and the Bombs Bursting in Air?

    benjamina Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 7:18 am

    The globalists may be surprised just who leaves their camp, and also who shows up against them if battle time comes 🙂

  9. maybe the Paki’s will just say fuggit..
    nuke the Saudi’s, the Israeli’s, and the District of Criminals.

    Pakistan is supposed to be an ally but DC constantly kills there with drones..
    Iraq was supposedly an ally, so was Libya, and many others that’v been mowed over.
    with friends like that who needs enemas? I wouldnt blame em a bit.

    it isnt like “Israel” about Iran “they MIGHT build weapons they MIGHT attack us kill kill kill!”

    Iran can say the same, DC and Israel HAVE ATTACKED inside their country.
    computer viruses, assassination of scientists, surveillance drones and more.
    I wouldnt blame em a bit for a full on overkill retaliation…
    let Israel be a victim for REAL for once, friggin psychopaths.

    “holy land”, yeah it sure would be.. craters everywhere.

  10. china and russia know that the US army is controlled by jews who are systematically ridding the planet of the enemies of israel. china and russia MUST draw the line at syria. obama and that FAT-ASS, Hillary HORRID, BEEOTCH will back down. on the down-side; the likelihood of an accidental nuclear war is growing because of the immoral, illegal and unconscionable actions of The United States of Israel.

    Tom Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 11:54 am

    Close but no cigar. The New World Order is indeed systematically ridding the planet of (formerly) SOVERIEGN nations. They do this for themselves, not the Jews. They do this because they serve Satan. And the only nukes that will ever be used again are the ones that “rogue” nations have. WWIII will be electromagnetic wave technology-style weapons ALL THE WAY. China won’t rock the boat because the NWO rewards them for being a “model” nation (i.e. – perfect oppressive system), and Russia tows the line as well.

  11. The usual war mongers as many have already mentioned by the postings here are also supported by the empty headed Zionist suck ups that call themselves ‘Judeo/Christians’, the Sean Hannity crowd as Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann .With a large group of cheerleaders in most of Americas churches today all supporting and standing by with an itchy trigger finger thinking and hoping this is it folks Armegeddon at last !…..The long preached lie swallowed hook line and sinker , idiots ….But think about what the gasoline prices will soon do to whats left of the American economy when Israel sends American Gentiles off to die in yet another Jew war.

  12. USrael will cave when they’re up against significant foe. Especially since their pretext for war is all phony. Glad to see this happening. Putin is the NWO, Zio enforcer. Go Vlad!!

    Tom Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 11:55 am

    USreal is the fabricated distraction. The reality is that the NWO used our military until it was used up, now they have the NATO peacekeeping forces. But it’s regime change after regime change until they own it all.

    lessgov Reply:
    June 20th, 2012 at 11:57 am

    Vlad isn’t falling for this BULLSHIT. Oreo-boy is in over his afro-head.

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