Interview 1786 – WHO’s Sordid History of So-Called Pandemics

via CHD.TV: James Corbett and Meryl Nass continue their efforts to unpack the WHO’s vast bureaucratic overreach toward a global biosecurity state. Interpreting recently drafted amendments to the International Health Regulations for future pandemics, Nass and Corbett remind us of the sordid history of so-called pandemics, from Smallpox, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Zika, Ebola, Monkeypox to COVID, pointing out the failures of the WHO at dealing with nearly every one of them. Yet one area continuously prevails, curiously evading public questioning — the demand for toxic products and the success of selling pharmaceuticals, and the sleeper contracts which activate the WHO’s financial fangs. Don’t miss this quintessential duo on today’s ‘Good Morning CHD’.

The post Interview 1786 – WHO’s Sordid History of So-Called Pandemics first appeared on The Corbett Report.


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